
Montrose Environmental Group-Backed TreaTech Installs First Circular Waste Treatment Unit

Montrose Environmental Group-Backed TreaTech Installs First Circular Waste Treatment Unit

PR Newswire ·  08/20 19:00

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. & LONAY, Switzerland, Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. ("Montrose" or "the Company") (NYSE: MEG), a high-growth global environmental solutions company, today shared that TreaTech, a Montrose-backed waste treatment technology, has installed its first circular waste treatment unit, VISTA, at Ecorecyclage's treatment site in Lavigny, Switzerland.

阿肯色州的LITTLE ROCk和瑞士的LONAY,2024年8月20日/美通社——高增長的全球環境解決方案公司 Montrose Environmental Group, Inc.(簡稱「Montrose」或「公司」)(NYSE: MEG)今天宣佈,由Montrose 領投的廢物處理技術公司 TreaTech 在瑞士 Lavigny 的Ecorecyclage處理站安裝了第一個圓形廢物處理裝置VISTA。

TreaTech has brought innovative technology to market that uses catalytic hydrothermal gasification to convert a broad range of waste streams into reusable resources, such as methane-rich renewable gas, in a circular and cost-efficient manner. VISTA will convert multiple types of industrial, agricultural and municipal waste streams into renewable gas that can immediately be injected into the natural gas distribution network of EcoRecyclage's parent company, Holdigaz Group, a major player in the Swiss energy and building sectors. It is expected to validate TreaTech's ability to continuously treat organic waste 24-hours a day at a waste management facility at up to 200kg of waste per hour.

TreaTech推出了一項創新技術,利用催化水熱氣化技術將廣泛的廢棄物流轉爲可重複使用的資源,例如豐富甲烷的可再生氣體,以循環和成本效益的方式進行轉換。VISTA可將多種類型的工業,農業和市政廢物流轉爲可再生氣體,該氣體可以直接注入EcoRecyclage母公司Holdigaz Group的天然氣配送網絡,後者是瑞士能源和建築領域的主要參與者。預計其將驗證TreaTech在處理有機廢棄物方面的能力,每天在廢物管理設施中連續處理高達200千克的廢棄物。

Vijay Manthripragada, President & CEO of Montrose Environmental Group and TreaTech Board Member, said: "We are thrilled with the progress made by the TreaTech team. Montrose is focused on helping communities convert waste into valuable resources and we believe the TreaTech technology and team are among the most innovative and compelling. We don't want waste to be wasted. Our hope is to further energy access and community development in a more environmentally sustainable way. We are excited and grateful for the deepening partnership between TreaTech and HoldiGaz. As the TreaTech technology is further validated, we believe there will be many future opportunities to support communities with waste reuse around the world."

Montrose Environment Group和TreaTech董事會成員Vijay Manthripragada表示:「我們對TreaTech團隊所取得的進展感到非常高興。 Montrose致力於幫助社區將廢物轉變爲有價值的資源,我們認爲TreaTech技術和團隊是最具創新性和親力親爲的。我們希望未來的能源接入和社區發展更加環保可持續。我們對TreaTech和HoldiGaz之間的合作加深感到興奮和感激。隨着TreaTech技術的進一步驗證,我們相信將有許多未來的機會支持世界各地的廢棄物再利用社區。」

With population growth and economic development placing increasing pressure on existing waste disposal processes, the need for sustainable waste-to-energy solutions that extract the maximum value from all waste streams has never been greater. Countries across the globe are striving for energy independence and seeking to invest in waste treatment solutions, like TreaTech, to create local and sustainable supplies of renewable gas. TreaTech's technologies offer an alternative to traditional incineration used to dispose of waste that releases a considerable amount of CO2 into the atmosphere and doesn't recover water.

隨着人口增長和經濟發展對現有廢物處理流程施加越來越大的壓力,需求可持續的廢物到能源解決方案從未如此之大。全球國家正在努力實現能源獨立,尋求投資廢物處理解決方案(例如TreaTech),以創建可靠的當地可持續供應的可再生燃氣。 TreaTech的技術提供了一種盤活傳統污水處理解決方案通常不包括的有價值的產品的替代方案。

Jacob Stern, Vice President of RNG at Montrose Environmental Group, added: "Renewable energy has historically been limited to select feedstocks. We are excited to leverage TreaTech's technology to solve the problem of energy recovery from feedstocks that aren't suitable for anaerobic digestion."

