
Staple Gin Wins Double Gold At The New York International Spirits Competition

Staple Gin Wins Double Gold At The New York International Spirits Competition

Staple Gin在紐約國際烈酒大賽上獲得雙金獎
Accesswire ·  08/14 21:00

Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits, the Preeminent Distributor of Beverage Alcohol, to Distribute Staple Gin in New York

Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits,飲料酒精的最重要分銷商,將在紐約分銷 Staple Gin

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 14, 2024 / Staple Gin, the new recipe-driven spirit from culinary icon Rachael Ray and crafted in the heart of New York's Catskills region by the award-winning team at Do Good Spirits, won Double Gold and a 96 point rating at the 15th Annual New York International Spirits Competition, with Do Good Spirits named New York Gin Distillery of the Year. Staple Gin was also awarded a silver medal with 81 points by the 2024 Bartender Spirits Awards and a silver medal from the New Orleans Spirits Competition.

2024 年 8 月 14 日 / ACCESSWIRE / 紐約:烹飪偶像 Rachael Ray 推出的新食譜驅動酒品牌 Staple Gin,由獲獎無數的 Do Good Spirits 團隊精心釀製於紐約卡茨基爾斯地區,獲得第 15 屆紐約國際烈酒競賽的雙金獎和 96 分的評分;Do Good Spirits 也被評爲紐約杜松子酒釀製廠商年度大獎;Staple Gin 還被 2024 年調酒師烈酒大獎和新奧爾良烈酒競賽評爲銀獎。

Staple Gin is now available nationally via e-commerce at and in New York State at bars, restaurants and retail destinations via Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits, with additional markets to follow. Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits is the world's preeminent distributor of beverage alcohol.

Staple Gin 現已在全國範圍內通過電子商務網站進行銷售,在紐約州的酒吧、餐廳和零售店可以通過 Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits 獲得;此外還會逐步推向其他市場。Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits 是全球最重要的飲料酒精分銷商。

It was announced in April that Ray and Do Good Spirits had partnered with Dolphin Entertainment, Inc. (NASDAQ:DLPN), a leading entertainment marketing and content production company, to become the official creative marketing partner for Staple Gin. The team at Dolphin's subsidiary, The Door, continues to be involved in the brand's development, including execution of marketing initiatives, PR planning, trade relationships, strategic partnerships and awards campaigns on behalf of Staple Gin.

今年 4 月,宣佈 Ray 和 Do Good Spirits 與領先的娛樂營銷和內容製作公司 Dolphin Entertainment, Inc. (NASDAQ:DLPN) 合作,成爲 Staple Gin 的官方創意營銷合作伙伴。Dolphin 旗下的子公司 The Door 團隊繼續參與該品牌的發展,包括執行市場營銷活動、公關策劃、貿易關係、戰略合作伙伴和 Staple Gin 獎項宣傳活動。

Guided by a sense of place and appreciation of a good cocktail, Ray conceived of Staple Gin as a botanical ode to New York State. A chance meeting with Do Good Spirits Co-Founder and fellow local, Brian Facquet, turned into a business plan after the two hit it off and bonded over their shared passion for the region's natural bounty. Ray brought two decades of experience as one of America's most well-known TV chefs, while Facquet contributed his technical mastery of distilling and deep connection to the community. They came to the realization that much like a delicious meal, a great gin requires a well-balanced and carefully considered recipe.

Ray 設計 Staple Gin 是爲紐約州打造的一款具有代表性的芳香酒品。兩位當地人 Ray 和 Do Good Spirits 創始人 Brian Facquet 在一次偶然的相遇和一起分享大自然的美好後,合作開始了。 Ray 作爲全美最知名的電視大廚之一,擁有二十年的經驗,而 Facquet 則通過其技術上的高超的蒸餾和對社區的深厚聯繫做出了貢獻。最終他們意識到,像美味的餐食一樣,一款偉大的杜松子酒需要一個平衡且仔細考慮的食譜。

"I've written thousands of recipes throughout my career, and I wanted to apply the same principles I was using in the kitchen to create a balanced, beautiful gin," said Rachael Ray. "I'm immensely proud of the final product and excited to share it!"

