
LM Funding America, Inc. (LMFA) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

LM Funding America, Inc. (LMFA) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Lm Funding America, Inc. (LMFA) 2024年第二季度業績會文字摘要
富途資訊 ·  08/15 02:35  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the LM Funding America, Inc. (LMFA) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Lm Funding America, Inc.(LMFA)2024年第二季度業績會議呼叫記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • LM Funding reported a decrease in total revenue for Q2 2024 by $184,000 year-over-year, totaling approximately $3 million.

  • The company experienced a net loss attributable to shareholders of approximately $6.1 million, including a $1.9 million unrealized loss on securities.

  • Core EBITDA for Q2 2024 resulted in a loss of $2.2 million compared to almost breakeven in Q2 of 2023.

  • Lm Funding報告Q2 2024年總收入同比下降184,000美元,約爲300萬美元。

  • 該公司經歷了歸屬於股東的淨損失,約爲610萬美元,其中包括190萬美元的證券未實現損失。

  • Q2 2024年核心EBITDA虧損220萬美元,相比之下,2020年第二季度接近保持不變。

Business Progress:


  • LM Funding mined 44.1 Bitcoins in Q2 2024, generating $2.9 million in revenue.

  • The company announced a strategic acquisition of a mining site in Texas with the potential to expand to 72 megawatts.

  • Formed a strategic partnership with Arthur Mining to establish a new 15-megawatt hosting facility and is considering a new 60-megawatt site adjacent to the existing Oklahoma facility.

  • Lm Funding於2024年第二季度挖掘了44.1個比特幣,營業收入爲290萬美元。

  • 公司宣佈收購德州的一個採礦場,有擴展到72兆瓦的潛力。

  • 與Arthur Mining建立了戰略合作伙伴關係,建立了一個新的15兆瓦託管設施,並考慮在現有的俄克拉荷馬設施旁邊建立一個新的60兆瓦場地。



  • The company is leveraging Bitcoin holdings to finance the acquisition of market-priced power for mining or resale to the grid.

  • The established partnership with Arthur Mining allows LM Funding to minimize operational integration risks and focus on core competencies, promoting growth and profitability.

  • Pending legislative changes requiring fully funded building maintenance reserves represent an opportunity for growth in their legacy business, particularly in collections for condominium associations.

  • 公司利用比特幣持有來爲採礦或向電網轉售市價電力進行融資。

  • 與Arthur Mining建立的合作關係使Lm Funding能夠最小化運營整合風險,專注於核心能力,促進增長和盈利能力。

  • 即將推出的法規變化要求提供充分的維修基金代表着他們舊版業務的增長機會,特別是向公寓協會的徵收。



  • The ongoing transition of Bitcoin miners and infrastructure modifications introduces operational risks that could impact profitability and efficiency.

  • 比特幣礦工的持續轉型和基礎設施改造引入了可能影響盈利能力和效率的操作風險。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