Montrose Environmental Group的可再生能源副總裁Jacob Stern說:「可再生能源歷來只限於某些原料。我們很高興能利用TreaTech的技術解決不能用於厭氧消化的原料的能源回收問題。」

Montrose plans to bring TreaTech's technology to the U.S. in 2025 for application with waste streams across the food and beverage, agricultural and livestock, municipal waste and chemical sectors.


About Montrose


Montrose is a leading environmental solutions company focused on supporting commercial and government organizations as they deal with the challenges of today and prepare for what's coming tomorrow. With ~3200 employees across 100+ locations worldwide, Montrose combines deep local knowledge with an integrated approach to design, engineering, and operations, enabling Montrose to respond effectively and efficiently to the unique requirements of each project. From comprehensive air measurement and laboratory services to regulatory compliance, emergency response, permitting, engineering, and remediation, Montrose delivers innovative and practical solutions that keep its clients on top of their immediate needs – and well ahead of the strategic curve. For more information, visit .


About TreaTech:

關於 TreaTech:

TreaTech is a Swiss engineering company that has developed innovative technology that treats multiple waste streams in a sustainable and cost-efficient manner. In 2023, the company raised CHF 9 million from its Series A funding round to support the development of its circular waste treatment solutions. TreaTech's technology is designed to harness the power of the circular economy, mitigate climate change, and support the global energy transition towards renewable gases, by capturing valuable products that are usually excluded from traditional wastewater treatment solutions. For further information, please visit the website and LinkedIn page.

TreaTech是一家瑞士工程公司,開發了一種可持續和成本效益的創新技術,可處理多種廢物流。2023年,該公司在A輪融資中籌集了900萬瑞士法郎,以支持其圓形廢物處理解決方案的開發。TreaTech的技術旨在利用循環經濟的能力,減緩氣候變化,並通過捕捉傳統污水處理解決方案通常不包括的有價值的產品,支持全球向可再生燃氣的能源過渡。欲獲取更多信息,請訪問網站和 LinkedIn 頁。

Forward‐Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as "intend," "expect", and "may", and other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or that are not statements of historical matters. Forward-looking statements are based on current information available at the time the statements are made and on management's reasonable belief or expectations with respect to future events, and are subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control, that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from the belief or expectations expressed in or suggested by the forward-looking statements. Additional factors or events that could cause actual results to differ may also emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for the Company to predict all of them. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect future events, developments or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law. Investors are referred to the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, for additional information regarding the risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statement.

本新聞稿包含根據1933年修正案第27A條和1934年修正案第21E條的前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明可能會通過使用"意圖"、"期望"和"可能"等詞語以及其他預測或指示未來事件的類似表述來識別或表示,或者表述不是歷史事實的聲明。前瞻性聲明基於發表聲明時可獲得的當前信息以及管理層對未來事件的合理信任或期望,並且受到風險和不確定性的影響,其中許多超出了公司的控制範圍,這可能會導致實際業績或結果與前瞻性聲明中表達的信任或期望不一致。還可能不時出現導致實際結果有所不同的其他因素或事件,公司不能預測所有這些因素或事件。前瞻性聲明僅在其發表時有效,公司不承擔更新任何前瞻性聲明以反映未來事件、發展或其他情況的義務,除非適用法律另有要求。投資者可參考公司向證券交易委員會提交的文件,包括其2023年年度報告(Form 10-K),以獲取有關可能導致實際結果與任何前瞻性聲明所表達的信任或期望不一致的風險和不確定性的其他信息。



Investor Relations:
Adrianne Griffin
(949) 988-3383
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Adrianne Griffin
(949) 988-3383
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Media Relations:
Sarah Kaiser
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Sarah Kaiser凱撒文化
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SOURCE Montrose Environmental Group, Inc.

來源:Montrose Environmental Group, Inc.

