
TMC the Metals Company Inc. (TMC) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

TMC the Metals Company Inc. (TMC) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  08/15 17:01  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the TMC the Metals Company Inc. (TMC) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • TMC reported a net loss of $20.2 million, or $0.06 per share, for Q2 2024, compared to a net loss of $14.1 million, or $0.05 per share, for the same quarter in 2023.

  • Exploration and evaluation expenses for Q2 2024 were $12.4 million, primarily due to increased engineering work and higher personnel costs.

  • The company utilized ATM opportunistically in Q2 to raise $2.6 million at an average share price of $1.61.

  • TMC在2024年Q2報告淨虧損2020萬美元,每股虧損0.06美元,相比之下,2023年同一季度的淨虧損爲1410萬美元,每股虧損0.05美元。

  • 2024年Q2的勘探和評估支出爲1240萬美元,主要原因是由於工程工作增加和人員成本增加所致。

  • 該公司在Q2機會主義地利用ATM以平均每股價格1.61美元募集了260萬美元。

Business Progress:


  • TMC welcomed two new board members, enhancing their expertise in disruptive technologies and sustainability.

  • They are progressing with the NORI project and regulatory advancements, anticipating to launch their application for an exploitation contract soon.

  • The company is focused on capital-light approaches for resource extraction, leveraging partnerships and strategic developments to minimize capital expenditures.

  • TMC迎來了兩位新董事會成員,增強了他們在顛覆性技術和可持續性方面的專業知識。

  • 他們正在推進NORI項目和監管進展,預計很快會提交開採合同的申請。

  • 該公司專注於資本輕型化的資源開發方法,利用夥伴關係和戰略開發來最小化資本支出。



  • The company reported continued geopolitical support for seafloor mining, with the U.S. assessing nodule product refining domestically and a $9 million Defense Department grant application pending.

  • Electric vehicle and clean energy demands support the strategic importance of diversified supply chains, highlighting TMC's advantage with their nodules' high grades of essential metals.

  • 該公司報告稱,美國正在國內評估結核產品的精煉技術,國防部正在等待900萬美元的撥款申請,持續支持深海礦業。

  • 電動汽車和清潔能源需求支持多樣化供應鏈的戰略重要性,突顯了TMC結核中含有至關重要金屬。



  • Regulatory challenges and activism can affect project timelines and public perception.

  • Environmental concerns and activism, including debates over dark oxygen and other contested scientific claims, may impact operational approvals and progress.

  • 監管挑戰和激進主義會影響項目時間表和公衆認知。

  • 環境問題和激進主義,包括關於暗氧和其他有爭議的科學聲明的爭論,可能會影響運營審批和進展。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


