
Bradda Head Lithium Ltd Announces Basin East MRE Uploaded to SEDARplus

Bradda Head Lithium Ltd Announces Basin East MRE Uploaded to SEDARplus

Bradda Head鋰礦有限公司宣佈東盆地MRE已上傳至SEDAplus。
Accesswire ·  08/14 14:00

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS / ACCESSWIRE / August 14, 2024 / Bradda Head Lithium Ltd (AIM:BHL)(TSX-V:BHLI), the North America-focused lithium development group, announces that, further to its press release of 1 July 2024, it has, on 14 August 2024, filed the complete Technical Report by ABH ("Report") on SEDARplus for the updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") at the Company's Basin Project ("Basin") asset in Arizona. The MRE in the Report is materially unchanged from that announced on 1 July 2024.

墨西哥維京群島/Accesswire/2024年8月14日/BHL鋰公司(AIM:BHL)(TSX-V:BHLI),一家專注於北美的鋰開發集團,宣佈,根據其於2024年7月1日發佈的新聞稿,該公司於2024年8月14日在SEDAV人的Bradda Head的檔案中提交了由ABH(「報告」)編制的有關位於亞利桑那州Basin資產的更新後的礦產資源估算(「MRE」)的完整技術報告。報告中的MRE與2024年7月1日公佈的MRE基本相同。

The Report is available to be downloaded from Bradda Head's profile on SEDARplus at . A copy of the Report is also available on the Company's website, .

報告可從SEDAV人上Bradda Head的資料中下載。報告的副本也可以在該公司的網站上www.braddaheadlithium.com獲得。

The Basin East MRE, reported by ABH Engineering Inc ("ABH") was updated in July 2024 (see RNS dated 1 July 2024).

ABH Engineering Inc(「ABH」)報告的盆地東部MRE在2024年7月得到更新(請參見RNS 1 July 2024)。



  • The total Mineral Resource comprises 20 million tonnes in the Measured category at 929ppm Li consisting of 99kt LCE, 122 million tonnes in the Indicated category at 860 ppm Li consisting of 560kt LCE and 499 million tonnes in the Inferred category at 810 ppm Li, carrying 2,150 kt LCE (1% lower than the July 1 Inferred category following adjustments in the model);

  • The resource contains 20 million tonnes of 929ppm lithium for 99Ktons of LCE in the Measured category, the first ever in this category at Basin;

  • As per the Company's Royalty Agreement with the Lithium Royalty Company ("LRC"), the updated MRE triggered the final royalty payment of US $3.0 million, which BHL has since requested and received from LRC;

  • The results of the 2024 drilling programme demonstrate extensive lateral continuity from Basin East through to Basin North, identifying impressive consistency in the stratigraphic continuity of the Upper Clay and grade profile over a 3.0 x 2.0 km area that remains open to the north, east, and west;

  • It's important to note that the Upper Clay Unit includes a continuous High-Grade layer which has an average grade of some 1,190 ppm Li, and is on average 15m thick and crops-out in Basin East potentially forming part of a phased mining processing operation that would clearly enhance early stages of mining and overall project economics;

  • Five out of the eight drill holes encountered lithium mineralized "Lower Clay" which makes a significant contribution to the overall resource, particularly as the Company is able to connect the Lower Clay mineral resource from Basin East to the northern edge of Basin North, a distance of 3.0km;

  • The average in-situ grade of the Inferred Basin East Mineral Resource has decreased slightly from 900 to 822 ppm Li, a 9% decrease;

  • ABH applied a new cut-off grade of 550ppm Li to report the Mineral Resources and demonstrate reasonable prospects of eventual economic extraction ("RPEEE"). This is the same cut-off grade previously used by SRK Consulting (550 ppm; effective 28th September 2023);

  • Following the 2024 drill program and new geologic mapping, the Company's understanding of the Basin project has increased significantly, resulting in renewed encouragement of extensive exploration opportunities for growth over the remainder of Basin North and all of Basin West where the Company continue working on permits.

