
Drilling Underway at Pacific Ridge's Chuchi Copper-Gold Project in B.C.

Drilling Underway at Pacific Ridge's Chuchi Copper-Gold Project in B.C.

newsfile ·  08/20 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 20, 2024) - Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd. (TSXV: PEX) (OTCQB: PEXZF) (FSE: PQWN) ("Pacific Ridge" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that its inaugural diamond drill program at the Chuchi copper-gold project ("Chuchi" or the "Project") has commenced. Chuchi is road accessible and is located 35 km to the northwest of Centerra Gold Inc.'s ("Centerra") Mount Milligan mine in B.C. (see Figure 1).

溫哥華,英屬哥倫比亞州 -(新聞稿公司 - 2024年8月20日) - Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd.(TSXV:PEX)(OTCQB:PEXZF)(FSE:PQWN)(「Pacific Ridge」或「本公司」)很高興宣佈,其鑽石鑽探項目已在Chuchi銅金項目(「Chuchi」或「項目」)啓動。Chuchi在公路上可達,位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省CenterraGold公司(「Centerra」)的Mount Milligan礦山以西35公里處(參見圖1)。



  • Pacific Ridge plans to drill approximately 3,000 m in five or six drill holes over an 800 m strike length at the BP Zone (see Figure 2).
  • Pacific Ridge計劃在BP區域(參見圖2)的80,000m長度的約五到六個鑽孔中鑽探約300,000m。
  • Chuchi is only a two-hour drive from Fort Saint James and the drill program is completely ground-supported, which significantly reduces the Company's all-in drilling cost.
  • Chuchi離聖詹姆斯堡僅有兩個小時的車程,探針項目完全採用地面支撐,大大降低了公司的全面鑽探成本。
  • The last major drill programs at the Project took place from 1989-1991. Most of the drilling was shallow, average vertical depth of 140 m, and many of the holes ended in mineralization.
  • 項目最近的重大鑽探項目始於1989-1991年。大多數鑽探淺層,平均垂直深度爲140m,並且很多孔洞都在礦化區結束。
  • Drill highlights include drill hole CH-90-27 which returned 194.0 m at 0.21% copper ("Cu") and 0.21 g/t gold ("Au") and drill hole CH-91-42 which intersected 229.2 m at 0.10% Cu and 0.61 g/t Au (see Table 1).
  • 鑽探亮點包括CH-90-27鑽孔,返回19400m的0.21%銅(「Cu」)和0.21g / t金(「Au」),以及CH-91-42鑽孔,相交22920m的0.10%Cu和0.61g / t Au(見表1)。
  • Pacific Ridge believes that Chuchi has significant, untested potential for porphyry copper-gold mineralization along its strike length and at depth as many of the historical drill holes were shallow and ended in mineralization.
  • Pacific Ridge認爲,Chuchi沿其長度和深度具有重要的、未開發潛力,因爲很多歷史鑽孔都很淺,並且在礦化區結束。


「我對即將到來的鑽探計劃感到非常興奮,因爲根據我們的勘探結果,我相信我們可以將Chuchi的銅金礦化延伸到深處,」太平洋嶺勘探總裁兼首席執行官Blaine Monaghan說。我們有信心ZTEM和MT調查將有助於發現KMZ的更高品位斑岩銅金礦化和一個或多個斑岩中心,以及Kliyul六公里長的礦化帶上的其他斑岩中心。”

"What a wonderful discovery opportunity for shareholders and potential shareholders," said Blaine Monaghan, President and CEO of Pacific Ridge. "I'm unaware of any road accessible copper-gold porphyry projects in B.C. that have returned these kinds of intervals and remained relatively underexplored for more than three decades. Based on our compilation of historical data and exploration work, we are confident that we can extend the known mineralized extents along strike and to depth."

