
8x8 CX Transformation and Innovation Driving Year-Over-Year Contact Center Momentum

8x8 CX Transformation and Innovation Driving Year-Over-Year Contact Center Momentum

8x8 CX的轉型和創新推動了年度聯繫中心的增長勢頭
8x8 ·  08/22 12:00

Industry-first Global CX 100 Awards, 8x8 CX Tour, and AI-Powered Cloud Platform Innovations Fueling Company Transformation and Customer Adoption

行業首個全球CX 100獎項、8x8 CX巡迴展以及人工智能驅動的雲平台創新推動公司轉型和客戶採用

CAMPBELL, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 22, 2024--8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT), a leading business communications, CX and CPaaS platform provider, today announced considerable momentum for its Customer Experience (CX) AI-powered platform transformation that is driving year-over-year contact center momentum.

8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT)作爲領先的業務通信、CX和CPaaS平台提供商,宣佈其客戶體驗(CX)人工智能平台轉型取得了顯著的動力,推動了年度聯繫中心的發展。

Spearheading the transformation are a series of initiatives focused on recognizing visionary CX leaders as well as helping organizations to deliver exceptional customer experiences, including:


  • 8x8 developed in partnership with Hot Topics the industry's first Global CX 100 Awards to honor CX pioneers that are pushing the boundaries of customer-centric leadership across the C-suite. The Global CX 100 Leaders, selected by an independent panel of judges, was revealed on August 19, 2024, and recognized the top 100 CX champions for their strategic innovation, visionary leadership and business accomplishments. The awards will culminate at The Studio USA at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, TN on October 28-30, 2024, and The Studio UK at the BAFTA in London on December 4, 2024.
  • 8x8 launched the 8x8 CX Tour, a seven-city roadshow starting in North America and extending to Europe. The tour showcases CX best practices and customer successes using the latest 8x8 Contact Center and AI-powered innovations. These advancements are enabling small to midsize enterprises to drive cross-organizational customer engagement and achieve strong business outcomes.
  • 8x8與Hot Topics合作開發了行業首個全球CX 100獎項,以表彰那些正在推動C級主管團隊全面引領客戶至中心的CX先驅者。全球CX 100領袖由獨立評委會選擇,於2024年8月19日公佈,表彰了前100位CX冠軍們的戰略創新、領導遠見和業績成就。獎項將於2024年10月28日至30日在美國納什維爾的Country Music Hall of Fame內的The Studio USA以及2024年12月4日在倫敦BAFTA的The Studio UK中舉行盛大頒獎典禮。
  • 8x8推出了8x8 CX巡迴展,這是一場從北美開始延伸至歐洲的七城巡迴展。該巡迴展展示了CX最佳實踐以及使用最新的8x8聯繫中心和人工智能創新取得的客戶成功案例。這些進步使中小型企業能夠推動跨組織的客戶參與度,並實現強有力的業務成果。

"Our continuing drive to transform 8x8's business and pace of innovation around all things CX has accelerated over the past year as we've made tremendous strides," said Samuel Wilson, Chief Executive Officer at 8x8, Inc. "As we help organizations exceed expectations and deliver business success, we are seeing increased customer adoption of our contact center. Underscoring 8x8's CX transformation, we are continuing to grow 8x8's multi-product CX cloud platform and enhance it with new capabilities."

"在過去一年中,我們不斷推動8x8在CX方面的業務轉型和創新速度,我們取得了巨大的進展," 8x8首席執行官Samuel Wilson說到。"隨着我們幫助組織超越期望並取得業務成功,我們看到客戶對我們的聯繫中心的採用在增加。強調8x8的CX轉型,我們將繼續發展8x8的多產品CX雲平台,並增加新的能力。"

8x8's CX transformation momentum is being fueled in part by organizations looking to adopt AI-powered, integrated CCaaS, UCaaS, and CPaaS platform solutions to enhance their customers' journey from anywhere within their business.


Business highlights as of June 30, 2024 include:


  • The total number of 8x8 Contact Center customers grew more than 9% with contact center agent seats up 8% year-over-year.
  • Significant traction with mid-sized enterprises with 250 or more contact center agent seats resulted in 35% year-over-year growth in this segment.
  • Sales of new 8x8 CX products were up 40% year-over-year. Existing 8x8 Contact Center customers enhancing deployments with additional CX products grew nearly 10%.
  • The number of customers using the AI-powered 8x8 Intelligent Customer Assistant has increased more than 200% year-over-year with the associated volume of digital and voice self-service interactions growing more than 200% for the quarter on a year-over-year basis and 48% quarter-over-quarter.
  • Organizations using 8x8 Contact Center for digital-first agents grew 8% with the volume of customer digital interactions orchestrated on the 8x8 platform up 14% year-over-year. Agents elevating customer interactions to video directly within the 8x8 Agent Workspace increased 150% quarter-over-quarter.
  • Monthly 8x8 CPaaS digital interactions increased 25% in the past six months, allowing 8x8 CPaaS customers to engage with more than 100 million consumers around the globe.
  • 8x8聯繫中心客戶總數增長超過9%,聯繫中心坐席數同比增長8%。
  • 中型企業(擁有250個或更多聯繫中心坐席)迅速發展,這一領域的增長率達到35%。
  • 新的8x8 CX產品銷量同比增長40%。現有的8x8聯繫中心客戶通過採用更多CX產品增長近10%。
  • 使用人工智能驅動的8x8智能客戶助理的客戶數量同比增長超過200%,數字和語音自助互動的相關量同比增長超過200%,季度同比增長48%。
  • 採用8x8聯繫中心進行數碼首發代理的機構增長8%,在8x8平台上編排的客戶數碼互動量同比增長14%。代理在8x8代理工作區內直接升級客戶互動至視頻的增長爲季度同比增長150%。
  • 過去6個月內,每月8x8 CPaaS的數碼互動增長25%,使8x8 CPaaS客戶能夠與全球超過1億消費者進行互動。

