
IMPACT Silver Announces Q2 2024 Results With Strong Revenue Growth of 40% on Increasing Plomosas Production

IMPACT Silver Announces Q2 2024 Results With Strong Revenue Growth of 40% on Increasing Plomosas Production

IMPACt Silver宣佈2024年第二季度業績,由於Plomosas產量增加,營業收入強勁增長40%。
newsfile ·  08/21 01:39

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 20, 2024) - IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSXV: IPT) (OTCQB: ISVLF) (FSE: IKL) ("IMPACT" or the "Company") announces its financial and operating results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024.

2024年6月30日結束的第二季度,IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSXV:IPT) (OTCQB:ISVLF) (FSE:IKL) (下稱'公司')公佈了其第二季度財務和運營業績。

Overall revenue in Q2 2024 was $7.7 million, representing a significant 40% increase over Q2 2023 revenue of $5.5 million. Revenue in Q2 2024 includes $1.8 million from the Plomosas high-grade zinc mine up from $1.0 million in Q1 2024. The Plomosas high-grade zinc mine (acquired in April 2023) was brought online in late 2023 and therefore, year-over-year comparisons do not include any revenue or operating costs recorded in Q2 2023. Meanwhile, revenue at the Zacualpan silver-lead-zinc project increased to $5.9 million in Q2 2024 from $5.4 in Q2 2023 despite lower production on a year-over-year basis, owing mostly to stronger silver prices.

2024年第二季度的總營業收入爲$ 770萬,相比2023年第二季度的$ 550萬增長了40%。 Q2 2024的營業收入包括來自Plomosas高品位鋅礦的$ 180萬,高於Q1 2024的$ 100萬。 Plomosas高品位鋅礦(於2023年4月收購)於2023年底上線,因此,與去年同期相比,沒有包括錄入Q2 2023的任何營業收入或營業成本。與此同時,儘管按年份計算生產減少,但由於白銀價格走強,Zacualpan銀鉛鋅項目的營業收入從2023年第二季度的$ 5.4增至2024年第二季度的$ 590萬。

The mine operating loss (before amortization and depletion) in Q2 2024 was $0.2 million compared to income of $0.9 million Q2 2023 which did not include any start-up and operating costs from Plomosas. The Company continued to experience cost pressures at its mine sites, certain one-time costs associated with bringing the Plomosas mine online, and the negative effects of a strong Mexican Peso. The net loss in Q2 2024 was $2.6 million compared to a net loss of $0.9 million in Q2 2023.

2024年第二季度礦山運營虧損(攤銷和折舊前)爲$ 20萬,相比Q2 2023的$ 90萬有所下降,當時並未包括Plomosas的啓動和運營成本。公司繼續在其礦山遇到成本壓力,Plomosas礦啓動過程中的一次性成本,以及墨西哥披索走強的負面影響。2024年第二季度的淨虧損爲$ 260萬,而Q2 2023的淨虧損爲$ 90萬。

Q2 2024 Consolidated Financial Overview


  • Revenue in Q2 2024 was $7.7 million, up from $5.5 million in Q2 2023.
  • Mine operating loss before amortization and depletion[1] in Q2 2024 was $0.22 million, compared to income of $0.9 million in Q2 2023.
  • The net loss in Q2 2024 was $2.6 million after foreign exchange expense and deferred income taxes totalling $0.6 million compared to net loss of $0.9 million in Q2 2023.
  • After investing $1.6 million in exploration expenditures and mining assets during the quarter, the cash position remained strong at quarter-end with $9.9 million and working capital of $8.8 million.
  • During the quarter, the Company closed a non-brokered "LIFE" and private placement of $8.6 million.
  • The Company has no long-term debt.
  • 2024年第二季度營業收入爲$ 770萬,高於2023年第二季度的$ 550萬。
  • 2024年Q2攤銷和折舊前的礦山運營虧損[1]爲$ 22萬,而2023年第二季度收入爲$ 90萬。
  • 2024年第二季度淨虧損爲$ 260萬,包括匯率和推遲的所得稅總計$ 60萬的支出,而2023年第二季度的淨虧損爲$ 90萬。
  • 本季度在勘探支出和採礦資產上的投資爲$ 160萬,期末現金狀況仍然強勁,爲$ 990萬,流動資金爲$ 880萬。
  • 本季度公司完成了一項非經紀人'sell-in fee'和定向增發的融資共計$ 860萬。
  • 該公司沒有長期債務。