「對於股東和潛在股東來說,這是一個美妙的發現機會,」 Pacific Ridge總裁兼首席執行官布萊恩·莫納漢說。「我不知道有哪個可達公路的銅金斑岩項目在30多年來返回了這樣的間隔並且仍然相對未開發。基於我們對歷史數據和勘探工作的編譯,我們有信心能夠沿着途中延伸已知的礦化範圍和深度。」

Figure 1: Location of Chuchi and Pacific Ridge's Other Copper-Gold Projects

圖1:Chuchi和Pacific Ridge的其他銅金項目的位置

Figure 2: Location of BP Zone and Other Targets at Chuchi


Table 1
Drill Highlights1


Hole No. From (m) To (m) Width (m) Cu (%) Au (g/t) CuEq (%)2 AuEq (g/t)3
CH-89-07 38.0 138.0 100.0 0.27 0.37 0.51 0.76
Includes 82.0 98.0 16.0 0.71 1.32 1.60 2.37
CH-90-27 32.0 226.0 194.0 0.21 0.21 0.35 0.52
Includes 156.0 226.0 70.0 0.31 0.34 0.54 0.80
CH-90-30 98.0 256.0 158.0 0.22 0.10 0.29 0.43
Includes 182.0 256.0 74.0 0.26 0.13 0.35 0.52
CH-90-33 54.0 304.5 Ɨ 250.50 0.21 0.12 0.29 0.44
Includes 64.0 152.0 88.0 0.36 0.21 0.51 0.75
CH-90-37 54.3 262.1 Ɨ 207.8 0.22 0.12 0.30 0.45
Includes 110.0 154.0 44.0 0.35 0.18 0.47 0.70
CH-91-40 50.0 130.0 80.0 0.30 0.29 0.49 0.73
Includes 50.0 114.0 64.0 0.35 0.33 0.57 0.85
Includes 64.0 104.0 40.0 0.45 0.41 0.73 1.08
CH-91-42 91.4 320.6 Ɨ 229.2 0.10 0.61 0.51 0.76
Includes 94.0 144.0 50.0 0.09 2.10 1.50 2.23
Includes 94.0 122.0 28.0 0.07 3.61 2.49 3.70
And 200.0 242.0 42.0 0.13 0.55 0.50 0.74
CH-19-003 91.5 411.0 Ɨ 319.5 0.16 0.14 0.25 0.37
Includes 341.0 401.0 60.0 0.26 0.24 0.42 0.63
孔號 從(m) 到(m) 寬度(m) 銅(%) Au(g/t) CuEq(%)2 AuEq(g / t)3
CH-89-07 38.0 138.0 100.0 0.27 0.37 0.51 0.76
包括 82.0 98.0 16.0 0.71 1.32 1.60 2.37
CH-90-27 32.0 226.0 194.0 0.21 0.21 0.35 0.52
包括 156.0 226.0 70.0 0.31 0.34 0.54 0.80
CH-90-30 98.0 256.0 158.0 0.22 0.10 0.29 0.43
包括 182.0 256.0 74.0 0.26 0.13 0.35 0.52
CH-90-33 54.0 304.5 Ɨ 250.50 0.21 0.12 0.29 0.44
包括 64.0 152.0 88.0 0.36 0.21 0.51 固定費用覆蓋率
CH-90-37 54.3 262.1 Ɨ 207.8 0.22 0.12 0.30 0.45
包括 110.0 154.0 44.0 0.35 0.18 0.47 0.70
CH-91-40 50.0 130.0 80.0 0.30 0.29 0.49 0.73
包括 50.0 114.0 64.0 0.35 0.33 0.57 0.85
包括 64.0 104.0 與Allist協議有關,在2021年12月,雙方還簽署了一份聯合臨床合作協議(「臨床合作」),規定了雙方合作和共同承擔全球臨床研究成本的框架。在2024年3月31日和2023年的三個月期間內,公司分別支出了1,200萬美元的成本補償金,這已在臨床協作協議下記爲研究和發展費用貸方。對於2024年3月31日和2023年的每個三個月期間,公司還有資格從Allist獲得1200萬美元的費用補償金,這已被記錄爲減少研究和開發費用。公司按照ASC 808《合作安排》進行了臨床合作評估。 0.45 0.41 0.73 1.08
CH-91-42 91.4 320.6 Ɨ 229.2 0.10 0.61 0.51 0.76
包括 94.0 144.0 50.0 0.09 2.10 1.50 2.23
包括 94.0 122.0 28.0 0.07 3.61 2.49 3.70
以及 200.0資產組成 242.0 42.0 0.13 0.55 0.50 0.74
CH-19-003 91.5 411.0 Ɨ 319.5 0.16 0.14 0.25 0.37
包括 341.0 401.0 60.0 0.26 0.24 0.42 0.63

