
LG Innotek Collaborates With World-leading Partner to Drive Its Digital Twin Technology

LG Innotek Collaborates With World-leading Partner to Drive Its Digital Twin Technology

PR Newswire ·  08/22 15:00
  • Preliminary verification of designs using virtual simulation, reducing development time by 99%
  • Increasing deployment of 'Digital Twin' technology to FC-BGA and electronic component production processes, maximizing manufacturing competitiveness
  • "LG Innotek to become a 'meta-manufacturing' company by advancing Digital Twin technology"
  • 通過虛擬仿真進行設計的初步驗證,將開發時間縮短了99%
  • 加強對FC-BGA和電子元器件生產過程的'數字孿生'技術的應用,以最大化製造競爭力
  • “LG Innotek通過推進數字孿生技術,成爲一個「元製造」公司

SEOUL, South Korea, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LG Innotek is accelerating its digital transformation to enhance business competitiveness.

韓國首爾2024年8月22日/ PRNewswire LG Innotek正在加速數字化轉型,以增強業務競爭力

On the August 22, LG Innotek (CEO Moon, Hyuksoo) announced that it will partner with Ansys, the world's top engineering simulation company, to expand the application of 'Digital Twin' technology to all its processes.

8月22日,LG Innotek(CEO Moon, Hyuksoo)宣佈將與全球頂級工程仿真公司Ansys合作,將'數字孿生'技術應用擴展到其所有流程中

'Digital Twin' is a technology that replicates objects in a virtual space to predict the outcomes of possible real-life situations through computer simulations. It is heralded as a technology capable of solving various industrial and social problems. In particular, it is being rapidly deployed in the manufacturing industry as it can reduce product development time and costs.


Ansys is known to possess world-leading technology and deployment experience in the field of simulation using 3D modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML). By collaborating with Ansys, LG Innotek will be able to leverage its latest 'Digital Twin' solutions and simulation software to build a state-of-the-art 'Digital Twin' environment.

Ansys被認爲在使用3D建模,人工智能(AI)和機器學習(ML)進行仿真領域擁有世界領先的技術和部署經驗。通過與Ansys合作,LG Innotek將能夠利用其最新的「數字孿生」解決方案和仿真軟件來建立一流的「數字孿生」環境

In collaboration with Ansys, LG Innotek conducted a trial application of its 'Digital Twin' technology to some development and production processes and has achieved tangible results. In the future, the company plans to expand the application of 'Digital Twin' to the development and production processes of its entire product range, including autonomous driving components such as vehicle connectivity and sensing devices.

在與Ansys合作的過程中,LG Innotek對其「數字孿生」技術進行了一些開發和生產過程的試驗應用,並取得了實質性的成果。將來,該公司計劃將「數字孿生」的應用擴展到其整個產品範圍,包括車輛互聯和感知設備等自動駕駛元件的開發和生產過程

  • Preliminary verification of designs using virtual simulation, reducing development time by 99%
  • 通過虛擬模擬進行初步設計驗證,將開發時間縮短了99%。

LG Innotek is reaping the benefits of its 'Digital Twin' in R&D. After verifying designs in a virtual environment, the company uses the data to minimize the number of tests that need to be conducted and the time it takes to conduct them.

LG Innotek 在研發中取得了'Digital Twin'技術的好處。在虛擬環境中驗證設計後,該公司利用數據減少了需要進行測試的數量和測試所需的時間。

It applied 'Digital Twin' technology to the development of package substrate (PS) products for semiconductors, managing to reduce the development time by 99%.

它將'Digital Twin'技術應用於半導體封裝基板(PS)產品的開發中,成功將開發時間縮短了99%。

Substrates require the minimization of 'Warpage' due to the heat and pressure to which they are exposed during manufacturing. This is achieved through a simulation process that optimizes the combination of the circuit design structure and materials composition ratio. Using virtual simulation through 3D modeling, LG Innotek has reduced the time required to predict the degree of 'Warpage' of a single substrate from 11 days to 3.6 hours.

在製造過程中,基板需要通過模擬過程來實現由於熱量和壓力造成的'翹曲'最小化。通過優化電路設計結構和材料組成比例的組合,LG Innotek通過三維建模實現了預測單個基板'翹曲'程度所需的時間從11天縮短到3.6小時。

  • Increasing deployment of 'Digital Twin' to FC-BGA and electronic component production processes, maximizing manufacturing competitiveness
  • 通過將'Digital Twin'技術廣泛應用於FC-BGA和電子元器件生產過程,最大化製造競爭力。

LG Innotek has expanded the application of 'Digital Twin' technology to not only product development but also the FC-BGA (Flip-Chip Ball-Grid Array) production process. Using this technology, the company has succeeded in halving the ramp-up period (increase in production capacity by enhancing yield in the early phases of mass production) by establishing optimal conditions for the FC-BGA production equipment.

