
Breeze Airways Continues to Improve the Passenger Experience by Leveraging Weather Data and Insights From The Weather Company

Breeze Airways Continues to Improve the Passenger Experience by Leveraging Weather Data and Insights From The Weather Company

Breeze航空公司通過利用天氣數據和The Weather Company的見解來持續改善乘客體驗
PR Newswire ·  08/14 22:30

ATLANTA and SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Breeze Airways, a premium leisure, low-cost carrier, has partnered with The Weather Company, the world's most accurate1 forecaster, to provide its passengers with an unparalleled travel experience, no matter the conditions. As the airline continues to grow the size of its fleet and add new routes, Breeze will leverage The Weather Company's Fusion global weather and flight tracking solution. Fusion will provide Breeze with the critical information it needs for proactive decision making to help improve safety, reduce diversions and increase comfort for its passengers and crew.

2024年8月14日,亞特蘭大和鹽湖城/美通社-- Breeze航空是一家高級休閒低成本航空公司,已與The Weather Company合作,這是全球精準度最高的天氣預報員,爲其乘客提供無與倫比的旅行體驗,無論天氣如何。隨着該航空公司不斷擴大其機隊規模和增加新路線,Breeze將利用The Weather Company的全球天氣和航班跟蹤解決方案。Fusion將爲Breeze提供必要的信息,幫助其做出積極決策,提高乘客和機組人員的安全,減少偏離航線並增加舒適度。 Breeze航空利用The Weather Company的Fusion全球天氣和航班跟蹤解決方案提供關鍵的天氣信息,幫助其在運營和安全方面做出積極的決策。The Weather Company憑藉領先的數據科學,氣象專業知識和技術幫助北美大多數商業航空公司和全球許多其他公司將天氣數據納入日常運營中以進行實時決策。將歷史機場運營數據與優質的天氣預報相結合將改善Breeze對機場擁堵,出租車延誤和跑道配置的可視化。這使Breeze能夠更加智能地預測到達和離開的能力和程序,從而提高運營和安全決策。 Fusion 使用行業領先的數據科學,氣象專業知識和技術,The Weather Company幫助大多數北美商業航空公司和全球許多其他公司將天氣數據納入日常在線決策中。與優質的天氣預報結合歷史機場運營數據將改善Breeze對機場擁堵,交通延誤和跑道配置的觀察,從而使其更聰明地預測到達和離開的能力和程序,從而提高檢查運營和安全決策。

Breeze Airways is leveraging The Weather Company's Fusion global weather and flight tracking solution for the critical weather information it needs to help make proactive decisions around operations and safety.
Breeze Airways正在利用The Weather Company的Fusion全球天氣和航班跟蹤解決方案爲其提供關鍵的天氣信息,以幫助其作出在運營和安全方面的積極決策。

Using industry-leading data science, meteorological expertise and technology, The Weather Company helps a majority of North American commercial airlines and many others globally integrate weather data into daily operations for real-time decision making. Pairing historical airport operations data with superior weather forecasts will improve Breeze's visualization of airport congestion, taxi delays and runway configurations. This enables Breeze to predict arrival and departure capabilities and procedures more intelligently, thus improving decisions around operations and safety.

The Weather Company憑藉領先的數據科學、氣象專業知識和技術幫助北美大多數商業航空公司以及全球許多其他公司將天氣數據整合到日常運營中,幫助實時作出決策。將歷史機場運營數據與高質量的天氣預報相結合,將提高Breeze對機場擁堵、出租車延誤和跑道配置的可視化。這使得Breeze能夠更智能地預測到達和離開的能力和程序,從而提高針對運營和安全的決策。

"As we continue to expand our airline's network over the coming months and years, it's critical to deploy key technology solutions to ensure operational teams are equipped with the right tools to make efficient operational decisions, all whilst bolstering a commitment to guest and crew safety," said Travis Yost, vice president of Breeze's Operations Control Center. "The Weather Company is an essential partner, providing a clearer picture of weather's impact at the gate, as well as en-route hazards like turbulence. Together, we seek to deliver a world-class travel experience for customers through optimized, operational efficiencies and enhanced overall flight safety."

「隨着我們在未來幾個月甚至幾年內繼續擴大航線網絡,部署關鍵的技術解決方案以確保運營團隊擁有正確的工具來做出高效的運營決策,同時加強對客人和機組安全的承諾,具有關鍵性的合作伙伴The Weather Company提供了一個更清晰的天氣影響圖,以及飛行中像顛簸這樣的每個路線的障礙。我們一起尋求通過最佳的、高效的、運營效率優化和全面提高飛行安全的方式,爲客戶提供世界級的旅行體驗。」 Breeze Operations Control Center的副總裁Travis Yost說到。

Since becoming a dedicated Fusion user, Breeze has realized industry leading completion rates and sees opportunity for more upside long-term. Since launching in 2021, Breeze Airways has become known for providing affordable, nonstop flights from underserved markets across the U.S. Today, Breeze serves 64 cities across 30 states and has flown more than five million guests. By fall 2024, the carrier will move all scheduled service to its A220-300 fleet, making it one of the youngest fleets in the industry.