1Sources: Chuchi project historical drilling database; BC Geological Survey (Branch) Assessment Reports 20018 (CH-89-7), 21113 (CH-90-27, CH-90-30, CH-90-33, CH-90-37); Placer Dome Inc. database (CH-91-40, CH-91-42), 39061 (CH-19-003). The Company has not independently validated all historic work, and the reader is cautioned about its accuracy.
2CuEq = ((Cu%) x $Cu x 22.0462) + (Au(g/t) x AuR/CuR x $Au x 0.032151) / ($Cu x 22.0462).
3AuEq = ((Au(g/t) x $Au x 0.032151) + ((Cu%) x CuR/AuR x $Cu x 22.0462) / ($Au x 0.032151).
Commodity prices: $Cu = US$3.25/lb and $Au = US$1,800/oz.
Ɨ End of hole
There has been no metallurgical testing on Chuchi mineralization. The Company estimates copper recoveries (CuR) of 84%, and gold recoveries (AuR) of 70% based on the average recoveries from Kemess Underground, Mount Milligan, and Red Chris.
Factors: 22.0462 = Cu% to lbs per tonne and 0.032151 = Au g/t to troy oz per tonne.

來源:Chuchi項目歷史鑽探數據庫; BC地質調查(部)評估報告20018(CH-89-7)、21113(CH-90-27、CH-90-30、CH-90-33、CH-90-37);Placer Dome Inc.數據庫(CH-91-40、CH-91-42)、39061(CH-19-003)。公司尚未獨立驗證所有歷史性工作,讀者應謹慎對待其準確性。
2CuEq =((Cu%)×$Cu×22.0462)+(Au(g / t)×AuR / CuR×$Au×0.032151)/($ Cu×22.0462)。
3AuEq =((Au(g / t)×$Au×0.032151)+((Cu%)×CuR / AuR×$Cu×22.0462)/($ Au×0.032151)。
商品價格:$Cu = US$3.25/lb,$Au = US$1,800/oz。
Chuchi礦化區尚未進行冶金測試。該公司估計銅回收率(CuR)爲84%,金回收率(AuR)爲70%,基於Kemess Underground、Mount Milligan和Red Chris的平均回收率。
因素:22.0462 = Cu%每噸到磅,0.032151 = Au g / t到特洛伊盎司每噸。

Summary of Pacific Ridge's Exploration Work at Chuchi

Pacific Ridge在Chuchi的探索工作總結

Since optioning Chuchi from Centerra (see Pacific Ridge news release dated May 9th, 2022), Pacific Ridge has completed a 726 line-km helicopter-borne ZTEM geophysical survey, at 250 m line-spacing covering the entire Project, a 3D inversion model of the ZTEM survey, two Induced Polarization ("IP") survey lines (6.7 line-km) in BP Zone, and 3D inversion modelling of the combined 2015 (Kiska Metals Corporation) and 2023 IP survey lines. The 2D and 3D geophysical inversion models have been compiled to review their relationships in 3D model space and compared against historical geological mapping and drilling results for an updated interpretation of the system geometry and structural controls of copper-gold mineralization in BP Zone. Based on this modelling, the Company believes that there is potential for mineralization to extend to as much as 800 m depth over the kilometre-long central trend of mineralization that follows the North Central Fault and calc-potassic alteration domain

自從從Centerra(請參閱2022年5月9日Pacific Ridge新聞稿中的Chuchi選項權)以來,Pacific Ridge已完成了一項726線公里的直升機ZTEm地球物理勘測項目,以25000米間距覆蓋整個該項目,對ZTEm勘測進行了3D反演模型,BP區域進行了兩條感應極化(「IP」)測線(6.7線公里),並對2015年(Kiska Metals Corporation)和2023年IP測線進行了3D反演建模。將2D和3D地球物理反演模型編製成3D模型空間,與歷史地質形態和鑽探結果進行比較,以更新BP區域中銅金礦化的系統幾何和結構控制的解釋。基於這種模型,該公司認爲,在沿着北中央斷層和Calc - potassic alteration domain的長度爲千米的中央礦化趨勢中,可能存在礦化物質深度達800m的潛力。

Outside of the BP Zone, Pacific Ridge has completed a reconnaissance surface sampling grid over the eastern half of the Project at 350 m sample spacing, completed mapping and sampling at the Klaw zone and completed 15 line-km of IP survey at Chuchi South (see Figure 2).

