
Valleyview Resources Ltd. Announces Proposed Acquisition of Shift Rare Metals

Valleyview Resources Ltd. Announces Proposed Acquisition of Shift Rare Metals

newsfile ·  08/20 20:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 20, 2024) - Valleyview Resources Ltd. (TSXV: VVR) ("Valleyview" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a definitive agreement dated August 16, 2024 (the "Acquisition Agreement") to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Shift Rare Metals Inc. ("Shift") by way of a three-cornered amalgamation (the "Proposed Transaction"). Shift is an arm's length privately held British Columbia company which, through its wholly owned U.S. subsidiary, has staked certain claims in northwestern Colorado known as the Coyote Basin claims and the Red Walsh claims (together, the "Properties").

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞發佈與公司-2024年8月20日)--Valleyview資源有限公司(TSXV:VVR)(「Valleyview」 或「公司」)很高興宣佈,已於2024年8月16日簽署了一份明確協議(「收購協議」),通過三角併購(「擬議交易」)的方式收購Shift Rare Metals Inc.(「Shift」)的所有未流通股份。Shift是一家獨立持股的不列顛哥倫比亞公司,通過其完全擁有的美國子公司,在科羅拉多州西北部擁有某些申請權利,該區域因科羅拉多高原型鈾-釩表現和沉積物而知名(合稱 「產權」) )。

About the Properties


The Properties are located on northwestern Colorado close to the border with Utah, within Moffat and Rio Blanco counties. Several known Colorado Plateau-type uranium-vanadium showings and deposits have been found historically in the area. According to the Colorado Geological Survey's Bulletin No. 40 published in 1978, a total of 4.2 million pounds of U3O8 has been produced from regional historical mine operations from the 1950's through 1970's from Moffat County and another 223,000 pounds from Rio Blanco County (see .).


The reader is cautioned that the past uranium production information is historical in nature and to the Company's knowledge, a qualified person has not done sufficient work to confirm this estimate of historical uranium production from the area.


The key part of the Proposed Transaction is the acquisition of the Coyote Basin claims, which are 699 claims totaling approximately 14,000 acres (5,665 ha) located approximately 8 miles (13 km) southeast of Elk Springs, Colorado. The property is underlain by the sandstones of the Lower Wasatch Formation and shales and sandstones of the Fort Union Formation and straddles the gently east-plunging Crooked Wash Syncline and Midland Anticlinal structures. In their September 2006 SEC quarterly filings, historical property owner Energy Metals Corporation reported historical resources of 8,850,000 tons averaging 0.20% U3O8 and 0.10% V2O5 for a total of 35.4 million pounds of U3O8 and 17.7 million pounds of V205 on the Coyote Basin Property. Energy Metals Corporation indicated that the resource was estimated during the 1970's by then project operator Western Mining Resources using surface sampling, coring, and drill chip sampling of 24 holes over a 4 mile (6 km) strike length. (See ).

擬議交易的關鍵部分是收購Coyote Basin 礦權,該礦權由699個權利聲明組成,總面積約14,000英畝(5,665 公頃),位於科羅拉多州Elk Springs東南約8英里(13公里)的位置。該物業覆蓋了下Wasatch Formation的砂岩、Fort Union Formation的頁岩和砂岩,並跨越了溫和的向東傾轉的Crooked Wash 怒江 住宅同步疊加和Midland Anticline 結構。在他們2006年9月的美國證券交易委員會季報中,歷史物業所有者Energy Metals Corporation報告說,在Coyote Basin Property上進行的歷史資源調查資源量爲:七千八百五十萬噸,平均含量爲0.20%的U3O8和0.10%的V2O5,總共約有3,540萬磅的U3O8和1,770萬磅的V205。Energy Metals Corporation表示,該資源是在20世紀70年代由當時的項目運營商Western Mining Resources使用24個鑽孔的表面採樣、取心和鑽屑樣品採集估算出來的,總長度約爲4英里(6千米)。 (見)。

To the Company's knowledge, a qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify these historical estimates as current mineral resources. The Company is not treating this information as current mineral resources, has not verified this information and is not relying on it. The Coyote Basin Project and any future NI 43-101 resource estimate will require considerable further evaluation, which the Company's management intends to carry out in due course.

