
SUCCESS Magazine Names The Joint Chiropractic One of the Top 50 Franchises

SUCCESS Magazine Names The Joint Chiropractic One of the Top 50 Franchises

《成功》雜誌將the joint按摩診所評爲前50大特許經營公司之一
PR Newswire ·  08/22 20:45

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Joint Corp. (NASDAQ: JYNT), the nation's largest franchisor of chiropractic care through The Joint Chiropractic network, was named one of the Top 50 Franchises in the May/June 2024 money issue of SUCCESS. The Joint is listed in the health and wellness category and is one of just a short list of brands chosen. The publication says "these tried-and-tested business opportunities come with more support, greater brand recognition and economies of scale."

SCOTTSDALE,亞利桑那州,2024年8月22日 /美通社/ -- The Joint Corp.(納斯達克:JYNT),作爲The Joint Chiropractic網絡下最大的脊醫護士特許加盟商,被列爲2024年5月/6月《SUCCESS》雜誌的前50名特許經營品牌之一。The Joint Chiropractic被列在健康和健身分類中,成爲少數被選中的品牌之一。該雜誌表示"這些經得起考驗的商機提供更多支持、更高的品牌知名度和規模經濟。"

"We greatly appreciate SUCCESS showcasing the benefits of franchising to its vast readership and honoring The Joint as one of its 50 top successful and fast-growing franchises," said Peter D. Holt, President and CEO of The Joint Corp.

「我們非常感謝SUCCESS向其廣大讀者展示特許經營的好處,並將The Joint評爲其50個最成功和快速增長的特許經營之一,」The Joint Corp.總裁兼首席執行官彼得·D·霍爾特說。

"We're honored SUCCESS named The Joint as one of its 50 top successful & fast-growing franchises," said Peter D. Holt.

「我們很榮幸SUCCESS將The Joint列爲其50個最成功和快速增長的特許經營之一,」The Joint Corp.總裁兼首席執行官彼得·D·霍爾特說。

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SUCCESS magazine, established in 1897 by philosopher Orison Swett Marden, offers advice on best business practices, inspiration from major personalities in business and entertainment, and motivation to improve mind and body so that readers are in the best possible mental and physical shape to compete and reach their goals.


The Joint Chiropractic is known for its convenient retail setting and concierge-style services. For patients, that means no-appointments, no-insurance hassles, affordable chiropractic care and accommodating hours of operations, including evenings and weekends.

The Joint Chiropractic的店鋪位置非常便利,提供禮賓式服務。對於病人來說,這意味着不用預約,不用爲保險忙碌,就能享受到實惠的脊椎按摩護理,開放的經營時間方便他們在晚上和週末獲得所需的服務。

About The Joint Corp.
The Joint Corp. (NASDAQ: JYNT) revolutionized access to chiropractic care when it introduced its retail healthcare business model in 2010. Today, it is the nation's largest operator, manager and franchisor of chiropractic clinics through The Joint Chiropractic network. The company is making quality care convenient and affordable, while eliminating the need for insurance, for millions of patients seeking pain relief and ongoing wellness. With over 950 locations nationwide and more than 13 million patient visits annually, The Joint Chiropractic is a key leader in the chiropractic industry. Consistently named to Franchise Times "Top 500+ Franchises" and Entrepreneur's "Franchise 500" lists and recognized by FRANdata with the TopFUND award, as well as Franchise Business Review's "Top Franchise for 2023," "Most Profitable Franchises" and "Top Franchises for Veterans" ranking, The Joint Chiropractic is an innovative force, where healthcare meets retail. For more information, visit . To learn about franchise opportunities, visit . To learn about franchise opportunities, visit .

關於The Joint Corp.
The Joint Corp.(納斯達克:JYNT)於2010年推出其零售醫療業務模式,徹底改變了獲得脊醫護理的途徑。如今,作爲全國最大的脊醫診所運營商、管理者和特許經營商,該公司正在爲數百萬尋求緩解疼痛和持續健康的患者提供方便、經濟實惠的優質護理,而無需保險。The Joint Chiropractic每年在全國擁有超過950個診所和超過1300萬名患者就診,是脊醫行業的主要領導者。The Joint Chiropractic一直名列《特許經營時代》「最佳500+特許經營品牌」和《企業家》「特許經營500」名單,並獲得FRANdata的TopFUND獎,同時還被《特許經營商業評論》評爲「2023年最佳特許經營品牌」、「利潤最豐厚的特許經營品牌」和「退伍軍人最佳特許經營品牌」,The Joint Chiropractic是醫療與零售相結合的創新力量。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。欲了解特許經營機會,請訪問。欲了解特許經營機會,請訪問。

Business Structure
The Joint Corp. is a franchisor of clinics and an operator of clinics in certain states. In Arkansas, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming, The Joint Corp. and its franchisees provide management services to affiliated professional chiropractic practices.

The Joint Corp.是一家特許經營的醫療診所及診所運營商。在阿肯色州、加利福尼亞州、科羅拉多州、哥倫比亞特區、佛羅里達州、伊利諾伊州、堪薩斯州、肯塔基州、馬里蘭州、密歇根州、明尼蘇達州、新澤西州、紐約州、北卡羅來納州、俄勒岡州、賓夕法尼亞州、羅德島州、南達科他州、田納西州、華盛頓州、西弗吉尼亞州和懷俄明州,The Joint Corp.及其加盟商提供附屬的專業脊椎按摩護理服務管理。

SOURCE The Joint Corp.

來源:美國證券交易委員會(The Joint Corp.)

