
North Bay Resources Announces First Gold Concentrate at Mt. Vernon Gold Mine, Assays 12 Oz/ton Gold, 17.5 Oz/ton Platinum, and 8 Oz/ton Silver, Sierra County, California

North Bay Resources Announces First Gold Concentrate at Mt. Vernon Gold Mine, Assays 12 Oz/ton Gold, 17.5 Oz/ton Platinum, and 8 Oz/ton Silver, Sierra County, California

GlobeNewswire ·  08/22 21:28

BISHOP, Calif., Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- North Bay Resources Inc. (the "Company" or "North Bay") (OTC: NBRI) is pleased to announce results from gravity recovery testing of run-of-mine ore from the Mt. Vernon Gold Mine. The run-of-mine ore was crushed in a ball mill to minus 60 mesh and run over a gravity recovery table resulting in two concentrate streams at approximately 10x concentration of gold with assay results as follows:

加利福尼亞州主教,2024年8月22日(環球新聞社)- North Bay Resources Inc.("公司"或"北灣")(場外交易:NBRI)很高興地宣佈了來自弗農山金礦原礦石重力回收試驗的結果。原礦石在球磨機中碾碎至60目以下,然後通過重力回收台處理,結果產生了兩個濃縮流,含金濃度約爲金的10倍,化驗結果如下:

Sample I.D. Gold Platinum Silver
oz/ton oz/ton oz/ton
#C1 MV Cons 11.95 17.54 7.79
#C2 MV Cons 11.38 2.20 5.59
樣本編號 黃金 鉑金 白銀
盎司/噸 盎司/噸 盎司/噸
#C1 MV Cons 11.95 17.54 7.79
#C2 MV Cons 11.38 2.20 5.59

The testing was completed at Enviro-Chem Analytical Laboratory using run-of-mine ore from the main channel at the Mt. Vernon Gold Mine. While metallurgical testing is ongoing, initial results have confirmed the viability of extraction of gold, platinum, and silver using a basic grind and gravity recovery circuit. The test circuit is essentially identical to the grind and gravity recovery circuit at the Company's 100 ton per day Bishop Gold Mill. With mine and mill start-up currently underway, and as a result of the successful extraction and concentration of gold, the Company has begun testing of the on-site metals furnace and related equipment at the Mill for the purpose of upgrading concentrate into and pouring Dore bars and producing platinum buttons for shipment to the metals refinery in Reno, Nevada.

在Mt. Vernon Gold Mine的主河道上,Enviro-Chem Analytical Laboratory完成了對採礦石的測試。儘管冶金測試還在進行中,但初步結果已證實使用基本的研磨和重力回收工藝可以提取金、鉑和銀。測試工藝與公司每天100噸的Bishop Gold Mill中的研磨和重力回收工藝基本相同。隨着礦山和磨坊的啓動正在進行中,並且由於成功提取和濃縮金,公司已開始對Mill的現場金屬爐和相關設備進行測試,以升級濃縮物成爲金錠並生產鉑金按鈕,以便將其運往內華達州雷諾市的金屬精煉廠。



This is the first known discovery of platinum at Mt. Vernon. There has been little historical work done on platinum at Mt. Vernon. The region, in general, is not known for platinum. The Company is completing further work on this aspect of the deposit to further understand the gold-platinum relationship and the potential for increasing the per ton value of the ore by up to 50% in select concentrate streams. Recent results show a recoverable gold to platinum ratio of up to 1:1.5 through basic grind and gravity separation. Gravity recoverable platinum, while rare is not unknown in placer type deposits. The discovery of gravity recoverable platinum represents a significant advancement at the Mt. Vernon Gold Mine.

這是在Mt. Vernon首次發現鉑金。對於Mt. Vernon的鉑金,歷史上的研究很少。一般來說,該地區並不以鉑金而聞名。公司正在對礦牀的這一方面進行進一步的研究,以進一步了解金和鉑金之間的關係,並在選定的濃縮流中提高每噸礦石的價值高達50%的潛力。最近的結果顯示,通過基本的研磨和重力分離,可回收的金鉑比例可達1:1.5。重力可回收的鉑金雖然罕見,但在砂金類型礦牀中並不罕見。重力可回收的鉑金的發現代表了Mt. Vernon Gold Mine的重大進步。

Mt. Vernon Gold Mine

Mt. Vernon Gold Mine

The Mt. Vernon Mine is a largely undeveloped deposit, proximate to some of the richest past producing gold mines in North America. Mt. Vernon is a permitted underground mine with modern portal, tunnel, ventilation. power, and equipment. The ore body is estimated at 954,000 tons based on the known channel (B. Hanford 2023). The modern access tunnel at Mt. Vernon runs across the known 200-foot-wide gold bearing zone with consistent assays over 1 ounce per ton. The channel is up to 500 feet wide and extends over 2000 feet in length throughout the property. The channel varies in thickness from 4 feet to as much as 20 feet. Typically, the lower 4 feet of the channel contains the higher gold grades.

弗農山礦山是一個開發不足的礦牀,靠近北美一些最富有的過去生產黃金的礦山。弗農山是一座獲准的地下礦井,配備了現代的入口、隧道、通風、電力和設備。根據已知渠道(見b.Hanford 2023)的估計,礦石體積爲954,000噸。 弗農山的現代入口隧道貫穿已知的寬200英尺的富含金的帶狀地帶,均勻的檢測顯示每噸超過1盎司的含金量。該渠道寬度可達500英尺,沿着物業長度超過2000英尺。該渠道的厚度從4英尺到20英尺不等。通常,渠道的下部4英尺含有更高品位的黃金。

Murex Copper-Gold Exploration

Murex Copper-Gold Exploration

A second round of Summer Exploration at the Company's Murex Copper-Gold Project is currently underway. The Company has identified a high grade NE-SW copper trend at surface and has re-established the location of the known copper-gold deposit developed by Noranda (now Glencore) in the 1980's. Further sampling is underway and a comprehensive re-evaluation of the property will follow this second program.


Fran Gold Exploration

Fran Gold Exploration

The Company has completed property wide exploration at the Company's Fran Gold Joint Venture with assays now pending. A shipment of 5 x 50lbs samples has been shipped and received at the Company's Bishop Gold Mill for further evaluation and testing, including ore from the main Bullion Alley zone where consistent ore grade of 0.5 ounces per ton has been established over a wide area and is the focus of ongoing development.

公司已完成公司與Fran Gold合資企業的全面勘探,目前正在進行化驗。已發運5 x 50磅樣品,並已在公司的Bishop Gold磨坊收到,以供進一步評估和測試,包括來自主要Bullion Alley區的礦石,其一致的礦石品位爲每噸0.5盎司,已經在廣闊地區內得到確認,併成爲持續發展的重點。

On behalf of the Board of Directors of




Jared Lazerson

Jared Lazerson

X: @NorthBayRes


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