"我的職業生涯中寫了成千上萬的食譜,我想將我在廚房中使用的原則應用於創造平衡、美麗的杜松子酒," Rachael Ray 表示。"我爲最終的產品感到無比自豪,並很高興與大家分享這款酒!"

What resulted after many meetings and brainstorming sessions accompanied by good food, friends and drinks, was a beautiful gin distilled with juniper, coriander, orris root, Castelvetrano olives (a nod to Rachael's love of Tuscany), dried bergamot peel, tarragon and extra virgin olive oil. It's well-suited for mixing into gin cocktails like the martini and French 75, but is just as apt sipped neat or on the rocks.

在許多會議、腦力激盪和美食、朋友、飲料的陪伴下,誕生了這款美酒,釀製原料由切尼亞諾橄欖、杜松子、芫荽、鳶尾草根、柑橘和盤山歐橄欖油組成。它非常適合調製像馬提尼和法國 75 等杜松子酒雞尾酒,但它也可以單獨或在岩石上享用。

"The pleasure of working with Staple Gin is Rachael and Brian's focus on flavor," said Allen Katz, Director of Mixology and Spirits Education for Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits of New York. "As bartenders, there is nothing more satisfying than the versatility and purposefulness of a well-made spirit that allows us to focus on both creativity and quality."

Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits New York 的 Mixology 和烈酒教育主管 Allen Katz 表示: "和 Staple Gin 合作的樂趣在於 Rachael 和 Brian 注重口感。" "作爲調酒師,沒有什麼比製作一個高品質、多功能的烈酒更讓人滿意,這使我們可以專注於創造力和質量。"

In October 2024, Rachael Ray will participate in the Food Network New York City Wine & Food Festival where Staple Gin will have a footprint at the three-day Grand Tasting, including Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits' annual Trade Day as well as her signature Blue Moon Burger Bash.

2024 年 10 月,Rachael Ray 將參加 Food Network 紐約市葡萄酒和美食節,Staple Gin 將在爲期三天的大型品嚐活動中露面,其中包括 Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits 的年度貿易日以及她的標誌性藍月亮漢堡大賽。

Visit to order and follow along on social media @staplegin.

訪問 以下單,並在社交媒體 @staplegin 上關注它的動態。

High resolution imagery HERE (courtesy of Staple Gin).

在此處查看高分辨率圖像(由 Staple Gin 提供)

About Staple Gin

關於 Staple Gin

Staple Gin is a versatile libation designed to be the cornerstone of any home bar. Crafted in partnership with culinary icon Rachael Ray and Do Good Spirits Distillery in Upstate New York, the spirit features traditional botanicals and a unique flair, boasting a balanced palate with juniper at the forefront, complemented by vibrant citrus notes of lemon and orange zest, a hint of spice from coriander, and a delicate sweetness from elderflower. It was the highest ranked American gin included in VinePair's "30 Best Gins for 2024" guide, and won Double Gold at the New York International Spirits Competition. Perfect for classic cocktails like the Gin & Tonic or a Martini, Staple Gin reflects Ray's philosophy of accessible, flavorful experiences in every sip. Packaged in a beautiful, modern bottle with a playful design, Staple Gin embodies Rachael's commitment to making everyday cooking and entertaining enjoyable for all. Follow @staplegin on social media platforms and sign up for updates here: .