Q2 2024 Zacualpan Mine Production Overview


  • Mill throughput in Q2 2024 was 35,062 tonnes compared to 35,753 tonnes in Q2 2023.
  • Silver production during the period decreased by 2% to 152,152 oz compared to 155,744 oz in Q2 2023 while lead and gold production decreased on a year-over-year basis by 36% and 69%, respectively.
  • Revenue per tonne sold was $168.17 in Q2 2024, representing an increase of 8% compared to $155.67 in the same period of 2023.
  • Direct costs per production tonne were $153.26 in Q2 2024, representing an increase of 17% over Q2 2023 costs of $130.67 per tonne. Much of this increase is due to foreign exchange, a retroactive union labour settlement including associated bonuses, with the balance coming from inflation-related pressures in Mexico. On a Mexican Peso basis, costs for the first six months of 2024 were the same as the first six months of 2023.
  • 2024年第二季度的磨機生產量爲35,062噸,而2023年第二季度爲35,753噸。
  • 期間白銀產量同比下降2%至152,152盎司,而鉛和金的產量同比下降了36%和69%。
  • Q2 2024銷售噸收的營業收入爲$ 168.17,相比2023年同期的$ 155.67增長了8%。
  • Q2 2024生產每噸的直接成本爲$ 153.26,超過Q2 2023的$ 130.67,增長了17%。其中大部分是由於匯率,一項包括相關獎金的追溯性工會勞資解決,而餘額則來自墨西哥通脹相關壓力。以墨西哥披索爲基礎,2024年前六個月的成本與2023年的前六個月相同。

Zacualpan Silver District Review


The Company's overall average mill head grade of 161 g/t during the period was down 1% year-over-year from 163 g/t in Q2 2023. Gold production during the period was temporarily reduced compared to the same period in 2023 as the Company adjusted mining efficiencies and improved recoveries from its gold-rich Alacran mine. The Company is continuing to focus on exploration and development of the mining district in Q2 2024, having drilled 5,243 meters over the last six months.

公司的總平均磨機頭品位爲161 g/t,較2023年Q2的163 g/t下降了1%。期間黃金產量由於公司調整了採礦效率並改善了其富含金的Alacran銀礦的回收而暫時減少,與2023年同期相比。公司在2024年第二季度繼續專注於礦區的勘探和開發,過去六個月鑽探了5,243米。

Stronger metal prices on a year-over-year basis are due to increased confidence of pending looser monetary policy in 2024 as well as geopolitical uncertainties emanating from Eastern Europe and the Middle East. A flight to safety has increased the flow of funds into commodities in general, and the mining sector in particular as investors seek protection from ongoing inflationary pressures. Notwithstanding, ongoing cost inflation continues to impact costs throughout the supply chain and labour network, despite a softening of these trends since late 2023. Moreover, the overall negative effect of a strong Mexican Peso continues to hamper the Company's profit margins. The rate of cost increases at Zacualpan may start to subside further in 2H 2024 as new labour contracts have provided some cost certainty while the Company works to improve throughput grade.


Q2 2024 Plomosas Mine Production Overview


  • The Plomosas high-grade zinc mine (acquired in April 2023) was brought online in late 2023 and production continues to ramp up
  • Mill throughput in Q2 2024 was 9,256 tonnes, up 157% from 3,594 tonnes in Q1 2024.
  • Since the start of 2024, the average zinc grade was 14%, lead was 8.7% and silver was 43.7 g/t.
  • Over the last six months, the Company drilled 14,377 meters to support ongoing and future production.
  • Production at the start of Q2 2024 was approximately 100 tpd (tonnes per day), compared to no production in the same period last year.
  • Costs at Plomosas stabilized over the first six months of 2024 despite ongoing costs related to site improvements and mine development, resulting in a $0.2 million cost decrease in Q2 2024 compared to Q1 2024.
  • Plomosas高品位鋅礦(於2023年4月收購)於2023年底上線,並持續增產
  • 2024年第二季度磨機的產量爲9256噸,比2024年第一季度的3594噸增加了157%。
  • 自2024年開始,平均鋅品位爲14%,鉛品位爲8.7%,銀品位爲43.7克/噸。
  • 在過去六個月中,公司鑽探了14,377米以支持正在進行和未來的生產。
  • 2024年第二季度開始的生產量約爲每天100噸(每天的噸數),而去年同期沒有生產。
  • 儘管涉及現場改進和礦山開發的持續成本,但Plomosas的成本在2024年的前六個月已經穩定,並導致2024年第二季度的成本減少了20萬元,與2024年第一季度相比。

Plomosas High-Grade Zinc Mine Review


Following the acquisition of the Plomosas high grade zinc (lead-silver) mine in April 2023, the Company was focused on rehabilitating the mine, plant and equipment, and commenced limited start-up operations in late 2023 while initiating an extensive exploration program. During Q2 2024, the Company accelerated the production ramp-up at Plomosas and expects continued growth in production levels, reaching 150-170 tpd by the end of Q3 2024 and eventually design capacity levels by late 2024/early 2025 of 225 tpd.