LG Innotek將'Digital Twin'技術的應用擴展到不僅僅是產品開發,還包括FC-BGA(翻轉芯片球柵陣列)生產過程。利用這項技術,該公司成功地將FC-BGA的爬坡期(通過提高早期量產階段的良率來增加產能)縮短了一半,併爲FC-BGA生產設備建立了最佳條件。

In the past, the company had to conduct hundreds of tests to identify the optimal FC-BGA process conditions, which relied heavily on time and money. Using 3D modeling, it has replicated the FC-BGA production process in a virtual space.


Running the process in a virtual space enables the computer to visualize and identify problems that could occur with various process equipment. This makes it possible to meticulously optimize conditions, such as the flow of liquids, heat, and air that cannot be measured inside such equipment.


In addition, LG Innotek has managed to increase productivity by actively using 'Digital Twin' in the production process of electronic vehicle components. Since electronic vehicle components have a long product lifespan and are highly vulnerable to the weather, ensuring quality and reliability is crucial.

此外,LG Innotek在電子汽車元件生產過程中積極使用「數字孿生」來提高生產力。由於電子汽車元件具有很長的產品使用壽命,並且對天氣非常敏感,確保質量和可靠性至關重要。

LG Innotek applied 'Digital Twin' technology to the soldering process, which is a key process for ensuring the reliability of electronic vehicle components. The soldering process was simulated in a virtual space to predict the time it takes for the solder to crack. By optimizing process conditions such as the amount of solder applied and nozzle design to delay cracking as much as possible, the company plans to increase productivity by 40% compared to the previous process.

LG Innotek將「數字孿生」技術應用於焊接工藝,這是確保電子汽車元件可靠性的關鍵工藝。焊接工藝在虛擬空間中進行模擬,以預測焊點開裂所需的時間。通過優化工藝條件,如施加焊料的數量和噴嘴設計,儘可能延遲開裂時間,該公司計劃將生產效率提高40%,與先前工藝相比。

  • "LG Innotek to become a 'meta-manufacturing' company by advancing Digital Twin technology"
  • LG Innotek計劃通過推進「數字孿生」技術成爲一家「元製造」公司

Through its partnership with Ansys, LG Innotek plans to rapidly expand the use of 'Digital Twin' technology to all product lines and processes, including new growth businesses such as vehicle communication modules and LiDAR (light detection and ranging) devices.

通過與Ansys的合作,LG Innotek計劃迅速擴大「數字孿生」技術在所有產品線和過程中的應用,包括車輛通信模塊和激光雷達(LiDAR)設備等新的增長業務。

In the future, the company plans to expand the use of 'Digital Twin' technology to customers and partners across the entire value chain, from development to production. As a result, partners and customers will be able to collaborate on product design and simulate the efficiency of production processes on the virtual 'Digital Twin' platform built by LG Innotek.

在未來,該公司計劃將「數字孿生」技術擴展到整個價值鏈上的客戶和合作夥伴,從開發到生產。因此,合作伙伴和客戶將能夠在LG Innotek構建的虛擬「數字孿生」平台上共同設計產品並模擬生產過程的效率。

All of the data generated in the virtual space will be collected in real time and used to improve product design and customer processes. All data from LG Innotek, its partners, and customers will be organically connected and shared in real time, enabling systematic quality control and efficient development.

在虛擬空間中生成的所有數據將實時收集,並用於改進產品設計和客戶流程。來自LG Innotek、合作伙伴和客戶的所有數據將有機地連接並實時共享,從而實現系統化的質量控制和高效的開發。

Furthermore, AI will be applied to the virtual design and quality process verification to increase simulation speed and accuracy. AI will learn from the data collected through simulation to derive optimal solutions and support decision-making by engineers. LG Innotek believes the productivity gains will be multiplied by combining the strengths of virtualization and AI technology.

此外,將應用人工智能技術來加快虛擬設計和質量過程驗證的速度和準確性。人工智能將通過模擬收集的數據進行學習,得出最佳解決方案,並支持工程師的決策。LG Innotek相信,通過將虛擬化和人工智能技術的優勢結合起來,可以實現生產效率的倍增。

LG Innotek Chief Technology Officer S.David Roh said, "The future we envision at LG Innotek is meta-manufacturing, where simulation results from a virtual space are linked to physical production facilities and automatically lead to actual production." He added, "To this end, we will rapidly apply advanced 'Digital Twin' technology to the entire value chain, including R&D, production, and quality control, to create differentiated customer value."

LG Innotek首席技術官S.David Roh表示:「在LG Innotek,我們設想的未來是元製造,即將虛擬空間中的模擬結果與實際生產設施相鏈接,並自動導致實際生產。」他補充道:「爲此,我們將快速將先進的「數字孿生」技術應用於包括研發、生產和質量控制在內的整個價值鏈,以創造差異化的客戶價值。」

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