"As increasingly severe conditions continue to keep weather top of mind, it's critical for airlines to utilize reliable, trusted weather forecasts, along with the best possible human expertise," said Ravi Vanmali, head of aviation for The Weather Company. "Innovative airlines like Breeze are using advanced flight planning and predictive analytics to better understand disruptive situations and their impacts ahead of time to help minimize or even avoid them. This ultimately helps improve passenger safety and comfort, reduces fuel consumption, and saves time and money."

「隨着日益嚴峻的條件繼續將天氣放在首位,航空公司利用可靠的、值得信賴的天氣預報以及最好的人類專業知識至關重要,」The Weather Company的航空主管Ravi Vanmali說。「像Breeze這樣的創新航空公司正在使用先進的飛行計劃和預測性分析更好地了解破壞性情況及其影響,以便儘可能地儘量減少或避免它們。這最終有助於提高乘客安全和舒適度,減少燃油消耗,節省時間和金錢。」

To learn more about The Weather Company's aviation solutions, visit .

要了解更多關於The Weather Company的航空解決方案,請訪問 .

About Breeze Airways
Breeze Airways began service in May 2021 and has been ranked as one of the U.S.' best domestic airlines for the last two years by Travel + Leisure magazine's World's Best Awards (#2 in 2022 and #4 in 2023) and is the first and only domestic carrier to be certified by Autism Double-Checked which seeks to make air travel a more accessible and pleasant experience for the autism community. Breeze offers a mix of more than 200 year-round and seasonal nonstop routes between 64 cities in 30 states. Founded by aviation entrepreneur David Neeleman, Breeze operates a fleet of Embraer 190/195 and Airbus A220-300 aircraft, with a focus on providing efficient and affordable flights between secondary airports, bypassing hubs for shorter travel times. With seamless booking, no change or cancellation fees, up to 24-months of reusable flight credit and customized flight features – including complimentary family seating - delivered via a sleek and simple app, Breeze makes it easy to buy and easy to fly. Learn more about Breeze's flight offerings via or the app.

Breeze Airways於2021年5月開始運營,連續兩年被《旅行+休閒》雜誌的全球最佳獎評選爲美國最佳國內航空公司之一(2022年排名第二,2023年排名第四),是第一家並且唯一一家獲得Autism Double-Checked認證的國內航空公司,該公司旨在使空中旅行對自閉症群體更加易於訪問和愉悅的體驗。Breeze提供了64個城市和30個州之間的200多個全年和季節性直達航班。由航空企業家David Neeleman創立,Breeze運營着一支Embraer 190/195和Airbus A220-300飛機隊,專注於提供在次要機場之間的高效和負擔得起的航班,繞過中轉機場以縮短旅行時間。隨着無縫預訂,無變更或取消費用,長達24個月可重複使用的航班信用和提供的定製飛行功能--包括免費家庭座位等--通過簡潔明瞭的應用程序提供--Breeze使購買和飛行變得更加容易。通過 的飛行信息 或應用程序。 關於The Weather Company

About The Weather Company
The Weather Company helps people and businesses around the world make more informed decisions and take action in the face of weather. With its deep industry expertise and highly accurate, high-volume weather data combined with advanced technology and AI, The Weather Company provides insights and solutions that harness the power of weather in a scalable, privacy-forward way. The world's most accurate forecaster, the company serves hundreds of enterprise customers across media, advertising, aviation and more, and is trusted by hundreds of millions of monthly active users via digital properties from The Weather Channel ( and Weather Underground ( For more, visit

The Weather Company幫助世界範圍內的人們和企業在面對天氣時做出更明智的決策並採取行動。憑藉其深厚的行業專業知識、高度準確的、大量的天氣數據和先進的技術和人工智能,The Weather Company以可擴展的、面向隱私的方式提供 insights 和 solutions,利用天氣的力量。全球
最準確的天氣預報 作爲預報員,該公司在媒體、廣告、航空等領域服務數百家企業客戶,並通過數字媒體平台爲數億月活躍用戶提供服務,包括來自The Weather Channel (和Weather Underground(等的數字財產。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。1ForecastWatch,全球和區域天氣預報準確性概述,2017-2022,由The Weather Company委託。) 和天氣地下城 (。獲取更多信息,請訪問

1ForecastWatch, Global and Regional Weather Forecast Accuracy Overview, 2017-2022, , commissioned by The Weather Company.

1ForecastWatch,全球和區域天氣預報準確性概述,2017-2022,由The Weather Company委託。

SOURCE The Weather Company

消息來源:The Weather Company