This production ramp up is reflected in the current financial results and should continue to play a larger role over the balance of 2024 and into 2025. As the operation reaches design capacity, investors should anticipate higher overall revenue from the project and an ongoing decrease in per tonne operating costs, as was the case in Q2 2024 compared to Q1 2024.


Fred Davidson, President & CEO of IMPACT, stated, "During the second quarter, our team at Plomosas successfully met its objective of increasing production throughput following a substantive but continuing mine rehabilitation program. As we approach design capacity levels over the coming quarters, we expect to expand the mine's development and increase high-grade production activity at site. Meanwhile, our silver operations at Zacualpan are adapting to higher cost profiles by improving efficiencies in terms of grade and recoveries, which we expect to bear fruit in 2025. Our new discovery of the Keno vein is exciting and potentially the start of a trend of new higher grade production results beginning later this year."

IMPACt的總裁兼首席執行官Fred Davidson表示:"在第二季度,我們在Plomosas的團隊成功達到了提高生產吞吐量的目標,這是繼續進行的礦山修復計劃的一部分。隨着我們在未來幾個季度接近設計能力水平,我們預計將擴大礦山開發,並增加現場高品位的生產活動。與此同時,我們在Zacualpan的銀業務正在通過提高等級和回收率的效率來適應更高的成本結構,預計這將在2025年取得成果。我們在Keno礦脈上的新發現令人興奮,可能是開始一個新的高品位生產趨勢。"

Outlook - Grade Improvement at Zacualpan & Production Increasing at Plomosas

展望- Zacualpan的品位改善和Plomosas的產量增加

The Company's strong balance sheet provides it with a solid footing to continue to improve efficiencies at the Zacualpan silver-lead-zinc operation while allowing for ongoing production increases at the Plomosas high-grade zinc mine.


Through year-end 2024, management expects the production mix at Zacualpan to reflect higher grade mine development on the back of recently encouraging exploration results. The operation can be nimble as it seeks higher grade production mixes from its various legacy mines and new discoveries. Meanwhile at Plomosas, exploration activity is ongoing with up to two drill rigs working to develop the resource. These efforts should lead to ongoing improvement in Company-wide overall revenues while management expects cost pressures to continue to abate heading into 2025.


The Company's recent exploration success at Zacualpan and production increases at Plomosas reflects its position as one of just a handful of intermediate miners offering investors exposure to three distinct verticals within the mining sector, including exploration, production, and overall growth.


A recorded conference call reviewing the financial and production results of the quarter ended June 30, 2024 will be available on the Company website on August 21st, 2024 at .


The information in this news release should be read in conjunction with the Company's unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis, available on the Company website at and on SEDAR at . All amounts are stated in Canadian dollars unless otherwise specified.

"IMPACt News Release"的信息應與公司未經審計的簡明合併中期財務報表和管理討論與分析一起閱讀,可在公司網站上或SEDAR上的以下網址上獲取。除非另有說明,否則所有金額均以加元表示。


IMPACT Silver Corp.(TSXV:IPT)是一家墨西哥擁有兩個礦業項目的成功的生產者和勘探者。

IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSXV: IPT) is a successful intermediate mineral producer and explorer with three mining projects in Mexico.

IMPACt Silver Corp.(TSXV:IPT)是一家在墨西哥擁有三個採礦項目的成功中間礦產生產商和勘探者。

Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver-Gold District: IMPACT owns 100% of the 211 km2 Zacualpan project in central Mexico where four underground silver mines and one open pit mine feed the central 500 tpd Guadalupe processing plant. To the south, the Capire Project includes a 200 tpd processing pilot plant adjacent to an open pit silver mine with an NI 43-101 inferred mineral resource of over 4.5 million oz silver, 48 million lbs zinc and 21 million lbs lead (see IMPACT news release dated January 18, 2016, for details and QP statement). Company engineers are reviewing Capire for a potential restart of operations to leverage improving commodity prices. Over the past 18 years, IMPACT has developed multiple exploration zones into commercial production and has produced over 12 million ounces of silver, generating revenue more than $271 million, with no long-term debt.

