


PR Newswire ·  08/15 05:45

Nancy Reyes Appointed President and CEO


NEW YORK, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BBDO Worldwide announced today that Andrew Robertson, who has served as President and CEO since May 2004, will become Chairman on October 1st. Nancy Reyes will succeed him as President and CEO of BBDO Worldwide.

紐約,2024年8月14日/美通社/--BBDO Worldwide今天宣佈,自2004年5月擔任總裁兼首席執行官以來,安德魯·羅伯遜將於10月1日成爲主席,南希·雷耶斯將接替他成爲BBDO Worldwide的總裁兼首席執行官。

Under his leadership, the network has been recognized as one of the most consistently creative and effective agencies in the world, garnering numerous industry accolades and setting a standard for creative excellence.


BBDO was named Network of the Year at Cannes Lions a record-setting seven times and, in 2020, the first-ever Network of the Decade. Since 2005, BBDO has also been honored as Global Agency of the Year in Ad Age, Adweek and Campaign, was named Best of the Best by the World Advertising Research Center and has been recognized as the Most Effective Network in the world five times by the Global Effie Index.

BBDO在戛納國際廣告節上七次獲得年度網絡獎,2020年成爲首個獲得「十年網絡獎」的廣告公司。自2005年以來,BBDO還被Ad Age、廣告週刊和Campaign評爲全球年度廣告公司,在世界廣告研究中心獲得最佳的專業服務公司,並被Global Effie Index五次評爲全球最有效的廣告公司。

"We have been extremely lucky to have an industry titan at the helm of BBDO for over two decades," said John Wren, Chairman and CEO of Omnicom. "Andrew's passion for the business was felt by his people and clients alike, always hands on to ensure the network maintained its industry leading standards of creativity. We are grateful he will continue to guide the network in his new role as Chairman and are excited for Nancy to take the reins as CEO as she propels BBDO into the future."


Andrew was inducted to the AAF Hall of Fame in 2022 and has been named one of The 100 Most Influential Leaders in Marketing, Media and Tech, alongside the likes of Mark Zuckerburg, Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos.


He has worked closely with many of the agency's clients and been instrumental in some of its most notable new business wins, including, in recent years, The Home Depot, Enterprise Holdings, and Heineken.


Nancy Reyes, who joined BBDO in October of last year, has an enviable track record for client growth and talent development.


"When Nancy joined last year as CEO of The Americas, I'm sure it was clear to all what the plan was," Robertson says. "In the time since, she has proven to be exactly what I expected – a decisive and fast-acting leader with a clear point of view on where we need to go as a network, resilience, a sense of humor, and a relentless drive to bring great work to our clients that drives their businesses. Nancy has made this decision very easy for me."


Nancy Reyes expressed her respect and admiration for Robertson: "I recognize I have some big shoes to fill. Andrew's career and legacy is unparalleled – I am lucky he will be around to provide guidance and support to our clients, our teams and me. I am excited to have the opportunity to bring the beautiful community of BBDO together to design where we go from here. This is a fantastic agency with a very long runway ahead."


"I want to be clear. I have no plan to retire," says Robertson. "As Chairman I will be here to help Nancy in whatever ways I can, to coach our people, and to work with our clients, something I have always loved doing."


About BBDO

關於BBDO:BBDO Worldwide是一家全球性的全服務營銷傳媒機構網絡。在BBDO,我們的口號是"工作、工作、工作。"我們深信創意的力量能夠帶動人們的行動,從而推動品牌和業務向着成長的方向發展。我們已經存在132年了,但我們仍然沒有讓水泥變硬。那就是爲什麼對我們來說,重要的不是我們已經做了什麼,而是我們現在和未來正在做什麼。爲了保持前進的動力,我們將繼續邁向下一個爲客戶和我們的人服務的最具創意和最有效能力代理機構。BBDO是Omnicom (NYSE: OMC) ()的一部分。

BBDO Worldwide is a global, full-service marketing communications agency network. At BBDO, our mantra is "The Work. The Work. The Work." We believe passionately in the power of creativity to move people and therefore move brands and businesses towards growth. We've been around for 132 years and we still haven't let the cement harden. That's why, what matters to us is not what we have done but what we're doing now and in the future. To keep forward momentum as we embark on another year of striving to be the most creative and effective agency in service of our clients and our people. BBDO is part of Omnicom (NYSE: OMC) ().

Omnicom (NYSE: OMC)是一家提供數據啓發式的創意營銷和銷售解決方案的領先供應商。Omnicom的標誌性代理品牌是業界最具創新力的專業通訊專家的產地,他們專注於爲客戶驅動智能商業成果。該公司提供廣告、戰略媒體計劃和購買、精準營銷、零售和數字商務、品牌、體驗、公共關係、醫療保健營銷和其他專業營銷服務等一系列服務,爲70多個國家的5000多個客戶提供服務。有關更多信息,請訪問。

About Omnicom


Omnicom (NYSE: OMC) is a leading provider of data-inspired, creative marketing and sales solutions. Omnicom's iconic agency brands are home to the industry's most innovative communications specialists who are focused on driving intelligent business outcomes for their clients. The company offers a wide range of services in advertising, strategic media planning and buying, precision marketing, retail and digital commerce, branding, experiential, public relations, healthcare marketing and other specialty marketing services to over 5,000 clients in more than 70 countries. For more information, visit .

奧姆尼康(紐約證券交易所:OMC)是一家領先的、數據驅動的、創意營銷和銷售解決方案提供商。 奧姆尼康的著名廣告代理品牌擁有行業中最具創新力的通信專家,專注於爲客戶推動智能業務結果。 公司爲超過70個國家的5000多個客戶提供廣告、戰略媒體規劃和購買、精準營銷、零售和數字商務、品牌塑造、體驗、公共關係、醫療保健營銷和其他專業營銷服務。 欲了解更多信息,請訪問。



