


MEETKAI歡迎Charlamagne Tha God作爲投資者和戰略顧問。
PR Newswire ·  08/15 21:00

The entertainment mogul joins forces with MeetKai to drive platform growth and transform the future of virtual experiences and content creation for all


LOS ANGELES, Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MeetKai, the leading immersive AI company, is proud to welcome Charlamagne Tha God as the company's latest investor and first-ever strategic advisor. The Radio Hall of Fame inductee, best-selling author, TV personality and renowned media-mogul will work with MeetKai to support its platform expansion and collaborate on product innovation, partnership development and entertainment, gaming and e-commerce integrations across virtual worlds built on the MeetKai metaverse.

加州洛杉磯,2024年8月15日/美通社/——MeetKai作爲領先的沉浸式人工智能公司,自豪地宣佈,名人Charlamagne Tha God成爲公司最新投資人和首位戰略顧問。這位廣播名人堂入選者、暢銷書作家、電視名人和著名媒體大亨將與MeetKai合作,支持其平台擴張並在MeetKai元宇宙上的娛樂、遊戲和電子商務整合方面開展產品創新、合作伙伴開發和娛樂方面的合作。

"MeetKai is redefining the future of entertainment. I see it as the future of social, shopping, gaming and content creation, all while being excitingly immersive," said Charlamagne Tha God. "It's where the boundaries of reality and digital innovation blur, creating endless possibilities for connection and creativity."

"MeetKai正在重新定義未來的娛樂。我認爲它是社交、購物、遊戲和內容創作的未來,同時充滿了令人興奮的沉浸式體驗。" Charlamagne Tha God說。"它是現實和數字創新模糊邊界的地方,創造了無盡的連接和創造可能性。"

Charlamagne will provide strategic advice on how to most effectively deliver value and drive revenue for content creators, influencers and brands on MeetKai's platform and bring this technology to mainstream consumer audiences through unique experiences and premium content. To kick off these efforts, Charlamagne's own original programming will take on new virtual formats with the help of MeetKai's AI-enabled, metaverse solutions and roll out on the platform later this year, immersing fans in Charlamagne's content like never before.


James Kaplan, CEO & Co-Founder of Meetkai, expressed his gratitude for Charlamagne's support of MeetKai. He stated, "Charlamagne is one of the most recognizable voices in the entertainment industry today. He understands the new types of experiences consumers are interested in and how virtual formats, such as the metaverse, will transform the future of content creation and brand experiences for all. We are delighted to welcome him as a strategic advisor as we continue to evolve and grow."

Meetkai的首席執行官兼聯合創始人James Kaplan對Charlamagne對MeetKai的支持表示感謝。他說:"Charlamagne是當今娛樂界最具代表性的聲音之一,他理解消費者所感興趣的新類型體驗以及如元宇宙等虛擬格式將如何爲所有人轉變內容創作和品牌體驗的未來。我們很高興歡迎他作爲戰略顧問加入我們,繼續發展壯大。"

Although this is Charlamagne's first foray into AI and emerging technology, he has successfully navigated the evolving digital landscape and continues to curate premier engaging experiences and content for fans nationwide. As the creator of the Black Effect Podcast Network, co-host of the nationally syndicated iHeartRadio program The Breakfast Club and founder and investor of various business ventures across publishing, food and beverage, wellness and beyond, he will bring his expertise as an entrepreneur and celebrity multi-hyphenate to aid in MeetKai's rapid commercialization and enable all creators monetize their content on the metaverse.

儘管這是Charlamagne第一次涉足人工智能和新興技術領域,但他成功地駕馭了不斷變化的數字世界,並繼續爲全國粉絲策劃高品質的沉浸式體驗和內容。作爲Black Effect Podcast Network的創始人,全國廣播電臺iHeartRadio節目The Breakfast Club的聯合主持人,以及發佈業務、食品和飲料、健康和其他領域的多個商業風投的創始人和投資人,他將以企業家和名人多重身份的專業知識,幫助MeetKai實現快速商業化,爲所有創作者提供在元宇宙上獲益的機會。

"We're ecstatic to partner with Charlamagne and expand our platform capabilities," said Peter John Alexander, Chief Business Officer of MeetKai. "Charlamagne has always been on the forefront of creativity and innovation, so he's a valuable addition to the company as we move into our next growth phase - better serving and creating opportunities for the creator economy through technological innovation and development."

