
Here is What Hedge Funds Think About US Ecology Inc. (ECOL)

Here is What Hedge Funds Think About US Ecology Inc. (ECOL)

Insider Monkey ·  2019/12/18 00:03

"Since 2006, value stocks (IVE vs IVW) have underperformed 11 of the 13 calendar years and when they beat growth, it wasn't by much. Cumulatively, through this week, it has been a 122% differential (up 52% for value vs up 174% for growth). This appears to be the longest and most severe drought for value investors since data collection began. It will go our way eventually as there are too many people paying far too much for today's darlings, both public and private. Further, the ten-year yield of 2.5% (pre-tax) isn't attractive nor is real estate. We believe the value part of the global equity market is the only place to earn solid risk adjusted returns and we believe those returns will be higher than normal," said Vilas Fund in itsQ1 investor letter. We aren't sure whether value stocks outperform growth, but we follow hedge fund investor letters to understand where the markets and stocks might be going. This article will lay out and discuss the hedge fund and institutional investor sentiment towards US Ecology Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOL).

自2006年以來,價值型股票(IVE與IVW)在13個歷年中有11個表現遜於預期,當它們超過增長時,表現也差不了多少。截至本週,累計漲幅為122%(價值上漲52%,增長174%)。這似乎是價值投資者自開始收集數據以來持續時間最長、最嚴重的旱情。這最終會對我們有利,因為有太多的人為今天的寵兒支付了太多的錢,無論是公共的還是私人的。此外,2.5%的10年期國債收益率(税前)不具吸引力,房地產也不具吸引力。我們相信,全球股市的價值部分是唯一能夠獲得穩健的風險調整後回報的地方,我們相信這些回報將高於正常水平,“Vilas Fund在其第一季度的投資者信中表示。我們不確定價值型股票的表現是否好於增長,但我們會關注對衝基金投資者的信件,以瞭解市場和股票可能的走勢。本文將闡述和討論對衝基金和機構投資者對美國生態公司. (納斯達克:Ecol.)。

US Ecology Inc. (NASDAQ: ECOL)has seen an increase in enthusiasm from smart money recently. ECOL was in 8 hedge funds' portfolios at the end of September. There were 5 hedge funds in our database with ECOL positions at the end of the previous quarter. Our calculations also showed that ECOL isn't among the30 most popular stocks among hedge funds(click for Q3 rankings and see the video below for Q2 rankings). Video: Click the image to watch our video about the top 5 most popular hedge fund stocks.



So, why do we pay attention to hedge fund sentiment before making any investment decisions? Our research has shown that hedge funds' small-cap stock picks managed to beat the market by double digits annually between 1999 and 2016, but the margin of outperformance has been declining in recent years. Nevertheless, we were still able to identify in advance a select group of hedge fund holdings that outperformed the Russell 2000 ETFs by 40 percentage points since May 2014 (see the details here). We were also able to identify in advance a select group of hedge fund holdings that underperformed the market by 10 percentage points annually between 2006 and 2017. Interestingly the margin of underperformance of these stocks has been increasing in recent years. Investors who are long the market and short these stocks would have returned more than 27% annually between 2015 and 2017. We have been tracking and sharing the list of these stocks since February 2017 in our quarterly newsletter. Even if you aren't comfortable with shorting stocks, you should at least avoid initiating long positions in stocks that are in our short portfolio.

那麼,為什麼我們在做出任何投資決定之前都要關注對衝基金的情緒呢?我們的研究表明,在1999至2016年間,對衝基金選擇的小盤股每年都能以兩位數的速度跑贏大盤,但近年來表現優異的幅度一直在下降。儘管如此,我們仍然能夠提前確定一組精選的對衝基金,自2014年5月以來,這些基金的表現比羅素2000 ETF高出40個百分點(詳見此處)。我們還能夠提前識別出一組精選的對衝基金持股,在2006年至2017年期間,這些基金的表現每年比市場低10個百分點。有趣的是,近年來,這些股票表現不佳的幅度一直在增加。在2015至2017年間,做多市場並做空這些股票的投資者的年回報率將超過27%。自2017年2月以來,我們一直在我們的季度通訊中跟蹤和分享這些股票的名單。即使你對做空股票感到不舒服,你至少也應該避免在我們的做空投資組合中建立多頭頭寸。

[caption id="attachment_27480" align="alignnone" width="600"] Israel Englander of Millennium Management[/caption]

[Caption id=“Attach_27480”Align=“alignone”Width=“600”]以色列千禧年管理英格蘭人[/標題]


We leave no stone unturned when looking for the next great investment idea. For example Europe is set to become the world's largest cannabis market, so we check out this European marijuana stock pitch . One of the most bullish analysts in America just put his money where his mouth is. He says, "I'm investing more today than I did back in early 2009." So we check out his pitch . We read hedge fund investor letters and listen to stock pitches at hedge fund conferences. We also rely on the best performing hedge funds ' buy/sell signals. Let's check out the fresh hedge fund action surrounding US Ecology Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOL).


How are hedge funds trading US Ecology Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOL)?


At the end of the third quarter, a total of 8 of the hedge funds tracked by Insider Monkey held long positions in this stock, a change of 60% from one quarter earlier. By comparison, 10 hedge funds held shares or bullish call options in ECOL a year ago. With hedgies' capital changing hands, there exists an "upper tier" of notable hedge fund managers who were increasing their stakes significantly (or already accumulated large positions).