據公司了解,尚未有合格人員對這些歷史估計進行充分的工作以將其分類爲現有礦物資源。該公司不將此信息視爲當前的礦物資源,也沒有驗證此信息,也不依賴此信息。Coyote Basin 項目和任何未來的NI 43-101資源估計都需要進行大量的進一步評估,該公司的管理層打算適時進行評估。

As part of the Proposed Transaction, the Company has also acquired the Red Wash claims, a group of 207 newly staked claims located approximately 27 miles west (43.7 km) of the Coyote Basin Properties, totaling 5,424 acres (2194 ha). This Red Wash Property covers almost 15 km of the northern limb of the east-west striking Red Wash Syncline, which hosts multiple known uranium-bearing sandstone and carbonaceous units within the upper Mancos Formation, including the Sego Sandstone.

作爲擬議交易的一部分,公司還收購了Red Wash 版權,這是一組207個新勘穩權,位於Coyote Basin Properties西27英里(43.7公里),總面積5,424英畝(2,194公頃)。此Red Wash 版權覆蓋了東西向Red Wash 怒江 凹陷帶的北側近15公里,該帶內的上曼科斯(Mancos)組包含多個已知的含鈾砂岩和含碳層內。

Proposed Transaction Terms


Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, on closing of the Proposed Transaction, the Company has agreed to issue 11,000,000 on a post Share Split basis ("Post-Split Common Shares") and pay US$250,000 to the shareholders of Shift (the "Shift Shareholders").

根據收購協議,在擬議交易完成後,公司同意以11,000,000股後股票分割爲基礎(「後分股票」)發行並支付US$250,000給Shift股東。「Shift股東」)股份。此外,公司還同意(i)發行4,500,000股後分拆普通股,並在產權發行技術報告後向Shift股東支付另外US$250,000。 (ii)在Coyote Basin權利金相當於2,875萬磅U308的礦物資源估算髮行後,再發行4,500,000股後分拆普通股並向Shift股東支付另外US$500,000(「第二里程碑付款」)。如果礦物資源估算至少爲1770萬磅的U308但小於2,875萬磅,則第二里程碑付款將按比例減少。如果資源估計量小於1770萬磅的U308,則不需要支付第二里程碑付款。最後,收購協議規定,在Shift打算在擬議交易結束前收購的Red Walsh權利附近的某些權利中發佈礦物資源估計時,針對每個包含500萬磅的U308(最多4,500萬磅)的估計,公司將發行2,222,222後分股票並支付美元1,111,111(「應急付款」)。應急付款將分爲Shift股東和提供貸款的某些第三方貸方各半。公司還同意向Shift安排最多US$650,000的貸款(公司最多支付US$310,000,餘額將由第三方支付),用於支付產權和收購其他權利。在獲得TSX金融交易所的批准之後,公司同意向擬議交易中的獨立金融人發行1,000,000後股票普通股。

In addition, the Company has agreed to (i) issue 4,500,000 Post-Split Common Shares and pay an additional US$250,000 to the Shift Shareholders upon the issuance of a technical report on the Properties; and (ii) issue an additional 4,500,000 Post-Split Common Shares and pay an additional US$500,000 to the Shift Shareholders upon the issuance of a mineral resource estimate on Coyote Basin claims of 28.75 M lbs of U308 (the "Second Milestone Payment"). In the event the mineral resource estimate is at least 17.7 M lbs U308 but less than 28.75 M lbs, the Second Milestone Payment will be reduced on a pro rata basis. No Second Milestone Payment will be due if the resource estimate is less than 17.7 M lbs of U308. Finally, the Acquisition Agreement provides that, in the event a mineral resource estimate is issued on certain claims in the vicinity of the Red Walsh claims which Shift intends to acquire prior to closing of the Proposed Transaction (the "Additional Claims"), for each 5 M lbs of U308 (up to a maximum of 45 M lbs of U308) contained in such estimate, the Company will issue 2,222,222 Post-Split Common Shares and pay US$1,111,111 (the "Contingency Payment"). The Contingency Payment would be split 50/50 between the Shift Shareholders and certain third-party lenders to Shift. The Company has also agreed to facilitate a loan to Shift of up to US$650,000 (up to US$310,000 of which may be advanced by the Company and the remainder of which would be advanced by third parties) for payments due on the Properties and to acquire the Additional Claims. Subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange, the Company has agreed to issue 1,000,000 Post-Split Common Shares to an arm's length finder in connection with the Proposed Transaction.

