
Karim Rayani Appointed Executive Chairman of Europacific, Will Continue as CEO, Wazir Khan Joins the Board, Catalin Kilofliski Resigns

Karim Rayani Appointed Executive Chairman of Europacific, Will Continue as CEO, Wazir Khan Joins the Board, Catalin Kilofliski Resigns

Karim Rayani被任命爲歐洲太平洋執行主席,將繼續擔任CEO,Wazir Khan加入董事會,Catalin Kilofliski辭職
Accesswire ·  08/23 00:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 22, 2024 / Europacific Metals Inc. (TSXV:EUP)(OTCQB:AUCCF) (the "Company" or "EuroPacific") is pleased to announce that Mr. Karim Rayani, who has been serving as the Company's Chief Executive Officer, Director since October 17, 2023, has now been appointed as Executive Chairman of the Board effectively immediately. Mr. Rayani will continue to hold the position of Chief Executive Officer alongside of his responsibilities as Executive Chair succeeding Catalin Kilofliski. The board of Directors thanks Catalin for his years of service to the Company, he was instrumental in forming EuroPacific. We wish him well in his future endeavors.

董事會非常高興地宣佈,自2023年10月17日以來擔任公司首席執行官、董事的Karim Rayani先生將立即被任命爲執行董事長。Rayani先生將繼續擔任首席執行官職務,並在接替Catalin Kilofliski的職責時作爲執行主席。董事會衷心感謝Catalin多年來爲公司的服務,他在EuroPacific的建立中起到了重要作用。祝他未來事業一切順利。

In addition to these management changes, EuroPacfic has appointed Dr. Wazir Khan, a renowned exploration geologist with more than 30 years' experience spanning multiple metallogenic districts including Au-Cu-Mo-Ag porphyries, Abitibi greenstone epithermal Au deposits-Cariboo gold belt. He has expertise in mineral exploration from greenfield and brownfield to feasibility studies in the mining sector. He holds a Ph.D. in economic geology and igneous petrology from University of Iowa, USA, M.Phil. in mineralogy from University of Baluchistan, and M.Sc. in mineralogy/petrology, from University of Peshawar, Pakistan. His career includes work with the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Iowa Geological Survey, US, Noront Resources, Premier Gold Mines, Red Lake Gold Mines, Barkerville Gold Mines, Rich Copper Exploration and Advanced Gold Exploration. Dr. Khan has been a member of the team involved in early exploration work at Reko Dig Cu-Au porphyry deposit of Barrik Gold in Baluchistan, Pakistan, and early-stage exploration in discovery of Ring of Fire chromite, nickel, platinum, palladium, and zinc deposits in northern Ontario. He has supervised open pit mine operation of Barkerville Gold Mines at Bonanza Ledge mine in BC Cariboo gold belt, Key Lake and Hard Rock drill exploration programs for Goldstone Resources and Premier Gold Mines in Abitibi greenstone Belt, Buck Lake, Dobie Lake, and Melba drilling exploration for Rich Copper, Advanced United and Advanced Gold Exploration in Sault Ste Marie and Timmins areas in northern Ontario. Dr. Khan's teaching includes at University of Iowa as Teaching Assistant and Principal Scientific Officer at COMSATS, Abbottabad Pakistan. Dr. Khan is member of Geological Society of Canada. His geological research, geological mapping, metallogenic modelling, and exploration work has resulted in publications of over a dozen reports, maps and research papers.

除了這些管理變革外,EuroPacfic還任命了Wazir Khan博士,他是一位享有盛譽的勘探地質學家,擁有30多年的經驗,涉及到多個成礦區,包括Au-Cu-Mo-Ag斑岩、Abitibi綠巖型低溫Au礦牀-卡里布金礦帶。他在礦業部門的礦物勘探方面具有從原始實地到可行性研究的專業知識。他擁有美國愛荷華大學經濟地質學和岩漿岩學博士學位,巴魯奇斯坦大學礦物學碩士學位,巴基斯坦白沙瓦大學礦物學/岩石學碩士學位。他的職業生涯包括在巴基斯坦原子能委員會、巴基斯坦地質調查局、美國愛荷華州地質調查局、Noront資源、Premier Gold Mines、Red Lake Gold Mines、Barkerville Gold Mines、Rich Copper Exploration和Advanced Gold Exploration等公司工作。Khan博士是巴基斯坦俾路支省Barrik Gold Reko Dig Cu-Au斑岩礦牀早期勘探工作團隊的成員,參與了在安大略北部的火環地帶發現鉻、鎳、鉑、鈀和鋅礦牀的早期勘探工作。他監督了BC卡里布金礦帶Barkerville Gold Mines的Bonanza Ledge礦山露天採礦作業,爲Goldstone Resources和Premier Gold Mines在Abitibi綠巖帶、Buck Lake、Dobie Lake和Melba進行了硬巖鑽探勘探,以及Rich Copper、Advanced United和Advanced Gold Exploration在北安大略省索爾特聖瑪麗和蒂明斯地區的勘探工作。Khan博士的教學經歷包括在愛荷華大學擔任助教以及巴基斯坦COMSATS的首席科學官。Khan博士是加拿大地質學會的會員。他的地質研究、地質製圖、成礦模擬和勘探工作已發表了十幾篇報告、地圖和研究論文。