  • 總礦產資源包括測得類別的2000萬噸,平均每噸929ppm Li,包括99kT LCE;指示類別的12,200萬噸,平均每噸860 ppm Li,包括560kT LCE;推測類別的4,9900萬噸,平均每噸810 ppm Li,攜帶2150 kt LCE(模型調整後比7月1日的推測類別低1%);

  • 資源包括測得類別的2000萬噸,平均每噸929ppm Li,爲Basin地區首個測得類別資源;

  • 根據公司與Lithium Royalty Company(「LRC」)的版稅協議,更新的MRE觸發了最終版稅支付300萬美元,BHL已經向LRC提出並收到了這筆款項;

  • 2024年鑽探項目的結果表明,從Basin East到Basin North存在廣泛的橫向連續性,在3.0 x 2.0公里的區域中識別了上部黏土和等級剖面的顯著連續性,該區域仍然向北,東,西開放;

  • 重要的是要注意,上部黏土單元包括一個連續的高品級層,平均品級約爲1,190 ppm Li,平均厚度爲1500萬,在Basin East露出,可能成爲分階段的採礦處理操作的一部分,顯然可以增強採礦早期階段和整個項目經濟效益;

  • 八個鑽孔中的五個鑽孔遇到了含鋰礦化的「下部黏土」,對整個資源的貢獻很大,特別是因爲公司能夠將Basin East的下部黏土礦產資源與Basin North的北部邊緣連接起來,相距3.0公里;

  • 推測的Basin East Mineral Resource的原位平均品位略有下降,從900下降到822 ppm Li,下降了9%;

  • ABH將550ppm Li的新截止值應用於報告礦產資源,並證明了最終經濟開採的合理前景(「RPEEE」)。這是之前由SRk Consulting(550 ppm;2023年9月28日生效)採用的相同截止值;

  • 在2024年鑽探計劃和新的地質製圖之後,公司對Basin項目的理解顯着提高,從而在Basin North和Basin West的所有剩餘的探索機會上繼續尋找增長的鼓勵,該公司繼續努力獲得許可證。

Qualified Person (ABH)


The Mineral Resource statement has been authored by Mr. Damir Cukor, Qualified Person who works for ABH Engineering Inc, an independent mining consultancy. Mr. Cukor has over 28 years' experience as a professional geologist (P.G.) and 20 years as a Qualified Person (QP), undertaking and reviewing Mineral Resource Estimates and has worked on lithium clay estimates for over 5 years. Mr. Cukor consents to the inclusion of the technical information in this release and context in which it appears.

礦產資源聲明由ABH工程公司的專業地質師(PG)兼有資質地質師(QP)Mr. Damir Cukor 編寫,他擁有超過28年的專業地質學經驗,20年以上的資格地質師(QP),執行和評審礦產資源估算,已進行鋰黏土估算超過5年。 Cukor先生同意將技術信息和上下文包括在此發佈中。

Qualified Person (BHL)


Joey Wilkins, B.Sc., P.Geo., is Head of North America at BHL and the Qualified Person who reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this news release. Mr. Wilkins is a graduate of the University of Arizona with a B.Sc. in Geology with more than 37 years of experience in mineral exploration and is a qualified person under the AIM Rules and a Qualified Person as defined under NI-43-101. Mr. Wilkins consents to the inclusion of the technical information in this release and context in which it appears.

Joey Wilkins億.Sc,P.Geo.,是BHL北美負責人和審核並批准本新聞發佈的技術披露的合格人員。 Wilkins先生畢業於亞利桑那大學,擁有地質學學士學位,有超過37年的礦產勘探經驗,是AIm規則下的合格人員,也是NI-43-101下定義的合格人員。 Wilkins先生同意將技術信息和上下文包括在此發佈中。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.






Bradda Head Lithium Limited

+44 (0) 1624 639 396

Ian Stalker, Executive Chairman

Denham Eke, Finance Director

Beaumont Cornish (Nomad)

James Biddle / Roland Cornish

+44 20 7628 3396

Panmure Liberum (Joint Broker)

+44 20 7886 2500

Kieron Hodgson / Rauf Munir

Shard Capital (Joint Broker)

+44 207 186 9927

Damon Heath / Isabella Pierre

Red Cloud (North American Broker)

+1 416 803 3562

Joe Fars

Tavistock (PR)

