
Solarvest & Agmo Launch Digital Solutions For Clean Energy

Solarvest & Agmo Launch Digital Solutions For Clean Energy

Business Today ·  08/20 14:35

Malaysia's leading clean energy provider, Solarvest Holdings Berhad, and homegrown digital solutions specialist Agmo Holdings Berhad, have announced a strategic joint venture aimed at advancing the clean energy sector through digital innovation.

馬來西亞領先的清潔能源供應商 Solarvest Holdings Berhad 和本地數字解決方案專家 Agmo Holdings Berhad 宣佈戰略合作,旨在通過數字創新推進清潔能源板塊。

The partnership, unveiled during the 6th International Sustainable Energy Summit (ISES) 2024, was witnessed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy Transition and Water Transformation, Dato' Sri Haji Fadillah Bin Haji Yusof. This joint venture is set to significantly transform Malaysia's clean energy landscape by developing digital applications designed to streamline and enhance the clean energy project lifecycle.

合作伙伴在第六屆國際可持續能源峯會 (ISES) 2024 期間揭幕,見證人爲副首相兼能源轉型與水務轉型部長阿都斯里·哈吉·法蒂拉·哈吉·尤索夫。這項聯合創辦企業旨在通過開發旨在提高清潔能源項目生命週期效率和流程的數字應用,顯著改變馬來西亞的清潔能源競爭格局。

The collaboration involves Solarvest Energy Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Solarvest, and Agmo Capital Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Agmo. By leveraging Solarvest's robust project experience and Agmo's technological capabilities, the venture aims to refine Solarvest's existing offerings. This includes enhancements to Vestech EcoHomes solutions, the Powerbee green Electric Vehicle (EV) charging ecosystem, and Renewable Energy Certification management.

該合作涉及 Solarvest 的全資子公司 Solarvest Energy Sdn. Bhd. 和 Agmo 的全資子公司 Agmo Capital Sdn. Bhd. 通過充分利用 Solarvest 的經驗豐富的項目經驗和 Agmo 的技術能力,這個合資企業旨在完善 Solarvest 的現有業務。這包括對 Vestech EcoHomes solutions、 Powerbee 綠色電動車(EV) 充電生態系統和可再生能源認證管理的增強。

The project will unfold in multiple stages, beginning with improvements to Solarvest's current solutions. These will be digitalised to optimise clean energy offerings and project management processes, catering to the increasing demand for sustainable energy. Solarvest plans to pilot these new applications to ensure their effectiveness before a full market launch. Once successfully implemented, these digital solutions are expected to enhance the visibility and development of clean energy products and projects across the community.

該項目將分多個階段展開,首先改進 Solarvest 的現有解決方案,並將其差值化以優化清潔能源的業務和項目管理流程,滿足可持續能源需求的增加需求。Solarvest 計劃在全面上市之前試點這些新應用程序,以確保其有效性。一旦成功實施,這些數字解決方案有望提高社區中清潔能源產品和項目的可見性和發展。

The initiative addresses the need for streamlined clean energy services and simplified business operations. It is anticipated to play a crucial role in helping Malaysia achieve its renewable energy targets, enabling businesses to scale operations through a digitalised, automated approach. This venture underscores the commitment of both companies to advancing innovation and growth in the clean energy sector.


Davis Chong Chun Shiong, Executive Director and Group Chief Executive Officer of Solarvest Holdings Berhad, stated, "Our collaboration with Agmo represents a major advancement in our drive for innovation and sustainability in the clean energy sector. The digital application we are developing will transform how we manage and expand clean energy solutions, providing a seamless, integrated experience for users. This partnership highlights our dedication to renewable energy and our proactive approach to addressing the evolving needs of the industry."

Solarvest Holdings Berhad 的執行董事兼集團首席執行官 Davis Chong Chun Shiong 說:「我們與 Agmo 的合作代表着我們在推動清潔能源行業創新和可持續性方面的重大進展。我們正在開發的數字應用程序將改變我們管理和擴展清潔能源解決方案的方式,爲用戶提供無縫的集成體驗。這項合作突出了我們對可再生能源的承諾和我們積極應對行業不斷髮展的需求的態度。」

Tan Aik Keong, Non-Independent Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer of Agmo Holdings Berhad, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, saying, "We are thrilled to join forces with Solarvest, combining our technological expertise to propel the clean energy revolution. This innovative initiative will be pivotal in advancing the sector, offering a comprehensive platform that makes clean energy more accessible and manageable for both businesses and consumers, and supporting Malaysia's sustainability goals."

Agmo Holdings Berhad 的非獨立執行董事兼首席執行官陳益強(Tan Aik Keong)對合作夥伴表示熱情洋溢,他說:「我們很高興與 Solarvest 合作,結合我們的技術專長,推動清潔能源革命。這個創新性議題將在推進這個領域方面發揮關鍵作用,爲企業和消費者提供更全面的平台,使清潔能源更加易於使用和管理,並支持馬來西亞的可持續性目標。」

