
USANA Launches New, Innovative Skincare and Protein Products Resurfacing Serum and Whey Protein Isolate up the Game for USANA

USANA Launches New, Innovative Skincare and Protein Products Resurfacing Serum and Whey Protein Isolate up the Game for USANA

USANA推出新的創新護膚品和蛋白質產品,讓USANA引領潮流。Resurfacing Serum和Whey Protein Isolate讓USANA更上一層樓。
優莎娜 ·  08/19 12:00

USANA Launches New, Innovative Skincare and Protein Products Resurfacing Serum and Whey Protein Isolate up the game for USANA

USANA推出了新的創新性護膚和蛋白質產品Resurfacing Serum和Whey Protein Isolate,爲USANA的產品推廣帶來新氣象。

Download as PDFAugust 19, 2024
下載爲PDF 2024年8月19日

SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- USANA Health Sciences, Inc. has recently added two new products to its line of high-quality, science-based products. Celavive Resurfacing Serum blends powerful, clinically proven ingredients formulated to visibly transform the look of your skin. Whey Protein Isolate is the ultimate protein supplement to fuel your body and support your personal health goals.*

2024年8月19日,SALt LAKE CITY /美通社/——USANA Health Sciences, Inc.最近添加了兩個新產品到其高品質、以科學爲基礎的產品線中。Celavive Resurfacing Serum混合了強大的、經過臨床證明的成分,配製成可顯著改變皮膚外觀的成分。Whey Protein Isolate是終極蛋白質補充劑,可爲您的身體提供燃料,並支持您的個人健康目標。


For more information about USANA and its Resurfacing Serum and Whey Protein Isolate, visit here.

有關USANA及其Resurfacing Serum和Whey Protein Isolate的更多信息,請訪問此處。

"I couldn't be more excited about the launch of these innovative new products," said Brent Neidig, USANA's chief commercial officer. "We really took things to the next level by giving customers a truly high-end, luxurious Resurfacing Serum. We also listened to our customers' feedback for a clean, effective, high-protein powder and absolutely delivered with Whey Protein Isolate."

"我對這些創新產品的推出感到非常興奮,"美國納薩首席商務官布倫特·內迪格說。"我們確實通過爲客戶提供真正高端、豪華的Resurfacing Serum把事情提升到了一個新的水平。對於清潔、有效、高蛋白粉末的客戶反饋,我們也聽取了他們的反饋,絕對通過Whey Protein Isolate交付了。"

Resurfacing Serum combines alpha and beta hydroxy acids, niacinamide, peptides, and bakuchiol—a naturally derived retinol alternative. Together, these active ingredients target the texture, clarity, brightness, and firmness of your skin—all while giving your skin an instant glow and immediate softness.

Resurfacing Serum結合了α和β羥基酸、煙酰胺、多肽和bakuchiol——一種天然衍生的維甲酸替代品。這些活性成分共同針對您皮膚的質地、清晰度、亮度和緊緻度——同時給皮膚帶來即時的光澤和柔軟。

Whey Protein Isolate delivers 25 grams of premium, grass-fed, lightly flavored whey protein isolate per serving. Its easily digestible formula supports your body's ability to build lean muscle mass and prevent unwanted muscle loss in the future. It is formulated for athletes, aging individuals, and anyone looking to add more protein in their diet for optimal health. Both keto and paleo friendly, it delivers a full complement of amino acids including five grams of BCAAs, zero sugars, only one carb, no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or colors, and is gluten- and GM-free.

Whey Protein Isolate每份提供25克優質的、草食的、味道輕的乳清蛋白分離物。它易於消化的配方支持您的身體建造瘦肌肉,並在未來預防不必要的肌肉流失。它是爲運動員、老年人和任何想在飲食中添加更多蛋白質以實現最佳健康狀況的人提供的。它符合減肥飲食和古飲食,並提供完整的氨基酸,包括5克BCAA,零糖,僅1克碳水化合物,無人工口味、甜味劑或色素,以及無麩質和無轉基因。

"I am so proud of our R&D and product teams' work on these two amazing products," said Dr. Rob Sinnott, USANA's chief science officer. "We've taken a skincare serum and a protein powder and turned them into so much more. From the advanced AHAs and BHAs in Resurfacing Serum to the clean whey protein from grass-fed cows in Whey Protein Isolate, I believe we've given our customers something they've never seen before from USANA."

"我爲我們的研發和產品團隊在這兩個驚人產品上所進行的工作感到非常驕傲。"美國納薩首席科學官羅布·辛諾特博士說。"我們把護膚精華和蛋白質粉末結合起來,變得更好。從Resurfacing Serum中先進的α羥酸和β羥酸到攝自草飼奶牛的潔淨乳清蛋白,Whey Protein Isolate,我相信我們爲美國納薩的客戶提供了從未見過的東西。"

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


USANA (NYSE:USNA) prides itself on providing consumers with quality nutritional and lifestyle products. From its award-winning supplements to its innovative Celavive skincare and Active Nutrition lines, USANA has proven for over 30 years why it's a company you can trust. How about giving us a try? Shop at or learn more at

優思那(紐交所:USNA)以提供質量優良的營養和生活方式產品而自豪。從着名的補充劑到創新的Celavive護膚品和Active Nutrition系列,優思那已經在30多年的時間裏證明了爲什麼它是一個值得信賴的公司。想當然我們吧?請在USANA.com購物或訪問whatsupUSANA.com了解更多信息。

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Released August 19, 2024