AI-Powered Innovation for Cross-Organizational Customer Engagement


Recent 8x8 CX Cloud Platform AI-powered innovations supporting customer engagement across the organization and highlighted at the 8x8 CX Tour include:

最近8x8 CX雲平台的人工智能創新支持組織各處的客戶參與,並在8x8 CX之旅中進行了重點介紹:

  • A more powerful large language model (LLM) engine improves transcription accuracy and expands language support, at no additional cost to customers. All interaction analytics services have been seamlessly updated to the latest model.
  • AI-based interaction summaries can be seamlessly integrated into an organization's CRM of choice, such as Salesforce and Zoho. Contact center agents on active calls can easily access summarizations of previous interactions through 8x8 Agent Workspace, providing more context about the customer to deliver a more personalized experience.
  • New capability allows organizations to "bring-their-own" AI (LLM) to 8x8 Contact Center. Businesses can leverage an existing AI provider for summarizations allowing supervisors to gain quick access to interaction summaries from third-party AI solutions within Supervisor Workspace for valuable insights.
  • 8x8 Intelligent Customer Assistant Support for Voice is a powerful, user-friendly conversational AI solution that enables businesses to create instant, effortless, and engaging self-service experiences. 8x8 Intelligent Customer Assistant now supports human-like voice as well as digital interactions across multiple regions and languages to deliver automation and personalized experiences at scale.
  • 更強大的大型語言模型(LLM)引擎提高了轉錄準確性,擴展了語言支持,而且對客戶沒有額外費用。所有互動分析服務已無縫更新至最新模型。
  • 基於人工智能的互動摘要可以無縫集成到組織首選的CRM中,例如Salesforce和Zoho。正在通話中的聯繫中心坐席可以通過8x8 Agent Workspace輕鬆訪問以前互動的摘要,爲了提供更個性化的客戶體驗提供有關客戶的更多上下文。
  • 新功能允許組織將他們自己的AI(LLM)引入8x8聯繫中心。企業可以利用現有的AI提供商進行摘要,從而允許監管人員在監控工作區內快速訪問來自第三方AI解決方案的互動摘要,以獲取有價值的見解。
  • 8x8智能客戶助理語音支持是一款功能強大、用戶友好的對話人工智能解決方案,使企業能夠創建即時、輕鬆且引人入勝的自助體驗。8x8智能客戶助理現在支持類似人類聲音的語音,以及跨多個區域和語言的數字互動,以實現規模化的自動化和個性化體驗。

8x8's cloud contact center and unified communications platform includes cloud contact center, business phone, video meetings, team chat, and SMS capabilities. The 8x8 platform is a resilient, secure, and compliant platform, offering the highest levels of reliability with a financially backed, platform-wide 99.999% uptime SLA across an integrated cloud UCaaS and CCaaS solution.


Learn more about the 8x8 CX Tour by visiting .

通過訪問了解更多關於8x8 CX之旅。

Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements including those related to our CX transformation, contact center momentum, and growth in new 8x8 CX products. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or our actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any such forward-looking statements. Readers are directed to 8x8's periodic and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a description of such risks and uncertainties. These risks could reduce the growth of our CX business and contact center momentum which could impact our revenues and profitability. 8x8 undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性聲明,其中涉及我們的CX轉型、聯繫中心勢頭以及新的8x8 CX產品增長。讀者應注意,此類前瞻性聲明涉及風險和不確定性,可能導致實際事件或實際結果與任何此類前瞻性聲明中所述的有實質性不同。讀者應查閱賽富時提交給美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的定期和其他報告,以了解此類風險和不確定性的描述。這些風險可能減緩我們的CX業務和聯繫中心勢頭髮展,從而影響我們的收入和盈利能力。8x8不承擔更新任何前瞻性聲明的義務。

About 8x8 Inc.


8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT) is a leading provider of integrated contact center, voice communications, video, chat, and SMS solutions built on one global cloud platform. 8x8 uniquely eliminates the silos across the entire organization to power the communications and customer engagement requirements of all employees globally as they work together to deliver differentiated customer experiences. For additional information, visit , or follow 8x8 on LinkedIn, X and Facebook.

8x8 is a trademark of 8x8, Inc.

8x8是8x8, Inc.的商標。

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