在完成擬議交易之前,公司打算進行一次股票拆分(「拆分」),每一種未流通的普通股將基本轉化爲1.5種新的普通股。公司目前有12,750,000種普通股未發行,並且假設在中間期內未發行普通股,公司預計在進行拆分後,公司將擁有19,125,000種普通股未流通股份(在擬議交易完成之前)。擬議交易完成需要滿足多個條件,包括但不限於:獲得TSX Venture Exchange的批准,獲得Shift股東的批准,並完成以每個後拆分普通股最低價爲0.30美元的價格出售後拆分普通股股份,以獲得不低於7,000,000美元(「同時融資」)的總收益。一旦確定,將提供同時融資的詳細信息。

Prior to completion of the Proposed Transaction, the Company intends to conduct a share split (the "Share Split") on its outstanding common shares on the basis of 1.5 new common shares for each one outstanding common share. The Company currently has 12,750,000 common shares outstanding and, assuming there are no common shares issued in the interim period, it is anticipated that following the Share Split the Company will have 19,125,000 common shares outstanding (prior to completion of the Proposed Transaction). Completion of the Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including, but not limited to, approval by the TSX Venture Exchange, approval by the Shift Shareholders and completion by the Company of a financing of Post-Split Common Shares at a minimum price of $0.30 per Post-Split Common Share for gross proceeds of not less $7,000,000 (the "Concurrent Financing"). Details of the Concurrent Financing will be provided once determined.

在擬議交易完成之前,公司打算對其未流通普通股進行股票分割(「股票分割」),基本原則是每一種未流通普通股將基本轉化爲1.5種新的普通股。公司當前已有12,750,000種未流通普通股,如果在股票分割期間沒有發行普通股,則預計在股票分割後,公司將有19,125,000種未流通股份(在擬議交易完成之前)。完成擬議交易需要滿足多個條件,包括但不限於:獲得TSX Venture Exchange的批准,獲得Shift股東的批准,並完成以每個後拆分普通股最低價爲0.30美元的價格出售後拆分普通股股份,以獲得不低於7,000,000美元(「同時融資」)的總收益。一旦確定,將提供同時融資的詳細信息。

Trading of the Company's common shares will remain halted pending receipt and review of acceptable documentation pursuant to Section 5.6 (d) of TSX Venture Exchange Policy 5.3 regarding a Fundamental Acquisition.

公司普通股的交易將保持停牌狀態,直到按照TSX Venture Exchange政策5.3第5.6(d)條款收到並審核可接受的文件爲止,涉及對重大收購的規定。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information contained herein has been reviewed and approved by Roger Lemaitre, P.Eng., P.Geo., who is a consultant (and not independent) to the Company and a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

此處包含的科學技術信息已由Roger Lemaitre,P.Eng.,P.Geo.審查和批准,他是該公司的顧問(而非獨立的)並且是符合NI 43-101礦物項目披露標準的「合格人員」。

About Valleyview Resources Ltd.: Valleyview Resources Ltd. is a mineral exploration company dedicated to the identification, acquisition, and exploration of mineral properties, with a primary focus on the Fraser Lake property in British Columbia. The Company's strategic vision is to develop and expand its mineral resource portfolio through diligent exploration and development efforts.


For further information, please contact:


Joel Leonard
Chief Executive Officer
Valleyview Resources Ltd.
Tel: 778-838-3692

Joel Leonard
Valleyview Resources Ltd.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture交易所和其監管服務提供商(如該交易所的政策中所定義的)均不接受此新聞稿的充分性或準確性的責任。

This news release includes certain statements and information that may constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, including statements regarding future estimates, plans, objectives, timing, assumptions or expectations of future performance are forward-looking statements and contain forward-looking information, including, but not limited to, the completion of the Proposed Transaction.

本新聞稿包括可能構成適用加拿大證券法的「前瞻性信息」的某些聲明和信息。一般而言,「前瞻性陳述」和信息可通過使用前瞻性術語如「計劃」或「預計」,或這些詞和詞組的變體,或表明某些行動、事件或結果「可能」、「可能」、「應該」、「 意味着」或「會發生」的聲明和信息來識別。本新聞發佈中的所有陳述,除了歷史事實陳述外,均屬於前瞻性陳述幷包含前瞻性信息,包括但不限於,擬議交易的完成。

Forward-looking statements are based on certain material assumptions and analysis made by the Company and the opinions and estimates of management as of the date of this news release, including, but not limited to the assumption that all conditions to completion of the Proposed Transaction will be satisfied, including TSX Venture Exchange, approval of the Shift Shareholders and completion of the Concurrent Financing. These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, including, but not limited to: the risk that the TSX Venture Exchange will not approve the Proposed Transaction, the risk that the Company will not be successful in completing the Concurrent Financing and inherent risks associated with the mining industry and the results of exploration activities and development of mineral properties, stock market volatility and capital market fluctuations, general market and industry conditions, as well as those risk factors discussed in the Company's most recently filed management's discussion & analysis.


Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial outlook that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


