
Nickel Creek Platinum Announces Share Consolidation

Nickel Creek Platinum Announces Share Consolidation

Nickel Creek Platinum宣佈股票合併
PR Newswire ·  08/16 06:00

OAKVILLE, ON, Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Nickel Creek Platinum Corp. (TSX: NCP) (OTCQB: NCPCF) ("Nickel Creek" or the "Company") announces today that it received approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") and that its Board of Directors has approved implementation of the consolidation of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company approved by its shareholders at the annual general and special meeting (the "AGM") held on June 25, 2024, on the basis of one (1) new common share (a "Post-Consolidation Common Share") for every 100 pre-consolidation outstanding common shares (the "Consolidation"), which will become effective on August 19, 2024 (the "Effective Date"). The Company's name and trading symbols will remain unchanged.

2024年8月15日,安大略州奧克維爾 / PRNewswire - Nickel Creek Platinum Corp. (TSX:NCP) (OTCQB:NCPCF)("Nickel Creek"或"公司")宣佈,今日獲得多倫多證券交易所("TSX")批准並獲得董事會批准實施公司普通股的發行和流通( "2019年6月25日舉行的"年度股東大會和特別會議"),以每100股前合併流通普通股募集一(1)股新的普通股("公司後合併普通股"),即應對合並。合併將於2024年8月19日生效("生效日期")。公司的名稱和交易代碼不會更改。

Further information on the Consolidation can be found in the management information circular dated May 8, 2024 available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at .

有關合並的進一步信息,請參閱2024年5月8日的《管理信息通函》,該通函可在SEDAR +公司簡介下獲得。

As a result of the Consolidation, the number of outstanding common shares ("Common Shares") of the Company will be reduced from 508,461,951 Common Shares to approximately 5,084,617 Post-Consolidation Common Shares, subject to adjustment for rounding. If a shareholder would otherwise be entitled to receive a fractional Common Share as a result of the Consolidation, (i) in the event that a fractional Common Share issuable to such shareholder is equal to or greater than 0.5 of a Common Share, the number of Post-Consolidation Common Shares issuable to such shareholder shall be rounded up to the nearest whole Common Share and (ii) in the event that a fractional Common Share issuable to such shareholder is less than 0.5 of a Common Share, the number of Post-Consolidation Common Shares issuable to such shareholder shall be rounded down to the nearest whole Common Share and the fractional Common Share shall be cancelled without payment of consideration. No fractional Common Shares will be issued in connection with the Consolidation.


Computershare Investor Services Inc. ("Computershare"), the Company's transfer agent, will act as exchange agent for the Consolidation. Registered shareholders of the Company whose Common Shares are represented by share certificates will receive a letter of transmittal from Computershare in respect of the Consolidation and each such registered shareholder will be required to complete, sign and return it to Computershare. The letter of transmittal will contain instructions on how to surrender the certificates representing the registered shareholder's Common Shares. If a registered shareholder does not receive a letter of transmittal in respect of its Common Shares, sample letters of transmittal will be available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at . Registered shareholders who hold their Common Shares through DRS statements are not required to complete a letter of transmittal.

Computershare Investor Services Inc. ("Computershare"),該公司的過戶機構,將作爲合併的交換代理。 公司的已註冊股東,其普通股由股票證書代表,將收到來自Computershare的關於合併的委託信。 每位已註冊的股東都需要完成、簽署並將其返回給Computershare。委託函將包含有關放棄持有的已註冊股東的股票證書的說明。 如果已註冊股東沒有收到有關其普通股的委託函,則公司簡介頁下將提供樣本轉讓信。 通過DRS報表持有其普通股的已註冊股東不需要完成委託函。

Non-registered shareholders (i.e., beneficial shareholders) who hold their Common Shares through an intermediary (i.e., a securities dealer, bank or financial institution) should note that the intermediary may have different procedures for processing the Consolidation from those that will be put in place by the Company for registered shareholders. Shareholders who hold their Common Shares through an intermediary who have questions in this regard should contact their intermediary for more information.

通過中介機構(即,證券經紀人、銀行或金融機構)持有其普通股(即,實益所有人)的非註冊股東應注意,該中介機構處理合併的程序可能與公司爲已註冊股東制定的程序不同。 在這方面有問題的已註冊股東應聯繫他們的中介機構以獲得更多信息。

On the Effective Date, the Company's new CUSIP number for its Post-Consolidation Shares will be 65389F407 and the new ISIN will be CA65389F4078.


The exercise price and number of Post-Consolidation Shares of the Company issuable upon the exercise of outstanding securities convertible into Post-Consolidation Shares will be proportionally adjusted upon the Effective Date of the Consolidation in accordance with the terms thereof.


About Nickel Creek Platinum Corp.

關於Nickel Creek Platinum Corp.

Nickel Creek Platinum Corp. (TSX: NCP; OTCQB: NCPCF) is a Canadian mining exploration and development company and its flagship asset is its 100%-owned Nickel Shäw Project. The Nickel Shäw Project is a large undeveloped nickel sulphide project with a unique mix of metals including copper, cobalt and platinum group metals, located in the Yukon, Canada, one of the most favourable jurisdictions in the world. The Nickel Shäw Project has exceptional access to infrastructure, located three hours west of Whitehorse via the paved Alaska Highway, which further offers year-round access to deep-sea shipping ports in southern Alaska.

Nickel Creek Platinum Corp. (TSX:NCP;OTCQB:NCPCF)是一家加拿大采礦勘探和開發公司,其旗艦資產是其100%擁有的Nickel Shäw項目。Nickel Shäw項目是一個大型未開發的鎳硫化物項目,其金屬種類獨特,包括銅、鈷和鉑族金屬,位於加拿大育空地區,是世界上最有利的地區之一。Nickel Shäw項目具有優越的基礎設施,位於阿拉斯加公路西側3小時車程,這進一步提供了通往南阿拉斯加海運港的全年通行能力。

The Company is led by a management team with a proven track record of successful discovery, development, financing and operation of large-scale projects. Our vision is to create value for our shareholders by becoming a leading North American nickel, copper, cobalt and PGM producer.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This news release includes certain information that may be deemed "forward-looking information". Forward-looking information can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "may", "will", "expect", "intend", "believe", "continue", "plans" or similar terminology, or negative connotations thereof. All information in this news release, other than information of historical facts, including, without limitation, statements with respect to general future plans including the proposed Consolidation, the proposed consolidation ratio and the anticipated Effective Date, are forward-looking information that involve various risks and uncertainties. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in such forward-looking information are based on reasonable assumptions, such expectations are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking information.


For more information on the Company and the key assumptions, risks and challenges with respect to the forward-looking information discussed herein, and about our business in general, investors should review the Company's most recently filed annual information form, and other continuous disclosure filings which are available at . Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


SOURCE Nickel Creek Platinum Corp.

來源:Nickel Creek Platinum Corp.

