
Dragonfly Energy Holdings Corp. (DFLI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Dragonfly Energy Holdings Corp. (DFLI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  08/15 20:23  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Dragonfly Energy Holdings Corp. (DFLI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Dragonfly Energy Holdings Corp.(DFLI)2024年第2季度業績會交流摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Dragonfly Energy reported Q2 2024 net sales of $13.2 million, a decrease from $19.3 million in Q2 2023.

  • Operating expenses decreased to $9.9 million from $12.5 million in Q2 2023, attributed to lower employee-related costs and professional services.

  • Net loss was $13.6 million or $0.22 loss per share, compared to a net loss of $11.9 million or $0.25 net loss per share in Q2 2023.

  • The company ended the quarter with $4.7 million in cash, down from $8.5 million at the end of Q1 2024.

  • Dragonfly Energy Q2 2024淨銷售額爲1320萬元,較2023年第2季度的1930萬元下降。

  • 營業費用由2023年第2季度的1250萬元減少至990萬元,歸因於較低的員工相關成本和專業服務。

  • 淨虧損爲1360萬元或每股22分的虧損,而2023年第2季度的淨虧損爲1190萬元或每股25分的淨虧損。

  • 公司季末現金爲470萬元,較2024年第1季度末的850萬元下降。

Business Progress:


  • Dragonfly Energy negotiated and finalized a brand licensing agreement with Stryten Energy for their Battle Born Batteries brand.

  • The company is advancing in heavy-duty trucking, with significant improvements in idle times and no 'green premium' for fleet adoption.

  • Progress in oil and gas markets by preparing for the deployment of certified power systems, in response to new EPA mandates.

  • Continued R&D efforts focused on scaling up their dry electrode cell production and optimizing tech for all-solid-state cells.

  • Dragonfly Energy與Stryten Energy就Battle Born Batteries品牌達成品牌授權協議。

  • 公司在重型卡車方面取得進展,空置時間得到顯着改善,車隊接受沒有「綠色溢價」。

  • 在石油和天然氣市場上取得進展,爲應對新的EPA法規部署認證電力系統。

  • 繼續研發工作,聚焦於擴大幹電極電池的產量和優化全部固態電池技術。



  • The strategic partnership and licensing deal with Stryten Energy will likely drive growth through added visibility and diversified revenue streams.

  • Expansion in heavy-duty trucking and oil and gas markets represents new revenue opportunities, especially driven by ongoing and emerging regulatory changes.

  • 與Stryten Energy的戰略合作和許可協議可能通過提高知名度和多元化收入流來推動增長。

  • 重型卡車和石油天然氣市場的擴張代表着新的收入機會,特別是受持續性和新興監管變化的推動。



  • The recovery in core markets may be slow and uneven, as illustrated by the challenges and deployments in heavy-duty trucking and adverse weather impacts on key customers.

  • Dependence on market acceptance for emerging tech and new market ventures poses risks concerning long-term adoption and profitability.

  • 核心市場的復甦可能緩慢而不平衡,正如在重型卡車和不利天氣對關鍵客戶的影響所展現的那樣。

  • 對新興技術和新興市場的市場認可依賴性,構成了長期採用和盈利能力的風險。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


