
AgEagle Aerial Systems Provides Positive Update on Sensor Sales

AgEagle Aerial Systems Provides Positive Update on Sensor Sales

AgEagle天線系統 ·  08/22 12:00

From July to mid-August sensor and sensor-related sales total $833,610


WICHITA, Kan., Aug. 22, 2024 — AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE American: UAVS) ("AgEagle" or the "Company"), an industry-leading provider of full stack flight hardware, sensors and software for commercial and government use, announces the Company has sold $833,610 of sensors and sensor-related accessories through its vast network of Value Added Resellers ("VAR") from July 1, 2024 to Aug 15, 2024. The Company closed sales of 87 sensors, including RedEdge-P, Altum-Pt and RedEdge-p Dual sensors and a variety of accessories.

美國股東ageagle天線系統公司(「AgEagle」或「公司」)是行業領先的全套飛行硬件、傳感器和軟件提供商,供商業和政府用途。 AgEagle Aerial Systems公司。 AgEagle公司自2024年7月1日至2024年8月15日通過其龐大的代理商網絡,銷售了833,610美元的傳感器和與傳感器相關的配件。該公司共銷售了87個傳感器,包括RedEdge-P、Altum-Pt和RedEdge-p Dual傳感器,以及各種配件。

Bill Irby, AgEagle President, stated, "We are grateful for the accretive growth achieved through our trusted VAR network as the Company achieves another notable sales milestone. Our best-in-class multispectral, panchromatic and thermal sensors are now integrated in over 150 different drones worldwide and distributed in over 70 countries. As our sensor products continue to fulfill the diverse needs of our commercial and government customers, we look forward to pursuing growth across our entire product line to best position the company for long-term shareholder value."

Bill Irby,AgEagle總裁,表示:「我們感謝通過我們可信賴的VAR網絡實現的增長,公司又實現了一個值得注意的銷售里程碑。我們的多光譜、全色和熱傳感器已經集成到全球超過150種不同的無人機中,並在70多個國家進行分銷。隨着我們的傳感器產品繼續滿足商業和政府客戶的多樣化需求,我們期待在整個產品線上實現增長,以更好地爲股東創造長期價值。」

Altum-Pt SensorOptimized 3-in-1 solution for advanced remote sensing and agricultural research. Seamlessly integrates a 12 MP high-resolution panchromatic sensor, a new thermal sensor that provides twice the ground resolution of the previous Altum, and five discrete spectral bands. NDAA compliant.

Altum-Pt傳感器是用於先進遙感和農業研究的優化三合一解決方案。它無縫地集成了一個12 MP高分辨率全色傳感器,一個新的熱傳感器,提供了以前的Altum的兩倍地面分辨率,以及五個離散的光譜波段。符合《2020年國防授權法》(NDAA)的要求。

RedEdge-P SensorHigh-resolution multispectral and RGB sensor features a high-resolution panchromatic band for pan-sharpened output resolutions of 2 cm / 0.8 in at 60 m / 200 ft. Its five narrow multispectral bands with scientific-grade filters make it the perfect camera for calculating multiple vegetation indices and composites.

RedEdge-P傳感器是高分辨率多光譜和RGb傳感器,具有高分辨率全色波段,可獲得6000萬/200 ft分辨率的全色增強輸出。它的五個窄多光譜波段帶有科學級濾光片,使其成爲計算多個植被指數和合成圖像的完美相機。

RedEdge-P DualFeatures 10 spectral bands for enhanced data comparison with satellites. High-resolution multispectral and RGB composite drone sensor for plants classification, weeds identification, environmental research and conservation, and vegetation analysis of water bodies.

RedEdge-P Dual傳感器具有10個光譜波段,可與衛星進行增強的數據比較。它是一款高分辨率的多光譜和RGb複合無人機傳感器,用於植物分類、雜草鑑定、環境研究與保護,以及水體植被分析。

About AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc.

關於AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc.

Through its three centers of excellence, AgEagle is actively engaged in designing and delivering best-in-class flight hardware, sensors and software that solve important problems for its customers. Founded in 2010, AgEagle was originally formed to pioneer proprietary, professional-grade, fixed-winged drones and aerial imagery-based data collection and analytics solutions for the agriculture industry. Today, AgEagle is a leading provider of full stack drone solutions for customers worldwide in the energy, construction, agriculture, and government verticals. For additional information, please visit our website at .

通過其三個卓越中心,AgEagle積極參與設計和提供解決客戶重要問題的最佳飛行硬件、傳感器和軟件。 AgEagle成立於2010年,最初旨在爲農業行業開發專有的專業固定翼無人機和基於航空攝影的數據收集和分析解決方案。 今天,AgEagle是全球能源、施工、農業和政府垂直領域客戶提供全套無人機解決方案的領先供應商。有關更多信息,請訪問我們的網站。 .

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such statements involve risks and uncertainties that could negatively affect our business, operating results, financial condition, and stock price. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from management's current expectations include those risks and uncertainties relating to our competitive position, our ability to fulfill all orders, the timing of completion of orders, the industry environment, potential growth opportunities, and the effects of regulation and events outside of our control, such as natural disasters, wars, or health epidemics. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in our expectations or any changes in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law.

本新聞稿可能包含根據 1933 年證券法第 27A 條和 1934 年證券交易法第 21E 條的「前瞻性陳述」。這類陳述涉及風險和不確定性,可能對我們的業務、運營結果、財務狀況和股價產生負面影響。導致實際結果與管理層當前預期不符的因素包括與我們的競爭地位、履行所有訂單的能力、訂單完成的時間、行業環境、潛在的增長機會以及監管和我們無法控制的事件的影響,如自然災害、戰爭或健康疫情。我們特此聲明,除法律要求外,我們無義務或責任公開發布任何對此處包含的前瞻性陳述進行更新或修訂的更新或修訂,以反映我們的期望變化或任何相關事件、條件或情況的變化。

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