
Elbit Systems Ltd. (ESLT) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Elbit Systems Ltd. (ESLT) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Elbit Systems Ltd.(ESLT)2024年Q2業績會業績簡報
富途資訊 ·  08/15 00:28  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Elbit Systems Ltd. (ESLT) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Elbit Systems reported Q2 2024 revenues of $1,626 million, a 12% increase from $1,454 million in Q2 2023.

  • GAAP gross margin was 24%, down from 25.6% in Q2 2023, while non-GAAP gross margin was 24.4%, down from 26.1%.

  • GAAP operating income was $116.5 million or 7.2% of revenues, up from $101.6 million or 7% of revenues year-over-year, reflecting improved operating expense efficiency.

  • Non-GAAP diluted EPS was $2.08, up 26% from $1.65 in the same quarter last year.

  • 埃爾比特系統2024年第二季度營業收入爲1.626億美元,比2023年第二季度的1.454億美元增長12%。

  • 根據GAAP,毛利率爲24%,低於2023年第二季度的25.6%;非GAAP毛利率爲24.4%,低於26.1%。

  • GAAP運營收入爲1,165萬美元,佔營業收入的7.2%,較去年同期的1,016萬美元或營業收入的7%有所提高,反映了運營費用效率的提高。

  • 非GAAP攤薄後每股收益爲2.08美元,比去年同期的1.65美元增長26%。

Business Progress:


  • Elbit Systems continues to invest in expanding production capacity, including the construction of a new manufacturing facility, and implementing new ERP systems across 90% of the company.

  • Notable contracts include a $270 million deal to supply rocket artillery to an international customer, a $130 million contract with BAE Systems for Iron Fist Active Protection System, and a $190 million deal with the Israeli MoD for Iron Sting Guided Mortar Munition.

  • Elbit America delivered the 3,000th F-35 Helmet Mounted Display System, marking significant progress in their aerospace contributions.

  • 埃爾比特系統繼續投資於擴大生產能力,包括建設新的製造設施,並在公司90%範圍內實施新的ERP系統。

  • 值得注意的合同包括向國際客戶提供火箭炮的2.7億美元交易,與BAE Systems簽署的價值1.3億美元的Iron Fist主動防禦系統合同,以及與以色列國防部簽署的1.9億美元Iron Sting制導迫擊炮彈合同。

  • 埃爾比特美國公司交付了第3,000個F-35頭盔式顯示系統,標誌着其航空航天貢獻的重要進展。



  • The growing international demand for Elbit's diverse product offerings, especially from the U.S. and European markets, presents opportunities for further expansion.

  • Increased backlog, which reached $21.1 billion, demonstrates strong ongoing demand and future revenue potential, especially from international markets which constitute 73% of total revenues.

  • 埃爾比特公司不斷增長的國際市場需求,尤其是來自美國和歐洲市場的需求,爲進一步擴張提供了機會。

  • 增加的訂單積壓達到211億美元,表明強勁的持續需求和未來的營業收入潛力,尤其是來自佔總營業收入73%的國際市場。



  • The company faces lower gross margins primarily influenced by increased sales in Israel and changes in geographic revenue mix, with potential impacts from supply chain disruptions.

  • 公司面臨低毛利率的局面,主要受到以色列銷售增加和地理營收結構變化的影響,可能會受到供應鏈中斷的影響。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


