
New Report Reveals The Transformative Power of Interactivity in Mobile Video Advertising

New Report Reveals The Transformative Power of Interactivity in Mobile Video Advertising

Digital Turbine ·  08/15 21:00

AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In collaboration with researchers at King's Business School, Bayes Business School (City, University of London), and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Digital Turbine announced the release of "The Ultimate Guide to Interactive Mobile Video Ads," highlighting the significant impact of interactive elements in mobile video ads on increasing brand choice and consumer engagement. The report analyzed 250 mobile advertising campaigns and surveyed nearly 270,000 consumers across various industries, including Automotive, CPG, Entertainment, Retail, Tech, and QSR.

得克薩斯州奧斯汀,2024年8月15日 /PRNewswire/--Digital Turbine與國王商學院、貝葉斯商學院(倫敦大學城市學院)和阿姆斯特丹自由大學的研究人員合作,宣佈發佈”互動移動視頻廣告終極指南,” 重點介紹了移動視頻廣告中的互動元素對增加品牌選擇和消費者參與度的重大影響。該報告分析了250個移動廣告活動,並對包括汽車、CPG、娛樂、零售、科技和QSR在內的各個行業的近270,000名消費者進行了調查。


Digital Turbine's latest research dives into how interactive elements in mobile video ads can dramatically increase brand choice.
Digital Turbine的最新研究深入探討了移動視頻廣告中的互動元素如何顯著增加品牌選擇。

Get your copy of "The Ultimate Guide to Interactive Mobile Video Ads" here

獲取你的副本 「互動移動視頻廣告終極指南」 在這裏

Key Findings


The report identifies three primary types of interactivity that contribute to increased brand choice:


1. Browse:


  • Allows users to self-serve information through hotspots or galleries
  • Helpful for viewing large amounts of products, features, or other information
  • Increases brand choice by 31.5% on average
  • Particularly effective in the Technology, Retail, and Entertainment sector
  • 允許用戶通過熱點或圖庫自助提供信息
  • 有助於查看大量產品、功能或其他信息
  • 平均將品牌選擇增加31.5%
  • 在科技、零售和娛樂領域特別有效

2. Sample:


  • Provides visual ways to interact with products, mimicking in-store interactions
  • Useful to virtually let consumers see different customizations for products
  • Increases brand choice by 29.6% on average
  • Highly effective for Quick Service Restaurants, Consumer Packaged Goods, and Automotive categories
  • 提供與產品互動的視覺方式,模仿店內互動
  • 有助於虛擬地讓消費者看到產品的不同定製
  • 平均將品牌選擇增加29.6%
  • 對快餐店、包裝消費品和汽車類別非常有效

3. Play:


  • Integrates brands into game environments, fostering emotional connections
  • Creates an adrenaline rush associated with the brand
  • Increases brand choice by 36.6% on average
  • Most impactful in the Entertainment, Technology, and Retail sectors.
  • 將品牌融入遊戲環境,促進情感聯繫
  • 激發與品牌相關的腎上腺素飆升
  • 平均將品牌選擇增加36.6%
  • 在娛樂、科技和零售領域影響最大。

Research Methodology


The study was done in collaboration between Digital Turbine and researchers Dr. Yusuf Oc (Bayes Business School), Professor Kirk Plangger and Dr. Stefan Bernritter (King's Business School), and Professor Francesca Sotgiu (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

這項研究是由Digital Turbine和研究人員Yusuf Oc博士合作完成的(貝葉斯商學院)、柯克·普朗格教授和斯特凡·伯恩裏特博士(國王商學院)和 Francesca Sotgiu 教授(阿姆斯特丹自由大學)。

The research team analyzed 250 mobile advertising campaigns within a mobile game app, engaging almost 270,000 consumers. Of these,156,000 consumers encountered a mobile ad featuring browse, sample, or play interactive elements. Post-ad exposure, a Nielsen Research Company survey asked consumers to select which brand they would consider purchasing next. The results showed a significant increase in brand choice intention, with the Play interactive element being the most influential.


"As consumers we are exposed to so many advertisements each day that it is impossible to remember many of them at all," said Dr. Yusuf Oc from Bayes Business School, one of the universities that collaborated on the research. "In-app mobile ads cleverly integrate brand messaging into a game or interactive experience – therefore building into the longer-term memory of key target audiences."


Other Report Highlights


In addition to the key findings above, the report also:


  • Shows examples of common implementations for Browse, Sample, and Play elements
  • Reveals the type of interactive element that was shown to be most effective for each of the industries surveyed
  • Gives awards to the best creative implementation of an interactive element across 6 industries
  • 顯示瀏覽、示例和播放元素的常見實現示例
  • 揭示了被調查的每個行業中最有效的互動元素類型
  • 爲 6 個行業中互動元素的最佳創意實現者頒發獎項

"The future of video advertising lies in the hands of consumers, and interactivity gives them the power to engage with brands in meaningful and memorable ways," said Greg Wester, SVP of Digital Turbine. "Whether through adrenaline packed playing, visually powerful sampling, or immersive browsing, interactivity allows brands to strengthen relationships with consumers. In particular, mobile gaming, where players are already attuned to active engagement, offers a unique platform for brands to connect with their audiences on a deeper level."

Digital Turbine高級副總裁格雷格·韋斯特表示:「視頻廣告的未來掌握在消費者手中,互動性使他們能夠以有意義和令人難忘的方式與品牌互動。」「無論是通過刺激的遊戲體驗、視覺效果強大的採樣還是身臨其境的瀏覽,互動性都使品牌能夠加強與消費者的關係。特別是,玩家已經適應積極參與的移動遊戲爲品牌提供了一個獨特的平台,可以更深入地與受衆建立聯繫。」

The Ultimate Guide to Interactive Mobile Video Ads concludes that tailoring interactive elements to their specific product types, brands across different industries can enhance consumer engagement, foster emotional connections, and increase customer loyalty and lifetime value.

互動移動視頻廣告終極指南 得出的結論是,不同行業的品牌根據其特定產品類型量身定製互動元素可以增強消費者參與度,促進情感聯繫,提高客戶忠誠度和終身價值。

About Digital Turbine
Digital Turbine is an in-app mobile video advertising platform and trusted mobile partner to the world's top global brands. Through its acquisition of AdColony – a recognized leader in mobile video advertising – and its partnerships with the world's largest mobile operators and OEMs, DT packages unique telecom data into smarter mobile audiences available directly through DT Exchange. Learn more on:

Digital Turbine是一個應用內移動視頻廣告平台,也是全球頂級品牌值得信賴的移動合作伙伴。通過收購移動視頻廣告領域公認的領導者AdColony以及與全球最大的移動運營商和原始設備製造商的合作,Dt將獨特的電信數據打包給可直接通過Dt Exchange獲得的更智能的移動受衆。了解有關以下內容的更多信息:

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SOURCE Digital Turbine, Inc.

來源 Digital Turbine, Inc.

