
Embraer Unveils New Entrance Gate at Ozires Silva Unit

Embraer Unveils New Entrance Gate at Ozires Silva Unit

Embraer S.A. ·  08/19 12:00

São José dos Campos, Brazil, August 19, 2024 - Embraer today unveiled a new entrance gate at its main industrial complex, the Ozires Silva Unit, in São José dos Campos, as part of its 55th anniversary celebration. The company was founded in Brazil on August 19, 1969.

巴西聖何塞-半導體,2024年8月19日 - 今天,巴西航空工業慶祝其成立55週年,揭開了巴西聖何塞主產業基地Ozires Silva分部的新入口門。該公司成立於1969年8月19日。

The eight-meter-wide new entrance features a historic EMB-110 Bandeirante aircraft suspended at 10 meters high. Previously in an internal area of the company, it is now positioned for permanent display closer to the avenue that gives access to the factory and the city's airport.

全新的8米寬入口門高掛一架歷史悠久的EMb-110 Bandeirante飛機,懸掛在10米高處。此前位於公司內部區域,現在被永久展示在更靠近通往工廠和城市機場的大道旁。

"The new portal represents the takeoff of a dream that became a reality, thanks to the efforts of a group of visionaries who believed that it was possible for Brazil to build its own aircraft," said Luis Carlos Marinho, Executive Vice President & COO at Embraer. "The Bandeirante aircraft is a historic symbol of the company, and we are very happy to position it as a monument at the company's main entrance in order to inspire our people and the community of São José dos Campos."

「新門戶象徵着一個理想的起飛,這個夢想因一群有遠見的人的努力而成爲現實,他們相信巴西可以建造自己的飛機,」巴西航空工業執行副總裁兼首席運營官Luis Carlos Marinho表示。「Bandeirante飛機是公司的歷史象徵,我們很高興將其定位在公司的主要入口處,成爲一個紀念碑,激勵我們的員工和聖何塞-半導體社區。」

The architectural design enhances both safety and comfort for accessing the company while integrating with the local landscape. This allows the public to appreciate the design and strengthens the connection with the community.


The first Embraer factory, which in 2021 was renamed "Ozires Silva" unit in honor of the engineer and former Air Force officer who led the group of visionaries responsible for creating the company in 1969, was the production site for the company's historic aircraft such as the Bandeirante, Xavante, Ipanema, Xingu, Brasília, Tucano, AMX, the ERJ-145 family and executive jets. Currently, it mainly focuses on the development, manufacturing and support activities of the E-Jets E1 and E2 family of commercial jets.

第一家巴西航空工業工廠,2021年更名爲「Ozires Silva」分部,以紀念在1969年帶領一群遠見卓識的工程師和前空軍軍官創建該公司的工程師Ozires Silva,是該公司歷史悠久的飛機如Bandeirante、Xavante、Ipanema、Xingu、Brasília、Tucano、AMX、ERJ-145系列和公務機的生產地。目前,該工廠主要致力於商用飛機E-Jets E1和E2家族的研發、製造和支持活動。



About Embraer


A global aerospace company headquartered in Brazil, Embraer has businesses in Commercial and Executive aviation, Defense and Security, and Agricultural Aviation. The company designs, develops, manufactures, and markets aircraft and systems, providing Services and Support to customers after-sales.


Since it was founded in 1969, Embraer has delivered more than 9,000 aircraft. On average, about every 10 seconds an aircraft manufactured by Embraer takes off somewhere in the world, transporting over 145 million passengers a year.


Embraer is the leading manufacturer of commercial jets with up to 150 seats and the main exporter of high value-added goods in Brazil. The company maintains industrial units, offices, service, and parts distribution centers, among other activities, across the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe.