除了BP區域之外,Pacific Ridge還在該項目的東部完成了一個35000米的樣本間距的表面採樣網格,完成了Klaw區的映射和採樣,並在Chuchi South完成了15公里的IP測線(參見圖2)。

2024 Drill Hole Planning


The planned 2024 diamond drilling program at Chuchi will comprise approximately 3,000 m in five or six drill holes in the BP Zone (see Figures 3 and 4). Drill holes will be distributed over a strike length of 800 m across the highly prospective BP Zone and will be collared near the best historical drilling results. These holes are designed to confirm these results and test them to greater depth.


Drilling will also test the interpretation, from the combined 3D geophysical inversion models (ZTEM and IP) and the grade shell model of historical drilling, that BP Zone mineralization forms a tabular shaped body with a high degree of northeast-trending structural control, is steeply northwest-dipping, northeast plunging, and is deep rooted.


Further, drilling will also test for evidence that the BP Zone is structurally segmented with greater preservation potential in downthrown blocks within a north-south trending fault valley on its east side where higher-level porphyry system indicators have been intersected in historical drilling.


Description of the Planned 2024 Drill Holes at Chuchi

Chuchi 2024年鑽孔計劃描述

Planned #1 (azimuth 081°, inclination -60°, planned length 600 m) is collared on a historical drill trail on the northeastern side of the BP Zone (see Figures 3 and 4), on the northern edge of the calc-potassic domain, and near the transition into the Digger subzone. Drilling will test increasing Cu-Au ratios at depth in drill hole CH-91-42, and if the latter represents a downthrown piece of alkalic lithocap alteration-mineralization. Drill hole CH-91-42 (azimuth 179.3°, inclination -74.2°, length 320.6 m, vertical depth 308.5 m) returned 28 m of 0.07% Cu and 3.61 g/t Au from 91.4 m and 42.0 m of 0.13% Cu and 0.55 g/t Au from 200.0 m within 229.2 m of 0.01% Cu and 0.61 g/t Au from 91.4 m. There are no preserved drill hole logging reports for CH-91-42. Drilling will test a deep-rooted chargeability high domain in the 3D IP model (see Figure 5).

計劃#1(方位081°,傾角-60°,計劃長度600米)將在BP區域(見圖3和圖4)東北側的歷史鑽進路徑上定位,靠近Calc-鉀質域的北緣以及轉換到Digger亞域的位置。鑽孔將在CH-91-42號孔深處測試Cu-Au比值的增高,並檢測後者是否代表了鉀質巖靶向帶的深部殼層改造成礦作用。 CH-91-42號鑽孔(方位179.3°,傾角-74.2°,長度32060萬,垂直深度308.5米)從9140米處返回了2800萬的0.07%Cu和3.61克/噸Au以及從20000米處返回了4200萬的0.13%Cu和0.55克/噸Au,其中9140米之中的22920萬的0.01%Cu和0.61克/噸Au。 CH-91-42號孔沒有保存的鑽孔記錄報告。 鑽孔將測試三維IP模型中的深植電荷高區(見圖5)。

Planned #2 (azimuth 090°, inclination -70°, planned length 600 m) is collared on a historical drill trail near the centre of the BP Zone, within the calc-potassic alteration domain, and near historical drill hole CH-91-40 (azimuth 090°, inclination -59°, length 203.1 m, vertical depth 174.5 m) which returned 40 m at 0.45% Cu and 0.41 g/t Au within 80 m of 0.30% Cu and 0.29 g/t Au from 50 m depth (see Table 1). The planned drill hole targets:


  1. the centre-to-eastern margin of a steeply west-dipping 550 m E-W x 500 m N-S x 600 m deep stock-shaped conductivity low and magnetic high feature in the 3D ZTEM inversion model (see Figure 6),

  2. a break in chargeability high signature in the 3D IP inversion model thought to be representative of the prospective North Central Fault corridor (see Figure 5),

  3. a resistivity moderate-high gradient zone and moderate deep root feature in the 3D IP model.

  1. 3D ZTEm反演模型中陡峭向西傾斜的55,000萬East-West x 50,000萬North-South x 60,000萬深的庫存狀導電低磁高特徵的中心至東部

  2. 3D IP反演模型中電荷高特徵的突變點,考慮其代表了有前景的北中央斷層帶。

  3. 3D IP模型中一條中等高梯度區和中等深根特徵。

Planned #3 (azimuth 088°, inclination -80°, planned length 600 m) is collared on a historical drill trail at the southern side of the BP Zone, within the potassic alteration domain, and in the area of historical drill hole CH-89-07 (azimuth 180°, inclination -46°, length 210.9 m, vertical depth 151.7 m) which returned 16 m at 0.71% Cu and 1.32 g/t Au within 100 m of 0.27% Cu and 0.37 g/t Au from 38 m depth (see Table 1). The planned drill hole is collared 72 m SSW of the CH-89-07 collar and drills to the east. It targets:


  1. the southern margin of the steeply west-dipping stock-shaped 3D ZTEM conductivity low and magnetic high feature,

  2. a break in chargeability high signature in the 3D IP inversion model thought to be representative of the 070 Fault corridor,

  3. a moderate-low resistivity domain towards a deep higher resistivity shoulder in the 3D IP inversion model.