"Wazir Khan's addition to our board strengthens our technical capabilities, his extensive experience in finding and developing projects from exploration through development will be of great benefit to EuroPacific," said Karim Rayani, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of EuroPacific. "He will be a tremendous asset to the Company as we further develop our project portfolio in Portugal along the Iberian Peninsula. I would like to finish by thanking Catalin for his years of service to the Company, under his leadership the Company made great strides, and we wish him well in his future endeavors."

「Wazir Khan的加入增強了我們董事會的技術實力,他在尋找和開發項目方面的豐富經驗將對EuroPacific大有裨益,」EuroPacific的董事長兼首席執行官Karim Rayani說道。 「在我們進一步開發葡萄牙和伊比利亞半島的項目組合時,他將成爲公司的寶貴資產。謝謝Catalin多年來爲公司的服務,在他的領導下,公司取得了很大的進展,祝願他未來的事業一切順利。」

Corporate Update


The Company has completed 11 holes at the Miguel Vacas copper deposit totaling 1,410m. Most of the holes intercepted a wide quartz-breccia zone varying from approximately 5m up to more than 30m thick. An undercut 350m hole was completed in addition to the initial plan. Results have been received for eight of the eleven holes drilled to date. All holes have successfully intersected the breccia zone over a strike length of 1.1km and confirmed it is open along strike both to the north and south.


Significant results include (further details are summarized in the table below):


  • Hole # 1 - 22.8m grading 2.76 % Cu, from 49.4m with 9.0m grading 7.49% Cu from 57.8m

  • Hole # 3 - 12.3m grading 1.55% Cu, from 66.6m.

  • Hole #4 - 10.5m grading 2.56 % Cu, from 62.0m, with 5.0m grading 4.52% Cu, from 62.0m

  • Hole #8 - 14.1 m grading 1.06% Cu from 47.0m, with 6.9m grading 1.81% Cu, from 52.2m

  • 孔號100:2280萬,加工成分爲2.76%的銅,從4940萬初步確定,其中900萬銅成分爲7.49%,從57.8m處獲得

  • 孔號300:加工成分爲1.55%的銅,1230萬,從6660萬開始。

  • 孔號400:1050萬,加工成分爲2.56%的銅,從6200萬處開始,其中500萬加工成分爲4.52%的銅,從62.0m處獲得

  • 孔號800:加工成分爲1.06%的銅,1410萬,從4700萬開始,其中690萬加工成分爲1.81%的銅,從52.2m處獲得。

Based on these good results, a decision was made to drill a deeper hole (Hole #11) to investigate the primary ore at depth and to compare it with shallow intercepts regarding mineralogy, grades and thickness. Assays are pending from 3 holes including the undercut hole #11 which intersected significant sulphide mineralization at depth well below the supergene zone. The Company is still awaiting final assays.


About Europacific Metals Inc.


EuroPacific Metals Inc. is a Canadian public company listed on TSXV and in US on OTCQB. The Company holds brownfield gold, and copper-gold projects located in Portugal. The Company is focused on exploration in highly prospective geological settings in Europe jurisdictions. EuroPacific Metals ("EUP") owns a total of 100% equity interest in EVX Portugal, a private Portugal based company, that holds the legal exploration rights from the Portugal Government on the Borba 2 ("Borba 2") exploration properties, covering approximately 328 square kilometers in the Alentejo region in Southern Portugal. Miguel Vacas is the most advanced prospect within the Borba 2 license.

歐太金屬公司是一家加拿大上市公司,tsxv和美國otcqb上市。公司在葡萄牙擁有金色的棕色地塊和銅-金地塊。公司專注於歐洲管轄區高度有前途的地質背景下的勘探業務。歐太金屬公司(「EUP」)擁有EVX葡萄牙公司的100%股權,該公司是一傢俬營葡萄牙公司,控制着葡萄牙政府在阿連特茹地區的Borba 2(「Borba 2」)探礦權,佔地約328平方公里。Miguel Vacas是Borba 2許可證內最先進的前景。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Europacific Metals Inc.


Mr. Karim Rayani, Chair, Chief Executive Officer
11th Floor - 1111 Melville Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3V6

11th Floor - 1111 Melville Street
Vancouver,BC V6E 3V6

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SOURCE: Europacific Metals Inc.