薩夸爾潘銀金地區(Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver-Gold District):IMPACt完全擁有位於墨西哥中部的211平方公里的薩夸爾潘項目,其中有四個地下銀礦和一個露天礦供應着中央的500 tpd Guadalupe處理廠。南部的Capire項目包括一個200 tpd的處理試驗工廠,毗鄰一座有450萬盎司銀、4800萬磅鋅和2100萬磅鉛的NI 43-101推斷礦產資源的露天銀礦(有關詳細信息和QP聲明,請參閱IMPACt新聞發佈的2016年1月18日)。公司的工程師正在審查Capire,以尋求利用不斷改善的商品價格重啓運營的可能性。在過去的18年中,IMPACt已經將多個勘探區域開發成爲商業生產,並生產了超過1200萬盎司的銀,創造了超過2.71億美元的營業收入,沒有長期債務。

Plomosas Zinc-Lead-Silver District: Plomosas is a high-grade zinc producer in northern Mexico with exceptional exploration upside potential. The Company recently restarted mining operations and is expected to reach design capacity production levels over the next six months. Exploration potential at Plomosas is exceptional where only 600m of the 6 km-long structure have seen modern exploration. This is in addition to other exploration targets on the 3,019-hectare property including untested copper-gold targets with indications of high-grade material from surface. Regionally, Plomosas lies in the same mineral belt as some of the largest carbonate replacement deposits in the world.


Additional information about IMPACT and its operations can be found on the Company website at . Follow us on Twitter @IMPACT_Silver and LinkedIn at


Qualified Person and NI 43-101 Disclosure

有資格的人和NI 43-101的披露

George Gorzynski, P.Eng., VP Exploration and a Director of IMPACT, is a "Qualified Person" within the meaning of NI 43-101 and has approved the technical information contained in this news release.

IMPACt的VP Exploration和董事George Gorzynski是根據NI 43-101的"合格人員",並已批准本新聞稿中包含的技術信息。

On behalf of IMPACT Silver Corp.
"Frederick W. Davidson"
President & CEO

代表IMPACT Silver Corp。
「Frederick W. Davidson」

For more information, please contact:
Jerry Huang
CFO | Investor Relations
(604) 664-7707 or
(778) 887 6489 Direct

Jerry Huang
請致電(604) 664-7707或發送電子郵件至。
直接致電(778) 887 6489

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX tsx Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture交易所的政策中所定義的那樣)不承擔此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

Forward-Looking and Cautionary Statements


This IMPACT News Release may contain certain "forward-looking" statements and information relating to IMPACT that is based on the beliefs of IMPACT management, as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to IMPACT management. Forward-looking information is often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "planned", "expect", "project", "predict", "potential", "targeting", "intends", "believe", "potential", and similar expressions, or describes a "goal", or variation of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "should", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to continued ramp-up of operations, and improved operating revenues and decreasing costs.


Such forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and assumptions, including with respect to, without limitations, exploration and development risks, expenditure and financing requirements, title matters, operating hazards, criminal activity, metal prices, political and economic factors, competitive factors, general economic conditions, relationships with vendors and strategic partners, governmental regulation and supervision, seasonality, technological change, industry practices, pandemics, and one-time events. Should any one or more risks or uncertainties materialize or change, or should any underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results and forward-looking statements may vary materially from those described herein. IMPACT does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.


The Company's decision to place a mine into production, expand a mine, make other production related decisions or otherwise carry out mining and processing operations, is largely based on internal non-public Company data and reports based on exploration, development and mining work by the Company's geologists and engineers. The results of this work are evident in the discovery and building of multiple mines for the Company and in the track record of mineral production and financial returns of the Company since 2006. Under NI 43-101 the Company is required to disclose that it has not based its production decisions on NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource or reserve estimates, preliminary economic assessments or feasibility studies, and historically such projects have increased uncertainty and risk of failure.

該公司將採礦、擴展礦山、做出其他與生產相關的決策或進行採礦和加工作業,很大程度上是基於內部非公開公司數據和報告,這些報告是由公司的地質學家和工程師進行勘探、開發和採礦工作完成的。這項工作的結果表現在公司多個礦山的發現和建設上,並在公司自2006年以來的礦物生產和財務回報記錄中得以體現。根據NI 43-101的規定,該公司需要披露其生產決策不是基於符合NI 43-101的礦物儲量或儲量估算、初步經濟評估或可行性研究,而這些項目的歷史記錄已經增加了不確定性和失敗的風險。

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[1] Mine operating earnings before amortization and depletion is a non-IFRS measure which the Company believes provides meaningful information about the Company's financial performance. See "Non-IFRS MEASURES".


