
Pharmaniaga's Remedy Working As 1H Profit Jumps Six-Fold To RM30 Million

Pharmaniaga's Remedy Working As 1H Profit Jumps Six-Fold To RM30 Million

Business Today ·  08/21 21:55

Pharmaniaga Berhad's financial results for the first half ended 30 June 2024 with Profit After Tax rising to RM30 million, up from RM5.1 million in the same period last year.

Pharmaniaga Berhad截至2024年6月30日的上半年財務業績,稅後利潤從去年同期的51萬令吉增至3000萬令吉。

During the first half of FY2024, the group posted a 4.3% increase in revenue to RM1.8 billion compared with RM1.7 billion in the preceding year's corresponding period, due to improved customer demand in the concession and Indonesia segments. The Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation And Amortisation (EBITDA) was RM97.8 million, up by 53.5% against the same half last year of RM63.7 million, while Profit Before Zakat and Taxation (PBT) soared by 172.8% to RM42.4 million from RM15.5 million.

在 FY2024 的上半年,該集團公佈收入增長了4.3%,至18令吉,而去年同期爲17令吉,這是由於特許權和印度尼西亞領域的客戶需求有所改善。扣除利息、稅項、折舊和攤銷前的收益(EBITDA)爲9780萬令吉,較去年同期的6370萬令吉增長了53.5%,而稅前利潤(PBT)從1550萬令吉飆升了172.8%,至4240萬令吉。

The results were driven primarily by the Group's cost optimisation initiatives that have contributed to the reduction of operating expenses by 11.1% during the first half year, against the same period in 2023.


For the second quarter of FY2024, Pharmaniaga posted RM3.8 million PAT higher by 65.5% compared with RM2.3 million in the same quarter last year. Meanwhile, the Group recorded a lower PBT of RM3.3 million, against RM6.3 million in the corresponding quarter of 2023, mainly due to higher finance cost resulting from increased borrowings. The Group also registered RM838.3 million in revenue, 1.2% lower compared with RM848.7 million in the same quarter last year, while EBITDA recorded a 0.2% increase to RM31.3 million, from RM31.2 million.

在 FY2024 的第二季度,Pharmaniaga公佈的年利率爲380萬令吉,與去年同期的230萬令吉相比,上漲了65.5%。同時,該集團的PbT較2023年同期的630萬令吉有所下降,爲330萬令吉,這主要是由於借款增加導致財務成本上漲。該集團的收入還爲83830萬令吉,與去年同期的84870萬令吉相比下降了1.2%,而息稅折舊攤銷前利潤從3120萬令吉增長了0.2%,至3130萬令吉。