  1. 3D ZTEm中陡峭向西傾斜的庫存狀導電低磁高特徵的南部邊緣。

  2. 3D IP反演模型中電荷高特徵的突變點,應該是有前景的070斷層帶的代表。

  3. 3D IP模型中的中等低電阻梯度區和中等深根特徵。

Planned #4 (azimuth 090°, inclination -75°, planned length 600 m) is collared on a historical drill trail at the southwestern side of BP Zone, within the calc-potassic alteration domain, and in the area of historical drill hole CH-90-27 (azimuth 265°, inclination -46°, length 304.5 m, vertical depth 219.0 m) which returned 70 m at 0.31% Cu and 0.34 g/t Au within 194 m of 0.21% Cu and 0.21 g/t Au from 32 m depth (see Table 1). The planned drill hole is collared 195 m west of CH-90-27 and drills in the opposite direction. It has similar targeting objectives as listed for Planned #2.


Planned #5 (azimuth 300°, inclination -70°, planned length 600 m) is collared on a historical drill trail on the northeastern side of BP Zone, within the calc-potassic alteration domain, and near historical drill hole CH-90-30 (azimuth 278°, inclination -68.5°, length 272.2 m, vertical depth 253.3 m) which returned 74 m at 0.26% Cu and 0.13 g/t Au from 182 m depth (see Table 1). The planned drill hole is collared 40 m south of CH-90-30 and drills to the northwest. It has similar targeting objectives as listed for Planned #2 but targets the northeastern margin of the stock-shaped 3D ZTEM conductivity low and magnetic high feature; it also tests the central core and dip direction of the grade shell model of historical drilling results for BP Zone.

計劃#5(方位300°,傾角-70°,計劃長度600米)將在BP區域東北側的歷史鑽進路徑上定位,處於鉀質域內,靠近歷史鑽孔CH-90-30(方位278°,傾角-68.5°,長度27220萬,垂直深度253.3米),其中返回了7400萬的0.26%Cu和0.13克/噸Au,18200米深度處(見表1)。計劃鑽孔與計劃#2具有類似的定位目標,但鑽探目標是庫存狀3D ZTEm導電低磁高特徵的東北側邊緣;另外,它還對歷史鑽探結果的BP區域梯度殼核心和傾向進行測試。

Planned #6 (azimuth 270°, inclination -75°, planned length 600 m) is collared on a historical drill trail on the northeastern side of the BP Zone, within the calc-potassic alteration domain, and near historical drill hole CH-90-33 (azimuth 273°, inclination -60°, length 304.5 m, vertical depth 263.7 m) which returned 88 m at 0.36% Cu and 0.21 g/t Au from 64 m depth (see Table 1). The planned drill hole is steeper than CH-90-33 and targets:


  1. the eastern margin of the stock-shaped conductivity low and magnetic high feature in the 3D ZTEM inversion model,

  2. the western margin of deep-rooted chargeability high domain in the 3D IP model and the break in chargeability high signature thought to be representative of the North Central Fault corridor,

  3. a resistivity moderate-high gradient zone and moderate deep root feature in the 3D IP model.

  1. 3D ZTEm座標反演模型中導電低磁高特徵的東緣。

  2. 3D IP模型中深植電荷高區的西部邊緣和突變點,被認爲代表了北中央斷層帶上的有前景的位置。

  3. 3D IP模型中的中等至高電阻梯度區和中等深根特徵。

Figure 3: 2024 Drill Plan in BP Zone Showing Aeromagnetic Grid

圖3: BP區鑽探計劃示出電磁格柵

Figure 4: 2024 Drill Plan in BP Zone Showing Resistivity Grid

圖4: BP區鑽探計劃示出電阻率格柵

Figure 5: 2024 Drill Plan in Cross Section Showing 3D IP Chargeability Inversion Model