"我們非常高興能與Charlamagne合作,拓展我們的平台能力。"MeetKai的首席商業官Peter John Alexander說。"Charlamagne一直走在創造力和創新的前沿,所以他作爲公司邁向下一個增長階段的寶貴補充,爲技術創新和發展服務並創造爲創作者經濟創造機會,更好地服務和實現所有人,可以融入傳統和虛擬現實環境的創新人工智能。"

MeetKai not only offers the strongest solution on the market for companies looking to expand their business practices into virtual formats, but its alliance with some of the world's leading brands and recent investment by influential media personality Charlamagne Tha God is an attestation to MeetKai's value as a technology platform and the promise of its AI-enabled technology. To learn more about future developments, visit .

MeetKai不僅爲尋求將業務實踐拓展到虛擬格式的企業提供最強大的解決方案,而且其與一些世界領先品牌的聯盟,以及廣受影響力的媒體名人Charlamagne Tha God的最新投資,都證明了MeetKai作爲技術平台的價值以及其人工智能技術的承諾。詳情請訪問。

About MeetKai Inc.

關於MeetKai Inc。

MeetKai Inc. is the LA-based, Artificial Intelligence company building the future of the web. Listed by Forbes as a leading innovator in the space, MeetKai's cutting-edge AI can boast expertise about any subject and be seamlessly integrated to both traditional and virtual reality environments. After reaching 75+ million users worldwide, MeetKai built the most cost-effective and easy-to-use immersive 3D creation tools in the market and is currently creating virtual worlds rooted in true utility, accessible to everyone, via browser. Visit for more info and the latest MeetKai news.

MeetKai Inc.是總部位於洛杉磯的人工智能公司,正在構建網絡的未來。MeetKai被福布斯評爲該領域的領先創新者,其尖端人工智能可以在任何主題上提供專業知識,並可以無縫地集成到傳統和虛擬現實環境中。在全球超過7500萬用戶之後,MeetKai建立了市場上最具成本效益、最易於使用的沉浸式3D創建工具,並正在通過瀏覽器創建虛擬世界,具有真正的實用性,向所有人開放。有關更多信息和最新的MeetKai新聞,請訪問。

About Charlamagne Tha God

關於Charlamagne Tha God

Lenard "Charlamagne Tha God" McKelvey is a multi-media mogul and Radio Hall of Fame inductee. The co-host of iHeartMedia's The Breakfast Club morning show, he's also collaborated with iHeart to create The Black Effect Podcast Network, home to multiple chart-topping podcasts. Alongside Kevin Hart, he is also the executive producer of several award winning scripted podcasts. Additionally, he is the co-creator and host of the popular podcast The Brilliant Idiots with comedian Andrew Schulz.

Lenard「Charlamagne Tha God」McKelvey是一位多媒體大亨和廣播名人堂入選者。他是iHeartMedia早間節目The Breakfast Club的聯合主持人,還與iHeart合作創建了The Black Effect Podcast Network,是多個榜首播客的基地。除此之外,他還是幾個屢獲殊榮的編劇類播客的執行製作人與凱文·哈特(Kevin Hart)共同製片人。此外,他還是全稱The Brilliant Idiots的熱門播客的共同創造者。

The author of The New York Times Best Seller Black Privilege, he also wrote the best-selling Shook One and the recent Get Honest or Die Lying. He's also partnered with Simon & Schuster Publishing on his imprint Black Privilege Publishing. Charlamagne is also an Emmy-winning producer through his production company, CThaGod World. He has hosted several network TV programs, including the Stephen Colbert executive-produced Hell of a Week on Comedy Central.

《紐約時報》暢銷書作家黑色特權的作者,他還寫過暢銷書Shook One和最近的Get Honest or Die Lying。他還與西蒙和Schuster Publishing合作,成立了他的專屬印記黑色特權出版社。Charlamagne還通過他的製作公司CThaGod World獲得了艾美獎。他主持過多個網絡電視節目,包括斯蒂芬·科爾伯特(Stephen Colbert)執行製片人製作的喜劇中央(Comedy Central)的可怕一週(Hell of a Week)。

Acting on his passion for mental health awareness, Charlamagne founded the Mental Wealth Alliance, which aims to destigmatize mental health in the Black community. Additionally, he is an Ambassador for the Food Bank for New York City.

Charlamagne因對精神健康認知的熱情而行動起來,他創立了Mental Wealth Alliance,旨在消除黑人社區中的心理健康方面的社會禁忌。此外,他還是紐約市食品銀行的一名大使。


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