截至第三季度末,Insider Monkey跟蹤的對衝基金中共有8家持有這隻股票的多頭頭寸,較前一季度變化了60%。相比之下,一年前有10家對衝基金持有Eol的股票或看漲期權。隨着對衝基金的資本易手,存在着一批著名的對衝基金經理,他們正在大幅增持股份(或者已經積累了大量頭寸)。


More specifically,Millennium Managementwas the largest shareholder of US Ecology Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOL), with a stake worth $3.9 million reported as of the end of September. Trailing Millennium Management was Renaissance Technologies, which amassed a stake valued at $1 million. ExodusPoint Capital, Citadel Investment Group, and Two Sigma Advisors were also very fond of the stock, becoming one of the largest hedge fund holders of the company. In terms of the portfolio weights assigned to each position Quantinno Capital allocated the biggest weight to US Ecology Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOL), around 0.34% of its 13F portfolio.ExodusPoint Capitalis also relatively very bullish on the stock, designating 0.03 percent of its 13F equity portfolio to ECOL.

更具體地説,千禧管理是美國生態公司(納斯達克代碼:ECOL)的最大股東,截至9月底報告持有價值390萬美元的股份。緊隨其後的是復興科技公司,它積累了價值100萬美元的股份。ExodusPoint Capital、Citadel Investment Group和Two Sigma Advisors也非常喜歡這隻股票,成為該公司最大的對衝基金持有者之一。就每個頭寸的投資組合權重而言,Quantinno Capital給予美國生態公司(納斯達克:ECOL)的權重最大,約佔其13F投資組合的0.34%。ExodusPoint Capitaris也相對非常看好該股,將其13F股票投資組合的0.03%分配給ECOL。

As industrywide interest jumped, specific money managers were leading the bulls' herd. Citadel Investment Group, managed by Ken Griffin, created the largest call position in US Ecology Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOL). Citadel Investment Group had $0.9 million invested in the company at the end of the quarter. Hoon Kim'sQuantinno Capitalalso made a $0.5 million investment in the stock during the quarter. The following funds were also among the new ECOL investors: David Harding's Winton Capital Management and Chuck Royce's Royce & Associates.

隨着整個行業的興趣大增,特定的基金經理正在引領多頭。由肯·格里芬管理的城堡投資集團創建了美國生態公司(納斯達克代碼:ETOL)最大的看漲期權頭寸。截至季度末,Citadel Investment Group向該公司投資了90萬美元。Hoon Kim的Quantinno Capital在本季度也對該股進行了50萬美元的投資。下列基金也在新的Eol投資者之列:David·哈丁的Winton Capital Management和查克·羅伊斯的Royce&Associates。

Let's also examine hedge fund activity in other stocks - not necessarily in the same industry as US Ecology Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOL) but similarly valued. We will take a look at Huron Consulting Group (NASDAQ:HURN), EnPro Industries, Inc. (NYSE:NPO), Brookdale Senior Living, Inc. (NYSE:BKD), and Coherus Biosciences Inc (NASDAQ:CHRS). This group of stocks' market values are closest to ECOL's market value.

讓我們也來看看其他股票中的對衝基金活動-不一定與美國生態公司(納斯達克:ECOL)在同一行業,但估值相似。我們來看看休倫諮詢集團(納斯達克:胡恩),EnPro工業公司,Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:NPO),Brookdale High Living,Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:BKD),以及科赫魯斯生物科學公司(納斯達克:CHRS)。這組股票的市值與埃科爾的市值最接近。

[table] Ticker, No of HFs with positions, Total Value of HF Positions (x1000), Change in HF Position HURN,11,43978,0 NPO,15,127791,4 BKD,20,478052,-2 CHRS,22,213990,-5 Average,17,215953,-0.75 [/table]

[表格]股票代碼,有位置的高頻數量,高頻位置的總值(X1000),高頻位置變化HURN,11,43978,0 NPO,15,127791,4 BKD,20,478052,-2 CHRS,22,213990,-5平均值,17,215,953,-0.75[/表]

View table hereif you experience formatting issues.


As you can see these stocks had an average of 17 hedge funds with bullish positions and the average amount invested in these stocks was $216 million. That figure was $8 million in ECOL's case. Coherus Biosciences Inc (NASDAQ:CHRS) is the most popular stock in this table. On the other hand Huron Consulting Group (NASDAQ:HURN) is the least popular one with only 11 bullish hedge fund positions. Compared to these stocks US Ecology Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOL) is even less popular than HURN. Hedge funds dodged a bullet by taking a bearish stance towards ECOL. Our calculations showed that the top 20 most popular hedge fund stocks returned 37.4% in 2019 through the end of November and outperformed the S&P 500 ETF (SPY) by 9.9 percentage points. Unfortunately ECOL wasn't nearly as popular as these 20 stocks (hedge fund sentiment was very bearish); ECOL investors were disappointed as the stock returned -13.8% during the fourth quarter (through the end of November) and underperformed the market. If you are interested in investing in large cap stocks with huge upside potential, you should check out thetop 20 most popular stocksamong hedge funds as 70 percent of these stocks already outperformed the market so far in Q4.


Disclosure: None. This article was originally published atInsider Monkey.


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