
Country's Unabating Energy Demand Boon For Sector

Country's Unabating Energy Demand Boon For Sector

Business Today ·  08/20 11:43

The utilities sector is set to experience robust growth a year after the launch of the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR), with strong future prospects. The analysts highlight Tenaga Nasional (TNB), YTL Power, and Samaiden Group as top picks. This positive outlook is driven by a range of factors, including the burgeoning number of data centre (DC) developments, ongoing power grid upgrades, and the significant role of independent power producers (IPPs). Additionally, the expansion of domestic renewable energy (RE) capacity is expected to enhance contractors' job flow.

國家能源轉型路線圖(NETR)推出一年後,公用事業部門將會體驗到強勁的成長a級,未來前景看好。分析師認爲,Tenaga Nasional (TNB),YTL Power和Samaiden Group 是前景最好的選擇。這種積極的前景由多種因素推動,包括不斷增加的數據中心(DC)開發,持續的電網升級,以及獨立電力生產商(IPPs)的重要作用。此外,國內可再生能源(RE)產能的擴大有望增強承包商的業務流程。

Analysts remain optimistic about the sector's trajectory, with an OVERWEIGHT rating reaffirmed. The recent advancements following the NETR's introduction, such as the Corporate Renewable Energy Supply Scheme (CRESS) and the establishment of Energy Exchange Malaysia (ENEGEM), are crucial. These developments are set to push third-party access (TPA) mechanisms and facilitate energy exports, particularly to Singapore. Moreover, the continued rollout of solar power programmes and feasibility studies on alternative energy sources like biomass, ammonia, and hydrogen underscore the sector's growth potential.


West Malaysia's electricity consumption is forecasted to surpass the 10-year average growth of 2.4% over the next decade, primarily due to the expansion of data centres. The energy consumption of DCs alone is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.6-2.6% from 2023 to 2035, provided that 3-5GW of DCs are fully operational by 2035. In response to this strong demand, the Government has set a reserve margin of 28-36% for 2024-2030. To support this growth, short-term power purchase agreement (PPA) bids are in progress, with the potential for extensions for gas-fired plants. Experienced IPPs, such as TNB and Malakoff Corp, are well-positioned to benefit from additional gas capacity expansions.

預計在未來十年內,由於數據中心的擴張,西馬來西亞的用電量將超過10年平均增長率2.4%。僅數據中心的能源消耗量預計從2023年到2035年以1.6-2.6%的複合年增長率(CAGR)增長,前提是截至2035年有3-5GW的數據中心投入運營。爲了滿足這一強勁需求,政府爲2024-2030年設定了28-36%的儲備裕度。爲支持這種成長,短期的電力採購協議(PPA)招標正在進行中,有可能爲燃氣發電廠提供延期服務。經驗豐富的IPP如TNb和Malakoff Corp,將受益於額外的燃氣容量擴張。

The upcoming Regulatory Period (RP) 4, expected by the end of the year, may bring changes to tariffs to accommodate new initiatives such as energy exports and TPA mechanism wheeling charges. The house anticipates a 25-40% increase in average regulated capital expenditure (capex) compared to RP2 levels, reaching RM8.6-9.6 billion annually. This adjustment is expected to reflect an annual demand growth of 3-4% and maintain a weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of 7.3%. The sensitivity analysis suggests that regulatory net returns could rise by 1.34% for every RM1 billion increase in average capex annually.


The solar power sector continues to show momentum, supported by favourable government policies and decreasing panel prices. The rapid progress in large-scale solar (LSS) projects and the upcoming Corporate Green Power Programme (CGPP) EPCC awards indicate significant potential for growth. With the shortlisting of bidders for LSS 5 and the rollout of CRESS and ENEGEM, solar EPCC players are expected to see sustained earnings growth.

在政府的有利政策和電池片價格下降的支持下,太陽能行業繼續保持發展勢頭。大規模太陽能(LSS)項目的快速進展和即將推出的企業綠色電源計劃(CGPP)EPCC獎項表明,該行業具有重要的增長潛力。隨着LSS 5投標人的入圍以及CRESS和ENEGEm的推出,太陽能EPCC玩家預計將看到持續的盈利增長。