+ 44 20 7920 3150

Nick Elwes / Josephine Clerkin

+44 (0) 1624 639 396

Ian Stalker,執行主席

Ian Stalker,執行主席

Denham Eke,財務董事

Beaumont Cornish(Nomad)

James Biddle / Roland Cornish

+44 20 7628 3396

Panmure Liberum(聯席經紀人)

+44 20 7886 2500

Kieron Hodgson / Rauf Munir

+44 (0) 2078 862 500

+44 207 186 9927

+44 (0) 2071 869 927

Damon Heath / Isabella Pierre

Red Cloud(北美經紀人)

+1 416 803 3562,Joe Fars

Tavistock (PR)

今天天氣不錯 今天天氣不錯

Nick Elwes / Josephine Clerkin

About Bradda Head Lithium Ltd.

關於Bradda Head Lithium Ltd.

Bradda Head Lithium Ltd. is a North America-focused lithium development group. The Company currently has interests in a variety of projects, the most advanced of which are in Central and Western Arizona: The Basin Project (Basin East, Basin North, and Basin West targets) and the Wikieup Project. The Basin East Project has a Measured Mineral Resource of 20 million tonnes consisting of 929ppm lithium for 99kt LCE, an Indicated Mineral Resource of 122 million tonnes at an average grade of 860 ppm lithium for 560 kt LCE and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 506 million tonnes at an average grade of 808 ppm lithium for a total of 2,175 kt LCE. The Group intends to continue to develop its three phase one projects in Arizona, whilst endeavouring to unlock value at its other prospective pegmatite and brine assets in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. All of Bradda Head's licences are held on a 100% equity basis and are in close proximity to the required infrastructure. Bradda Head is quoted on the AIM of the London Stock Exchange with the ticker of BHL, and on the TSX Venture Exchange with a ticker of BHLI.

Bradda Head Lithium Ltd.是一個專注於北美鋰礦開發的集團。該公司目前在許多項目中擁有權益,其中最先進的是位於亞利桑那州中部和西部的項目:Basin項目(Basin East、Basin North和Basin West目標)和Wikieup項目。Basin East項目有2000萬噸的測量礦產資源,包含929ppm鋰,可產99kt LCE,表明的礦產資源爲12200萬噸,平均品位爲860ppm鋰,可產560kt LCE,包含礦產資源爲50600萬噸,平均品位爲808ppm鋰,可作爲2175kt LCE。該集團打算繼續在亞利桑那州開發其三個一期項目,同時努力在其在亞利桑那州、內華達州和賓夕法尼亞州的其他潛在長石和滷水資產中開發價值。Bradda Head的所有許可證均持有100%股權,並且與所需的基礎設施緊密相連。Bradda Head在倫敦證券交易所AIm上以BHL的股票代碼上市,在TSX Venture Exchange以BHLI股票代碼上市。

Technical Glossary



Thousand tonnes


Parts per million

Exploration Target

An estimate of the exploration potential of a mineral deposit in a defined geological setting where the statement or estimate, quoted as a range of tonnes and a range of grade (or quality), relates to mineralisation for which there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource.

Inferred Mineral Resource

That part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity and grade (or quality) are estimated on the basis of limited geological evidence and sampling. Geological evidence is sufficient to imply but not verify geological grade (or quality) continuity. It is based on exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes. An Inferred Mineral Resource has a lower level of confidence than that applying to an Indicated Mineral Resource and must not be converted to an Ore Reserve. It is reasonably expected that the majority of Inferred Mineral Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration.

Indicated Mineral Resource

That part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity, grade (or quality), densities, shape and physical characteristics are estimated with sufficient confidence to allow the application of Modifying Factors in sufficient detail to support mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. Geological evidence is derived from adequately detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes, and is sufficient to assume geological and grade (or quality) continuity between points of observation where data and samples are gathered.

Measured Mineral Resource

That part of a Mineral Resource for which mineralization or other natural material of economic interest may be classified as a Measured Mineral Resource by the Qualified Person when the nature, quality, quantity and distribution of data are such that the tonnage and grade or quality of the mineralization can be estimated to within close limits and that variation from the estimate would not significantly affect potential economic viability of the deposit. This category requires a high level of confidence in, and understanding of, the geology and controls of the mineral deposit.













