
Terrasmart De-Risks Hail Damage With New Tracker Stow Feature

Terrasmart De-Risks Hail Damage With New Tracker Stow Feature

PR Newswire ·  08/20 20:37

Withstand extreme weather and terrain challenges with cloud-based monitoring and industry-leading ground-mount portfolio


BUFFALO, N.Y., Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Terrasmart is excited to announce the release of a new hail stow feature for its single-axis tracker, TerraTrak. The hail stow capability brings additional risk mitigation functionality to PeakYield, Terrasmart's cloud-based tracker control and monitoring software platform. The hail mitigation system automatically triggers optimum stow position to protect solar assets without requiring operator intervention. Available for both 1P and 2P trackers, the hail stow solution adds to Terrasmart's foundation-agnostic racking portfolio that offers both ground screw and driven piles, designed specifically to perform in the most extreme terrain and weather conditions.


Terrasmart De-Risks Hail Damage with New Tracker Stow Feature

"Project de-risking has, and continues to be, our most significant contribution to the solar industry," says Terrasmart President Ed McKiernan. "Our new hail stow feature adds to our existing array of foundation and racking products that bring unique reliability to unreliable sites."

「項目降低風險是我們對太陽能行業最重要的貢獻之一,」Terrasmart總裁Ed McKiernan說。「我們的新款冰雹收藏功能增加了我們現有的基礎和支架產品組合,爲不可靠的站點帶來了獨特的可靠性。」

The Terrasmart hail stow solution brings key advantages to asset owners and operators, including:

Terrasmart 的冰雹收藏功能爲資產持有人和運營商帶來關鍵優勢,包括:

  • Automatic stow feature puts trackers into safe position without requiring operator intervention, reducing potential lapses from human factors
  • High-tilt stow angle accounts for both wind and hail conditions, eliminating contradicting positions and ensuring a safe tracker position (+/- 50° for 1P and +/- 60° for 2P)
  • Real-time, cloud-based weather forecast triggers activate based on industry-leading data from Accuweather
  • Auto-stow feature activates 60 minutes before a weather event but timing can be customized to meet owner requirements
  • Stow function does not require installing additional hardware or calibration over time
  • 自動停放功能可將跟蹤器放置在安全位置,無需運營商干預,減少由人爲因素引起的潛在失誤
  • 高傾斜停放角度考慮到風和冰雹條件,消除矛盾位置,確保安全的跟蹤器位置(1P爲±50°,2P爲±60°)
  • 基於Accuweather行業領先的數據的實時基於雲的天氣預報觸發器激活
  • 自動停放功能在天氣事件前60分鐘啓動,但可根據業主要求進行定製化的時間安排
  • 停放功能無需額外安裝硬件或隨時間進行校準

"Our motto at Terrasmart is to stow early and stow often," says Ashton Vandermark, software solutions lead. "We are adamant about automatically triggering hail protection to avoid instances where manual intervention has not occurred during storms. We are excited about this latest addition to PeakYield's cloud-based functionality and machine-learning intelligence to protect assets."

「我們在Terrasmart的座右銘是早停、常停,」軟件解決方案負責人Ashton Vandermark說。「我們堅定地自動觸發防冰保護,避免在暴風雨期間未發生手動干預的情況。我們對PeakYield的基於雲的功能和機器學習智能來保護資產感到興奮。」

Hail represents one of the most devastating forms of weather that can impact US solar sites. According to insurance industry reports, hail accounts for less than 2% of solar project insurance claims by volume—but more than 50% of total dollar losses. Forty-year financial exposure models from engineering firm VDE Americas suggest that hail events could result in up to $13 million in damage at 0° tilt, compared to only $620,000 at 60°.

冰雹是可能影響美洲太陽能站點的最具破壞性天氣形式之一。根據保險業的報告,冰雹佔太陽能項目保險索賠成交量不到2%,卻佔總損失的50%以上。工程公司VDE Americas製作的40年金融風險模型表明,冰雹事件可能導致0°傾斜時高達1300萬美元的損失,而60°時僅爲62萬美元。

Terrasmart's software team will be at RE+ in Anaheim September 10-12 in booth #D30011 to give live demos of PeakYield as well as discuss hail stow and other TerraTrak features. For more information on Terrasmart's portfolio and its PeakYield monitoring platform visit


About Terrasmart
Terrasmart, the renewable energy business of Gibraltar Industries, Inc., is a leading provider of solar racking technologies, electrical balance-of-system products, installation services, and project optimization software. Serving the commercial and utility sectors across North America, Terrasmart integrates products and solutions across the PV lifecycle to minimize risks and maximize returns. With more than 25 GWs of solar deployed across 6,000 PV systems, Terrasmart creates unique value for more profitable solar anywhere. For more information, please visit

Terrasmart是Gibraltar Industries,Inc的可再生能源業務,是太陽能支架技術、電氣系統平衡產品、安裝服務和項目優化軟件的領先供應商。Terrasmart服務於北美的商業和公共事業領域,將PV生命週期內的產品和解決方案整合起來,以最小化風險並最大化回報。Terrasmart在全球部署了超過6000個PV系統、2500兆瓦的太陽能,併爲更具盈利能力的太陽能帶來獨特的價值,欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Media Contact:
Ashleigh Kent, Director of Brand & Comms | [email protected] | 239.362.0211

品牌和傳播部董事Ashleigh Kent | [email protected] | 239.362.0211

SOURCE Terrasmart