Staple Gin 是一款多功能調製酒,旨在成爲任何家庭酒吧的基石。與紐約加工廠 Do Good Spirits 合作,由烹飪偶像 Rachael Ray 創制,它是一款擁有傳統的芳香植物和獨特風味的酒品,口感爽,以杜松子爲主導,輔以檸檬和橙色柚皮的迷人香氣,加入芫荽的熱辣風味,以及長春花瓣中的甜味。它是 VinePair 的 "2024 年最佳 30 種杜松子酒" 中排名最高的美國杜松子酒,獲得了紐約國際烈酒競賽的雙金獎。非常適合如青檀和幹馬提尼等傳統的雞尾酒,Staple Gin 體現了 Ray 的理念,即從每一口中體現出口感和調味的完美。美麗的現代瓶裝設計隨處可見,充分體現了 Rachael 對使平凡的烹飪和娛樂變得有趣的承諾。在社交媒體上關注@staplegin,並在此處註冊以獲取更新:

About Do Good Spirits

關於 Do Good Spirits

Established in 2008 and located in the Catskill Mountain town of Roscoe, NY, Do Good Spirits is a leading New York Distiller known for its Bootlegger New York Craft Spirits and Beaverkill New York Bourbon Cream product lines. All their spirits are handmade, using the highest quality local New York agriculture. Do Good Spirits' partnership with the Third Option Foundation allows us to make a positive impact to those who have served. Visit for more information, and follow along @do_good_spirits.

成立於 2008 年,位於紐約凱斯山鎮的 Do Good Spirits 是一家領先的紐約釀酒商,以其 Bootlegger 紐約工藝酒和 Beaverkill 紐約波旁奶油線產品系列而聞名。他們的所有烈酒均採用最高質量的當地紐約農業原料手工製作。Do Good Spirits 與 Third Option Foundation 的合作使我們能夠對那些已經服務的人作出積極的影響。訪問此處了解更多信息,並在@do_good_spirits 上關注即可。

About The Door

關於The Door: The Door成立於2008年,由行業資深人士Lois Najarian O'Neill和Charlie Dougiello共同創立,是一個以「創意中心」爲構架的綜合性營銷和公關機構,專注於通過各種創意策略構建重要而可行的品牌。The Door在紐約和洛杉磯設有辦事處,代表衆多客戶,包括食品飲料、酒店、消費品、技術和娛樂等行業的客戶。欲了解更多信息,請訪問thedooronline.com或在Instagram上關注@thedooronline。

Founded in 2008 by industry veterans Lois Najarian O'Neill and Charlie Dougiello, The Door is an integrated marketing and PR agency constructed as "an idea house," focusing on building important, viable brands through diverse, creative initiatives. With offices in New York and Los Angeles, The Door represents a wide range of clients, including those in food and beverage, hospitality, consumer products, technology, and entertainment. For more information, visit or follow on Instagram @thedooronline.

Dolphin是一家知名的獨立娛樂營銷和製作公司。通過其旗下的42West、The Door和Shore Fire Media等子公司,該公司爲電影、電視、音樂、遊戲和酒店業等領域的頂級品牌提供專業的戰略營銷和公關服務。這三家公關公司在美國一直排名前50強。Digital Dept.通過社交媒體和影響者營銷服務提供補充服務。Dolphin的子公司Special Projects爲媒體、娛樂和時尚行業的高端客戶提供人才預訂服務和活動製作。由獲得艾美獎提名的首席執行官Bill O'Dowd創立的Dolphin的傳統內容製作業務,已經制作了多部故事片和屢獲殊榮的數碼系列。Dolphin還與IMAX簽訂了多年協議,共同製作公映紀錄片,其中「藍天使」是該合作的第一個項目。更多信息,請訪問:。

About Dolphin


Dolphin (Nasdaq:DLPN), founded in 1996 by Bill O'Dowd, has evolved from its origins as an Emmy-nominated television, digital, and feature film content producer to a company with three dynamic divisions: Dolphin Entertainment, Dolphin Marketing, and Dolphin Ventures.

Dolphin (Nasdaq:DLPN)成立於1996年,創始人 Bill O'Dowd,始終致力於爲觀衆製作出優秀的電視、數字內容和電影。如今 Dolphin 成爲了擁有三個不同部分的綜合性公司:Dolphin Entertainment、Dolphin Marketing 和 Dolphin Ventures。

Dolphin Entertainment: This legacy division, where it all began, has a rich history of producing acclaimed television shows, digital content, and feature films. With high-profile partnerships like IMAX and notable projects including "The Blue Angels," Dolphin Entertainment continues to set the standard in quality storytelling and innovative content creation.

