
NEXGEL, Inc. (NXGL) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

NEXGEL, Inc. (NXGL) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  08/15 18:01  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the NEXGEL, Inc. (NXGL) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • NEXGEL Inc. reported a Q2 2024 revenue of $1.44 million, marking a 23.4% increase year-over-year and 13.8% sequentially.

  • Gross profit for the quarter was $410,000, showing a significant improvement from the previous year's $175,000, with gross profit margin rising to 28.5%.

  • Net loss widened to $979,000 compared to a net loss of $642,000 in Q2 2023.

  • NEXGEL公司報告2024年第二季度營業收入爲$144萬,同比增長23.4%,環比增長13.8%。

  • 季度毛利潤爲$410,000,較去年同期的$175,000有顯著提高,毛利率上升至28.5%。

  • 淨虧損爲$979,000,較2023年第二季度的$642,000有所擴大。

Business Progress:


  • Expansion in branded consumer business, particularly through acquisitions like Silly George, which contributed significantly to revenue with $380,000 in sales in July from Shopify alone.

  • Extended contract manufacturing capabilities by doubling the facility's square footage and investing in automated machinery in Texas.

  • Forged a new supply agreement with Cintas Corporation for the distribution of SilverSeal, a hospital-grade hydrogel dressing, expected to boost revenue and brand exposure.

  • Issued revenue guidance for Q3 at $2.2 million and Q4 at $2.6 million, indicating strong growth expectations.

  • 在品牌消費業務方面擴張,特別是通過收購Silly George等公司,僅在Shopify上的銷售額就爲$380,000,對營收貢獻巨大。

  • 通過擴大位於德克薩斯州的設施面積並投資自動化機械,延伸了合同製造能力。

  • 與Cintas公司達成新的供應協議,以分銷SilverSeal,這是一種醫院級別的水凝膠敷料,預計將增加營業收入和品牌曝光。

  • 發佈了Q3爲$220萬,Q4爲$260萬的營收指導,表明強勁的增長預期。



  • Strategic acquisitions and product innovations such as Silly George enhance market presence and consumer engagement.

  • New product launches on Amazon and marketing campaigns are anticipated to significantly drive sales and revenue.

  • 戰略性收購和Silly George等產品創新提升了市場佔有率和消費者參與度。

  • 在亞馬遜上進行新產品推出和營銷活動,有望顯著推動銷售和營業收入。



  • Revenue fluctuations particularly from the branded consumer products segment pose a risk to predictability and financial stability.

  • Delays in expected revenue streams from partnerships such as AbbVie, which shifted the expected revenue commencement from Q3 2024 to Q1 2025.

  • 來自品牌消費品業務的營收波動對可預測性和財務穩定性構成風險。

  • 由於AbbVie等合作伙伴預計營收的開展時間從2024年第三季度推遲到2025年第一季度,因此存在預期營收流失的風險。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


