
Digital Brands Group, Inc. (DBGI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Digital Brands Group, Inc. (DBGI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Digital Brands Group,Inc.(DBGI)2024年第二季度業績會議電話會議記錄摘要
富途資訊 ·  08/20 08:15  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Digital Brands Group, Inc. (DBGI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Digital Brands Group, Inc. (DBGI) Q2 2024業績會說明摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Digital Brands Group reported net revenues of $3.4 million, down from $4.5 million a year ago.

  • Gross profit margins decreased to 45.9% from 52% the previous year, attributed to reduced digital revenue.

  • Net loss lessened to $3.5 million from $5.7 million the previous year, partially due to a reduction in G&A expenses from $4.1 million to $2.9 million.

  • Sales and marketing expenses were lowered to $615,000 from $1.1 million due to cuts in digital advertising spend.

  • Digital Brands Group報告淨營業收入爲$340萬,低於去年的$450萬。

  • 毛利潤率從上年的52%降至45.9%,歸因於數字營收減少。

  • 淨虧損從上年的$570萬減少至$350萬,部分原因是G&A費用減少,從$410萬降至$290萬。

  • 由於減少數字廣告支出,銷售和市場營銷費用從$110萬降至$615,000。

Business Progress:


  • DBG paid off over $5 million in debt and liabilities, significantly cleaning up the balance sheet.

  • They launched the 'Build Your Own Bundle' concept with DSTLD, achieving a 150% growth in that brand.

  • The company plans to introduce a new DTC brand shortly, leveraging current infrastructure and resources from the Sundry acquisition.

  • DBG償還了超過$500萬的債務和負債,顯著改善了資產負債表。

  • 他們與DSTLD推出了「打造自己的捆綁」概念,該品牌取得了150%的增長。

  • 該公司計劃很快推出新的DTC品牌,利用從Sundry收購中獲得的基礎設施和資源。



  • DBG plans to revive growth by turning back on digital marketing with expected high returns (ROAS of 2.6 to 2.9).

  • They are in discussions with major department stores to further expand their product presence and launch new brands.

  • Financial leverage from focusing on digital marketing and operational efficiencies is anticipated to drive significant revenue increases.

  • DBG計劃通過重新啓動數字營銷來實現增長,並預計獲得高回報(ROAS爲2.6至2.9)。

  • 他們正在與大型百貨商店商討進一步擴大產品的銷售,並推出新品牌。

  • 專注於數字營銷和運營效率的財務槓桿作用預計將推動顯着的收入增長。



  • The consumer market remains soft, influencing spending behaviors and revenue from major retail and DTC channels.

  • Post-election economic uncertainties may impact the business environment and consumer spending behavior.

  • Fluctuating interest rates and possible need for additional capital raise could affect financial stability and growth.

  • 消費市場仍然疲軟,影響零售和DTC渠道的支出行爲和收入。

  • 選舉後經濟的不確定性可能會影響業務環境和消費者支出行爲。

  • 波動的利率期貨和可能需要額外資本募集可能會影響財務穩定性和增長。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