Dolphin Entertainment : 從這裏開始,Dolphin 的傳統部分就擁有製作備受矚目的電視節目、數字內容和電影的豐富歷史。憑藉 IMAX 等高調合作夥伴以及知名項目《 藍色天使》, Dolphin Entertainment 在優質故事敘述和創新的內容製作方面不斷推出新標準。

Dolphin Marketing: Established in 2017, this division has become a powerhouse in public relations, influencer marketing, branding strategy, talent booking, and special events. Comprising top-tier companies such as 42West, The Door, Shore Fire, Special Projects, and The Digital Dept., Dolphin Marketing serves a wide range of industries, from entertainment, music and sports to hospitality, fashion and consumer products.

Dolphin 市場部門:該部門成立於2017年,已經成爲公共關係、影響營銷、品牌策略、人才預定和特別活動的重要代名詞。Dolphin Marketing 包括 42West、The Door、Shore Fire、Special Projects 和 The Digital Dept.等頂級公司。Dolphin Marketing 服務於廣泛的行業,從娛樂業、音樂和體育到酒店業、時裝和消費品。

Dolphin Ventures: This division leverages Dolphin's best-in-class cross-marketing acumen and business development relationships to create, launch and/or accelerate innovative ideas and promising products, events and content in our areas of expertise. Key ventures include collaborations with Rachael Ray for Staple Gin and Mastercard Midnight Theatre. The company is actively exploring new projects in AI, beauty, and sports.

Dolphin Ventures:該部門利用 Dolphin 業內最好的跨界營銷知識和業務發展關係,爲我們的專業領域創建、推出和/或加速創新想法、有效產品、事、內容等。主要項目包括與 Rachael Ray 合作的 Staple Gin 和 Mastercard Midnight Theatre。公司正在積極探索 AI、美容和體育等新項目。

This press release contains 'forward-looking statements' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. These forward-looking statements may address, among other things, Dolphin Entertainment Inc.'s offering of common stock as well as expected financial and operational results and the related assumptions underlying its expected results. These forward-looking statements are distinguished by the use of words such as "will," "would," "anticipate," "expect," "believe," "designed," "plan," or "intend," the negative of these terms, and similar references to future periods. These views involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and, accordingly, Dolphin Entertainment's actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in its forward-looking statements. Dolphin Entertainment's forward-looking statements contained herein speak only as of the date of this press release. Factors or events Dolphin Entertainment cannot predict, including those described in the risk factors contained in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, may cause its actual results to differ from those expressed in forward-looking statements. Although Dolphin Entertainment believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be achieved, and Dolphin Entertainment undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

本新聞稿包含《證券訴訟改革法》下的「前瞻性聲明」。這些前瞻性聲明可能涉及Dolphin娛樂公司的普通股發行以及預期的財務和業務結果以及相關基礎假設。這些前瞻性聲明以「將會」、「將」、「預計」、「預測」、「相信」、「設計」、「計劃」或「打算」等詞語表示,這些詞語的否定形式以及類似於未來的引用。這些看法涉及難以預測的風險和不確定性,因此Dolphin Entertainment公司的實際結果可能與其前瞻性聲明中討論的結果有所不同。Dolphin Entertainment公司此處包含的前瞻性聲明僅在本新聞稿發佈之日起有效。Dolphin Entertainment不能預測的因素或事件,甚至包括在其提交給證券交易委員會的風險因素中所描述的那些因素,可能會導致其實際結果與前瞻性聲明中所表達的有所不同。儘管Dolphin Entertainment相信這些前瞻性聲明所反映的期望是基於合理的假設,但它不能保證其期望將得到實現,而且Dolphin Entertainment不承擔公開更新前瞻性聲明的義務,除非受到適用法律的要求。



James Carbonara


SOURCE: Dolphin Entertainment

消息來源:dolphin entertainment