圖5: 剖面圖中的2024年鑽探計劃展示了3D IP電荷率反演模型

Figure 6: 2024 Drill Plan in Cross Section Showing 3D ZTEM Inversion Model

圖6: 剖面圖中的2024年鑽探計劃展示了3D ZTEm反演模型

About Chuchi


Chuchi is over 160 km2 in size and comprises three mineral tenure blocks, Chuchi, under option from Centerra, and Chuchi South and Chuchi West, under option from American Copper Development Corporation (ACDX: TSXV) and a private individual. The Project is road accessible and is located 35 km northwest of Centerra's Mount Milligan mine. Chuchi has seen less than 15,360 metres (89 drill holes) of historical drilling to an average vertical depth of 140 m. Most of this drilling was completed in 1989-1991. The Project hosts several compelling exploration targets within a six-kilometre-long porphyry trend, including the BP Zone. The Company believes that Chuchi has significant untested potential for porphyry copper-gold mineralization at depth as many of the historic drill holes were shallow and ended in mineralization. Further, the porphyry centre has yet to be identified.

Chuchi佔地面積超過160平方公里,包括三個礦區,由Centerra轉讓的Chuchi區,American Copper Development Corporation(ACDX:tsxv)和一個私人擁有的Chuchi南區和Chuchi西區。該項目可通過公路到達,位於Centerra的Mount Milligan礦山以西35公里處。Chuchi歷史上只鑽探了不到15,360米(89個探針孔)的平均垂直深度至14000萬。大部分鑽探是在1989-1991年完成的。該項目在六公里長的斑岩趨勢線內擁有幾個引人注目的勘探目標,其中包括BP區。公司認爲,由於許多歷史上的鑽探孔較淺且在礦化區結束,因此Chuchi具有很大的深部斑岩型銅金礦潛力。此外,斑岩中心尚未被確定。

About Pacific Ridge

關於Pacific Ridge

Our goal is to become B.C.'s leading copper-gold exploration company. Pacific Ridge's flagship asset is its 100% owned Kliyul copper-gold project, located in the Quesnel terrane close to existing infrastructure. In addition to Kliyul, the Company's project portfolio also includes the Chuchi copper-gold project, the 100% owned RDP copper-gold project, the 100% owned Onjo copper-gold project, and the 100% owned Redton copper-gold project, all located in British Columbia. The Company would like to acknowledge that its B.C. projects are located in the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the Gitxsan Nation, McLeod Lake Indian Band, Nak'azdli Whut'en, Takla Nation, and Tsay Keh Dene Nation.

我們的目標是成爲卑詩省領先的銅金勘探公司。Pacific Ridge的旗艦資產是其100%擁有的Kliyul銅金項目,位於靠近現有基礎設施的Quesnel地盤。除Kliyul外,公司的項目組合還包括Chuchi銅金項目,100%擁有的RDP銅金項目,100%擁有的Onjo銅金項目和100%擁有的Redton銅金項目,全部位於卑詩省。公司希望承認其卑詩省項目位於Gitxsan Nation,McLeod Lake Indian Band,Nak'azdli Whut'en,Takla Nation和Tsay Keh Dene Nation的傳統,祖傳和未辦理土著領土之上。

On behalf of the Board of Directors,


"Blaine Monaghan"

"Blaine Monaghan"

Blaine Monaghan
President & CEO
Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd.

Blaine Monaghan
Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd.

Investor Relations:
Tel: (604) 687-4951


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定義的那樣)對此發佈的充分性或準確性不承擔任何責任。

The technical information contained within this News Release has been reviewed and approved by Danette Schwab, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 policy.

本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已由Danette Schwab, P.Geo.審查並獲得批准,她是一位符合國家43-101規定的資格人員的勘探副總裁。

Forward-Looking Information: This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, which address exploration drilling and other activities and events or developments that Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd. ("Pacific Ridge") expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements in this news release include the planned 3,000 m drill program at Chuchi. Although Pacific Ridge believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward looking statements include market prices, exploration successes, and continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. These statements are based on a number of assumptions including, among other things, assumptions regarding general business and economic conditions, that one of the options will be exercised, the ability of Pacific Ridge and other parties to satisfy stock exchange and other regulatory requirements in a timely manner, the availability of financing for Pacific Ridge's proposed programs on reasonable terms, and the ability of third party service providers to deliver services in a timely manner. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Pacific Ridge does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.