Forward-Looking Statements


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This News Release includes certain "forward-looking statements" which are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as "believes", "anticipates", "intends to", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Risks, uncertainties, and other factors involved with forward-looking information could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, following: The Company's objectives, goals, or future plans. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to: failure to identify mineral resources; failure to convert estimated mineral resources to reserves; delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required regulatory, governmental, environmental or other project approvals; political risks; future operating and capital costs, timelines, permit timelines, the market and future price of and demand for lithium, and the ongoing ability to work cooperatively with stakeholders, including the local levels of government; uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future; changes in equity markets, inflation, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices; delays in the development of projects, capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates; an inability to predict and counteract the effects of COVID-19 on the business of the Company, including but not limited to the effects of COVID-19 on the price of commodities, capital market conditions, restriction on labour and international travel and supply chains; and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDARplus. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange政策中所定義的)不對本公告的充分性或準確性承擔責任。本新聞稿包括某些"前瞻性聲明",這些聲明不包含歷史事實。前瞻性聲明包括估計和陳述,描述了公司未來的計劃、目標或目標,包括相應的語言表明公司或管理層期望達到某種狀態或結果。前瞻性聲明可以通過諸如"相信"、"預計"、"打算"、"期待"、"估計"、"可能"、"可能"、"將"或"計劃"之類的術語進行識別。由於前瞻性聲明基於假設並涉及未來事件和條件,因其本質而言,它們涉及固有的風險和不確定性。儘管這些聲明是基於公司目前可用信息的,但公司不能保證實際結果將符合管理層的期望。涉及前瞻性信息的風險、不確定性和其他因素可能導致實際事件、結果、表現、前景和機會與此類前瞻性信息所表示或暗示的不同。在此新聞稿中的前瞻性信息包括但不限於以下內容:公司的目標、目標或未來計劃。導致實際結果與此類前瞻性信息有所不同的因素包括但不限於:未能確定礦產資源;未能將估計的礦產資源轉換爲儲備;獲得或未能獲得所需的監管、政府、環境或其他項目批准的延遲;政治風險;未來的運營和資本成本、時間表、許可時間表、鋰的市場和未來價格以及需求,以及繼續與利益相關者(包括地方政府的合作水平)合作的能力的不確定性;未來需要的融資的可用性和成本;權益市場的變動、通貨膨脹、匯率的變動、商品價格的波動;項目開發的延遲,資本和運營成本與估計相差很大;不能預測和對抗COVID-19對公司業務的影響,包括但不限於COVID-19對商品價格、資本市場條件、對勞動力和國際旅行以及供應鏈的限制的影響;以及涉及礦業勘探和開發行業的其他風險以及在公司在SEDARplus上公佈的這些風險。儘管公司認爲本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息所使用的假設和因素是合理的,但不應過分依賴此類信息,這僅適用於本新聞稿的發佈日期,並且不能保證此類事件將按照所披露的時間範圍或根本不會發生。公司不承擔更新或修訂任何前瞻性信息的意向或義務,除非法律要求。

Nominated Adviser


Beaumont Cornish Limited ("Beaumont Cornish") is the Company's Nominated Adviser and is authorised and regulated by the FCA. Beaumont Cornish's responsibilities as the Company's Nominated Adviser, including a responsibility to advise and guide the Company on its responsibilities under the AIM Rules for Companies and AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers, are owed solely to the London Stock Exchange. Beaumont Cornish is not acting for and will not be responsible to any other persons for providing protections afforded to customers of Beaumont Cornish nor for advising them in relation to the proposed arrangements described in this announcement or any matter referred to in it.

Beaumont Cornish Limited("Beaumont Cornish")是公司的提名顧問,並受FCA授權和監管。Beaumont Cornish作爲公司的提名顧問,包括在依據公司AIM規則和提名顧問的AIM規則的責任下爲公司提供建議和指導,僅對倫敦證券交易所承擔責任。Beaumont Cornish不爲其他人提供保護,也不爲本公告中所述的任何交易或其中提到的任何事項提供諮詢服務。

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact or visit .


SOURCE: Bradda Head Lithium Limited

資料來源:Bradda Head Lithium Limited

