
Emerging Markets Report: Piece of Cake

Emerging Markets Report: Piece of Cake

GlobeNewswire ·  08/23 02:14

An Emerging Markets Sponsored Commentary


ORLANDO, Fla., Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today's featured company is a simple story. It's a uranium play.


For those of you who have dabbled in the markets for any length of time you may recall that when uranium gets hot interest in companies pegged to yellow cake soars. This is hardly breaking news, just a simple and reflexive approach to market activity and the spot price.


For many, uranium companies like Generation Uranium Inc. (TSXV: GEN) (OTCQB: GENRF) (FRA: W85) present an opportunity to play uranium. Unlike gold or other metals, you can't stick Krugerrands or shiny bars of uranium in that secret spot behind the family portrait.

對於許多人來說,像 Generation Uranium Inc. (TSXV: GEN) (OTCQB: GENRF) (FRA: W85) 這樣的鈾公司爲玩鈾提供了機會。不像黃金或其他金屬,你不能把南非克魯格爾蘭特金幣或閃亮的鈾棒藏在家庭畫像的背後的祕密地方。

Uranium affords no such proximity.


So, when headlines like those below adorn the newsfeeds of 2024, publicly traded companies present some exposure to the phenomenon at hand. But first a few headlines and links:


Bloomberg: Deadly and Wildly Profitable, Uranium Fever Breaks Out
The radioactive metal's price is up 233%, revealing the speed at which the world is embracing nuclear power once again. Source.

這種放射性金屬的價格上漲了233%,顯示出世界再次接納核電的速度。 來源。

Forbes: U.S. Ban Could Spark Another 60% Hike In The Price Of Uranium
------- Source.


Hopefully, venerable Forbes and Bloomberg meet your journalistic standards.


Back to Generation Uranium, because, well, the Company is paramount in the success algorithm. It is easy to jump into a white hot industry and stake your claim literally or figuratively. That certainly doesn't mean you're going to succeed.


The Company has an exceptional Investor Presentation here and we strongly encourage you to check it out because A) it speaks quite well to the overall opportunity and momentum for uranium and B) how the Company is looking to execute in this opportunity.

公司擁有一個 傑出的投資者演示文稿 我們強烈建議您查看,因爲它對鈾的整體機遇和動力表現得非常好,並且公司在如何執行這一機遇方面表現出色。

Here are a couple points worth noting, paramount among them is that there appears to be significant interest in the power and efficiency of nuclear energy, energy that is reliant on yellow cake/uranium.


From the deck:


"The world needs more nuclear to achieve a low cost, reliable and greener future of energy and Canada is the second largest producer of Uranium in the world at 15%, behind Russia friendly Kazakhstan which produces 43% of the world's supply.


"Canada is home to the Athabasca Basin and the Thelon Basin, two of the highest-grade uranium districts in the world. Global Yellowcake supply is set to reach 145M lbs in 2024, but demand is already at 180M lbs, representing a roughly 35M lbs deficit.


"The World Nuclear Association expects demand to nearly double to 300M lbs by 2040. Nuclear Power needs to triple by 2050 to meet the Paris Accord goal of global temperature reduction.


"As of January 2024 there are around 60 nuclear plants under construction with another 110 planned (2) In 2022, global energy consumption was 31.6% from oil and 26.7% from coal while nuclear was only at 4%. A push for more reliable and greener energy at a low cost paves the way for significant nuclear energy growth."


Ok, that's the opportunity in the sector with a nod to Mother Canada which is both well-positioned with uranium and geo-politically stable. Times of war such as the Ukraine/Russia conflict remind us how important this component is.


But the deck goes on to eloquently lay out the opportunity that Generation Uranium is putting forth. The pitch is pretty concise and clear.


The Company is well-positioned with positions in multiple locations to capitalize on the enthusiasm for nuclear energy, a greener future, and affordable power.


Again, from the deck:


"In an era where the quest for sustainable and reliable energy sources intensifies, Generation Uranium emerges as a beacon of potential.


"At the heart of our mission lies the untapped riches of the Thelon Basin, poised to redefine the uranium market. Our strategic position, underscored by robust historical data and promising geological forecasts, sets the stage for unprecedented exploration opportunities.


"Join us as we embark on a journey to harness the power of uranium, fueling a greener future and offering a unique investment horizon. With Generation Uranium, you're not just investing in a company; you're investing in the future of energy."


It's more than just those catchy tag lines. The company has to perform, bring goods to market and tell their story to an investing public that is clearly enthusiastic about yellow cake. If it can perform into this white-hot market the rest can and should take care of itself.


Public companies like Generation Uranium can certainly provide investors with a chance to hold their own 'piece of (yellow) cake' if you will, as the company earns their trust and interest with the execution of a well-thought out business plan in one of the hottest industries on the planet.

像Generation Uranium這樣的上市公司當然可以爲投資者提供持有他們自己「一塊(黃)蛋糕」的機會,只要公司通過精心思考的業務計劃在這個地球上最炙手可熱的行業中贏得他們的信任和興趣。

About The Emerging Markets Report:
The Emerging Markets Report is owned and operated by Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC), a syndicate of investor relations consultants representing years of experience. Our network consists of stockbrokers, investment bankers, fund managers, and institutions that actively seek opportunities in the micro and small-cap equity markets.

新興市場報告是由新興市場諮詢(EMC)擁有和運營的,他們是一群投資者關係顧問組成的公司,具有多年的經驗。 我們的網絡包括股票經紀人,投資銀行家,基金經理和積極尋求微型和小型市值股權市場機會的機構。

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在我們推送信息之前,我們可能在被推薦公司的證券公開交易之前購買證券,然後在信息推送之前、期間或之後公開出售,並由此獲利。 EMC不驗證或支持其客戶公司的任何醫療聲明。

EMC has not been paid by GENRF for various marketing services including this report. EMC does not independently verify any of the content linked-to from this report. | Please read our full disclaimer.

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For media inquiries, please contact: Maggie Caraway

媒體垂詢,請聯繫:Maggie Caraway

