
MGIC Comments on the Recently Adopted PMIERs Updates

MGIC Comments on the Recently Adopted PMIERs Updates

PR Newswire ·  08/22 07:28

MILWAUKEE, Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation (MGIC), the principal subsidiary of MGIC Investment Corporation (NYSE: MTG), comments on the updates by the government sponsored enterprises (GSEs), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to the Private Mortgage Insurer Eligibility Requirements (PMIERs) Available Assets Standards.

密爾沃基,2024年8月21日/美國新聞社/ - 抵押擔保保險公司(MGIC)是MGIC Investment Corporation(紐交所股票代碼:MTG)的主要子公司,就政府贊助企業房利美和房地美對私人抵押保險人資格要求(PMIERs)可用資產標準的更新發表了評論。

"We are proud of the critical role private mortgage insurance (MI) plays in the housing finance system. PMIERs operational and risk-based capital requirements provide a strong foundation to serve low down payment borrowers while protecting the GSEs and taxpayers from undue mortgage credit risk and private MIs continue to be strong, well-capitalized counterparties," said Tim Mattke, CEO of MTG. "We appreciate the collaboration with the GSEs and support prudent PMIERs changes," added Mr. Mattke.

「我們爲私人抵押保險(MI)在住房金融體系中發揮的關鍵作用感到驕傲。 PMIERs的運營和風險爲基礎的資本要求爲爲低首付款借款人提供了堅實的基礎,同時保護了GSEs和納稅人免受不當的抵押信貸風險,私人MI繼續是強大的、資本充足的交易對手,」 MGIC首席執行官蒂姆·馬特克(Tim Mattke)表示。「我們感謝與GSEs的合作,支持審慎的PMIERs變化,」馬特克先生補充道。

The latest updates relate to exclusions, concentration limits, and haircuts to investments that qualify as Available Assets and will be implemented over a 24-month phased-in period, with a fully effective date of September 30, 2026. If these changes were effective as of June 30, 2024, without a graduated implementation period, MGIC's Available Assets of $5.8 billion would decrease by approximately 1% or $50 million, and MGIC's PMIERs excess would be $2.3 billion.

最新的更新涉及排除、集中限制和對符合可用資產標準的投資的貼現,並將在爲期24個月的分階段期間實施,2026年9月30日完全生效。 如果這些變化自2024年6月30日起生效,而沒有分階段實施期,MGIC的可用資產將減少約1%或5000萬美元,MGIC的PMIERs盈餘將爲23億美元。

About MGIC


Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation ("MGIC") (), the principal subsidiary of MGIC Investment Corporation, serves lenders throughout the United States, helping families achieve homeownership sooner by making affordable low-down-payment mortgages a reality through the use of private mortgage insurance.

MGIC Investment Corporation的主要子公司抵押擔保保險公司("MGIC")爲美國各地的放貸人服務,通過使用私人抵押保險,幫助家庭儘早實現購房夢想,從而實現可承擔的低首付抵押貸款。

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SOURCE MGIC Investment Corporation


