
Job Redesign Can Help Meet Evolving Employee and Organizational Needs, According to New Guide From HR Research & Advisory Firm McLean & Company

Job Redesign Can Help Meet Evolving Employee and Organizational Needs, According to New Guide From HR Research & Advisory Firm McLean & Company

根據人力資源研究諮詢公司McLean & Company的新指南,職位重新設計可以幫助應對不斷變化的員工和組織需求。
PR Newswire ·  08/22 02:07

In a new resource designed to help HR optimize individual jobs or job families, McLean & Company highlights that job design is critical to individual and organizational effectiveness. The HR Guide to Job Redesign is intended to help HR leaders determine the best solution and approach to job redesign to meet both the needs of the organization and its employees.


TORONTO, Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - As organizations increasingly prioritize employee retention, engagement, and experience amid uncertain economic conditions, global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company has released a new resource for HR leaders, the HR Guide to Job Redesign. In the guide, the firm explains that creating alignment between a job's key tasks, duties, responsibilities, and interactions is associated with improved productivity, decreased turnover, and enhanced employee wellbeing. However, when done ineffectively, job redesign presents risks to organizations' increasingly employee-focused priorities. To avoid such risks, McLean & Company advises that organizations involve employees in the redesign process to best address expanding employee needs alongside the needs of the organization.

多倫多,2024年8月21日/ PRNewswire / -隨着組織在不確定的經濟環境中越來越重視員工保留,參與和體驗,全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司McLean&Company爲人力資源領導者發佈了一項新的資源,即《人力資源工作再設計指南》。在指南中,該公司解釋了將工作的關鍵任務,職責和互動之間建立一致性與提高生產力,降低員工流失和提升員工福祉有關。然而,當工作再設計不當時,會對組織日益以員工爲中心的優先事項帶來風險。爲了避免此類風險,McLean&Company建議組織應讓員工參與到再設計的過程中,以最好地滿足員工需求和組織需求的擴大。

According to the new guide from McLean & Company, job design is not one-dimensional. Impactful redesign requires deconstruction and intentional analysis of each job component to address pain points and promote efficiency while balancing the needs of the organization and employees. (CNW Group/McLean & Company)
根據McLean&Company的全新指南,工作設計並非一維的。影響力重大的再設計需要對每個工作組成部分進行分解和有意識的分析,以解決痛點並促進效率,同時平衡組織和員工的需求。(CNW Group / McLean&Company)

According to the firm's recently published guide, several scenarios can prompt organizations to redesign jobs, including shifts in organizational needs, decreased employee engagement, integration of new technology, imbalanced workloads, limited budgets, or changes in the workforce.


"Job design is not one-dimensional. Impactful redesign requires deconstruction and intentional analysis of each job component to address pain points and promote efficiency while balancing the needs of the organization and employees," says Grace Ewles, director of HR Research & Advisory Services at McLean & Company. "It's important that the human element of the job is not taken for granted. Redesigning jobs without incorporating the employee voice risks significant resource investment with limited return as changes may not effectively address underlying pain points."

「工作設計並非一維的。影響力重大的再設計需要對每個工作組成部分進行分解和有意識的分析,以解決痛點並促進效率,同時平衡組織和員工的需求,」McLean&Company的人力資源研究與諮詢服務主管Grace Ewles表示。「不能忽視工作的人爲因素非常重要。在不納入員工聲音的情況下進行工作再設計,會在有限的回報中產生可觀的資源投入,因爲這些變化可能無法有效解決根本問題。」

McLean & Company's new guide includes four easy-to-follow sections for HR leaders:

McLean & Company的新指南包括四個便於HR領導者跟隨的部分:

  1. Uncover. In the first section, HR leaders will review guiding principles for effective job redesign, confirm the need for job redesign using data, and invite key players to be involved in the process. Next, while remaining mindful of project constraints, they'll prioritize jobs to be redesigned based on team and individual impacts while involving employees in the process.
  2. Analyze. In the second section, the resource provides leaders with insights to successfully review prioritized jobs to identify underlying pain points, strengths, and opportunities to inform job redesign and the selection of goals and metrics to track success.
  3. Design. In the third section, HR leaders will review and select methods for job redesign based on the insights gathered in the previous section, identify impacts to adjacent jobs, and build a roadmap for implementation.
  4. Implement. In the fourth and final section, HR leaders will find guidance to help them identify areas to align with redesigned jobs, such as job descriptions and performance management. Finally, they will prepare managers and employees for change and plan to monitor impact and adjust the design as needed.
  1. 發現。在第一部分中,HR領導者將會回顧有效的工作重設計原則,使用數據確認工作重設計的需求,並邀請關鍵參與者參與到這一過程中。接下來,在考慮項目限制的同時,他們會根據團隊和個人影響,優先考慮需要進行重設計的工作,並讓員工參與到這一過程中。
  2. 分析。在第二部分中,該資源爲領導者提供了關於成功審查優先考慮的工作,以確定潛在痛點、優點和機會,這些信息會指導工作重設計並選擇目標和度量標準來追蹤成功。
  3. 設計。在第三部分中,HR領導者將會根據前一部分收集到的見解,審查並選擇工作重設計的方法,識別對相鄰工作的影響,並制定實施路線圖。
  4. 實施。在第四個也是最後一個部分,HR領導者將會找到指南來幫助他們確定與重新設計的工作保持一致的領域,比如工作描述和績效管理。最後,他們會爲變革做準備,計劃監測影響,並根據需要調整設計。

To access the full blueprint, including sample accountabilities for key players, sample interview questions for managers and employees, and additional job analysis methods, please visit HR Guide to Job Redesign.


To attend upcoming free webinars on a variety of topics or explore the publicly available archive of recorded sessions, please visit McLean & Company's webinars page.

要參加即將舉行的免費網絡研討會,並探索公開可用的錄製會議存檔,請訪問McLean & Company的網絡研討會頁面。

McLean Signature 2024 Conference


To register for Signature, McLean & Company's premier industry conference for future-focused HR leaders, please visit the official Signature event page. This year Signature will take place from October 27 to 29 at Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada.

要註冊Signature,McLean & Company面向未來的人力資源領袖的首屈一指的行業會議,請訪問官方Signature事件頁面。今年的Signature將於10月27日至29日在內華達州拉斯維加斯的Red Rock Casino Resort&Spa舉行。

Media interested in connecting with McLean & Company analysts for exclusive, research-backed insights and commentary on generative AI in HR, HR trends in 2024, the future of work, and more can contact Senior Communications Manager Kelsey King at [email protected].

希望與麥克林公司的分析師聯繫,以獲取獨家的基於研究的洞察和評論,包括HR中的生成AI、2024年的HR趨勢、未來的工作等等,可以聯繫高級通信經理Kelsey King [email protected]。

About McLean & Company

McLean & Company將基於證據的研究和立即可用的工具與深刻的人力資源專業知識相結合,爲組織定位以滿足當今的需求,併爲未來做好準備。全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司的會員組織享有全面的資源、全套診斷、研討會、行動計劃和諮詢服務,可爲各級人力資源專業人士塑造一個每個人都能茁壯成長的工作場所。

McLean & Company pairs evidence-based research and immediately applicable tools with deep HR expertise to position organizations to meet today's needs and prepare for the future. The global HR research and advisory firm's member organizations enjoy comprehensive resources, full-service diagnostics, workshops, action plans, and advisory services for all levels of HR professionals, from executive leadership to HR leaders to HR team members, that help shape workplaces where everyone thrives.


McLean & Company is a division of Info-Tech Research Group.


Media professionals can register for unrestricted access to research across IT, HR, and software and hundreds of industry analysts through the firm's Media Insiders program. To gain access, contact [email protected].

媒體專業人士可以通過該公司的媒體內幕計劃獲得跨IT,HR和軟件以及數百名行業分析師的研究。要獲取訪問權限,請聯繫[email protected]。

SOURCE McLean & Company


