
Cape EMS PAT Plunges 39% Impacted by Stronger Ringgit, Will It Rebound?

Cape EMS PAT Plunges 39% Impacted by Stronger Ringgit, Will It Rebound?

Cape EMS PAt下跌39%,受馬幣走強影響,會復甦嗎?
Business Today ·  08/21 15:20

The $CEB (5311.MY)$ announced its financial results for the second quarter with a revenue of RM166.6 million up 36.8% as compared to RM121.8 million in the corresponding period of the preceding year. The group atrribued the growth from stronger contributions from both industrial and consumer electronic products under the EMS segment, particularly in wireless communication equipment, electronic cigarettes, light electrical vehicles, and the newly acquired subsidiary, iConn Inc. Currently,

這個 $CEB (5311.MY)$ 公佈了第二季度的財務業績,收入爲16660萬令吉,與去年同期的12180萬令吉相比,增長了36.8%。該集團將增長歸因於EMS領域工業和消費電子產品的強勁貢獻,特別是在無線通信設備、電子煙、輕型電動汽車以及新收購的子公司iConn Inc.方面。目前,

It added the dealing in predominantly in USD adversely affected by the strengthening of the MYR, as a result, profit after tax moderated by 39.6% year-on-year, declining from RM15.2 million in 2Q FY2023 to RM9.2 million in 2Q FY2024.

它補充說,受馬幣走強的不利影響,主要以美元進行交易,因此,稅後利潤同比放緩了39.6%,從 FY2023 第二季度的1520萬令吉下降至第二季度 FY2024 的92萬令吉。

For the cumulative first six months of the year ("1H FY2024"), the Group registered revenue of RM321.0 million, a significant uptick of 23.9% as compared to 1H FY2023. The Group's PAT of RM22.6 million in 1H FY2024 was only marginally lower than the RM23.7 million achieved a year ago, despite the challenges mentioned above. As at 30 June 2024, the balance sheet remained fundamentally strong with cash and cash equivalents of RM162.2 million, a low net gearing ratio of 0.03 times and net assets per share of 48 sen.

在今年的前六個月(「2024財年上半年」)中,該集團的累計收入爲32100萬令吉,與 FY2023 上半年相比大幅增長了23.9%。儘管面臨上述挑戰,但該集團在 FY2024 上半年實現的2260萬令吉的PaT僅略低於一年前的2370萬令吉。截至2024年6月30日,資產負債表基本保持強勁,現金及現金等價物爲16220萬令吉,淨資產負債率爲0.03倍,每股淨資產爲48仙。

  • Revenue reached RM166.57 million, up 36.8% (YoY);

  • Net income was RM9.16 million, down 39.6% (YoY);

  • EPS was 0.88 sen, down 46.3% (YoY)

  • 收入達到16657萬令吉,同比增長36.8%;

  • 淨收入爲91.6萬令吉,同比下降39.6%;

  • 每股收益爲0.88仙,同比下降46.3%

Source: Announcement

來源: 公告

