
Lama AI and Bridge Announce Strategic Partnership to Revolutionize Commercial Lending Distribution

Lama AI and Bridge Announce Strategic Partnership to Revolutionize Commercial Lending Distribution

Lama AI和Bridge宣佈戰略合作,推動商業貸款分銷變革
PR Newswire ·  08/21 19:00

NEW YORK, Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lama AI, the award-winning AI-powered origination technology provider for the financial industry is pleased to announce a new partnership with Bridge. Bridge is a cutting-edge digital platform that connects business owners seeking capital with a diverse network of lenders.

Lama AI,一家在金融業提供人工智能原始技術的知名公司,很高興宣佈與Bridge達成了一項新的合作伙伴關係。Bridge是一個先進的數字平台,將尋求資金的企業主與各種各樣的貸款人網絡聯繫在一起。

This strategic partnership allows Lama AI customers to benefit from access to Bridge's marketplace - sourcing business loan needs through various sources and partnerships. Complementing the multitude of available sources within Lama AI, this collaboration offers banks the option to grow their portfolio through diversified deal flow sources, while dramatically increasing efficiencies around pre-qualification and end-to-end origination.

這個戰略伙伴關係使得Lama AI的客戶能夠從Bridge的市場中受益,通過各種渠道和合作夥伴尋找商業貸款需求。在豐富的Lama AI可用渠道之外,這種合作伙伴關係爲銀行提供了通過多樣化的交易流量來源擴展其投資組合的選擇,同時大幅提高了預先資格審查和端到端原始工作的效率。

Renowned for its revolutionary approach to Responsible AI in banking, Lama AI enables banks and credit unions to boost efficiency by 10x and drive significant portfolio growth with advanced AI capabilities, including AI-assistant, smart document management, and automated credit decisioning workflows. Flow, Lama AI's embedded distribution product, transforms how financial institutions access opportunities. It allows banks to connect with a vast array of distribution channels, and enhance distribution efficacy at the click of a button.

Lama AI以其在銀行業中創新的負責任人工智能方法而聞名,藉助先進的人工智能能力(包括智能助手、智能文檔管理和自動信貸決策工作流程),使銀行和信用合作社的效率提高了10倍,並實現了大幅度的投資組合增長。Lama AI嵌入式分銷產品Flow,改變了金融機構獲得機會的方式。它讓銀行能夠與各種各樣的分銷渠道建立聯繫,並通過點擊按鈕提高分銷效果。

"We're thrilled to partner with Lama AI, which shares our mission to improve and make commercial lending more accessible for underrepresented communities," said Harte Thompson, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Bridge. "This collaboration enhances our ability to connect business owners with the best lending opportunities, providing a seamless and efficient solution that benefits both lenders and borrowers. By leveraging Lama AI's advanced capabilities, we are confident in our ability to expand our reach and better serve the diverse needs of our clients."

Bridge的聯合創始人兼首席運營官Harte Thompson表示:「我們很高興與Lama AI建立合作伙伴關係,兩者都致力於改善和使得商業貸款更容易獲得,尤其是對於被較少代表的社區來說。」他還說:「這種合作關係增強了我們與企業主之間的聯繫,並提供了一個簡單高效的解決方案,使貸款人和借款人皆得益。」他們相信藉助Lama AI的先進能力,他們有能力擴大市場的影響力,更好地滿足客戶多樣化的需求。

"We are excited to partner with Rohit, Harte, and the Bridge team, marking a significant step toward democratizing market collaboration and unlocking opportunities in the business lending landscape," said Omri Yacubovich, CEO & Co-Founder of Lama AI. "Banks shouldn't limit their future growth to a single source of loan opportunities. Instead, they should focus on ensuring their technological readiness to expand their reach, enabling them to become agile and efficient players in digital and embedded lending ecosystems."

Lama AI的首席執行官兼聯合創始人Omri Yacubovich表示:「我們很激動地與Rohit、Harte和Bridge團隊成爲合作伙伴,這是朝着民主化市場合作和解鎖商業貸款領域的機會邁出的重要一步。」他還表示:「銀行不應限制其未來增長的貸款來源於單一渠道,相反,他們應專注於確保自身的技術準備,以擴大市場影響力,使其能夠成爲數字化和嵌入式借貸生態系統中敏捷高效的參與者。」

About Bridge


Bridge is a digital platform that connects middle-market borrowers with a diverse network of debt capital providers. Through Bridge, businesses and real estate developers gain access to a transparent, simple, and competitive financing process, while lenders expand their reach to connect with new target market clients. Lenders on Bridge include Regional and National Commercial Banks, Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), Minority Depository Institutions, and Private Lenders. Bridge has also established corporate partnerships with industry leaders such as Walmart, Hilton, Best Buy, Chipotle, and Verishop, and is backed by investors including Citi, US Bank, Fifth Third, TTV Capital, Fin Capital and more. Learn more at

Bridge是一個數字平台,將中等市場借款人與多元化的債務資本提供方連接起來。通過Bridge,企業和房地產開發商可以獲得透明、簡單和具有競爭力的融資流程,而借貸方可以擴大自己的覆蓋範圍,與新的目標市場客戶聯繫起來。Bridge上的貸方包括區域和國家商業銀行、社區發展金融機構(CDFIs)、少數民族儲蓄機構和私人貸方。Bridge還與沃爾瑪、希爾頓、百思買、Chipotle和Verishop等行業領導者建立了公司合作伙伴關係,並得到了花旗銀行、美國銀行、第五第三銀行、TTV Capital、Fin Capital等投資者的支持。了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Lama AI

關於Lama AI

Lama AI provides an award-winning end-to-end origination platform, helping banks boost efficiency while supporting significant portfolio growth. Trusted by leading community and regional banks, Lama AI enables its partners to onboard customers quickly while offering a wider range of financial products without compromising target risk levels. Lama AI is on a mission to provide small businesses with fair capital in a more profitable and user-friendly manner. Learn more at

Lama AI提供一套屢獲殊榮的綜合起源平台,幫助銀行提高效率,同時支持大規模的投資組合增長。受到領先的社區和區域銀行的信任,Lama AI讓其合作伙伴能夠快速引入客戶,同時提供更廣泛的金融產品,而不降低目標風險水平。Lama AI的使命是以更有利可圖和用戶友好的方式爲小企業提供公平資本。了解更多信息,請訪問

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聯繫人:[email protected]

SOURCE Lama AI; Bridge

資料來源:Lama AI;Bridge

