
BAE Systems Completes Testing, Ships Primary Instrument for Roman Space Telescope

BAE Systems Completes Testing, Ships Primary Instrument for Roman Space Telescope

PR Newswire ·  08/14 03:44

BROOMFIELD, Colo., Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BAE Systems (LON:BA) has successfully shipped the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's Wide Field Instrument (WFI) to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, signaling the completion of integration and testing of the state-of-the-art instrument.

BAE Systems(LON:BA)已經成功完成了Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope的廣域視場儀器(WFI)的集成和測試,將其運送到美國宇航局戈達德航天飛行中心,標誌着這種先進儀器的完成。

"This instrument will provide the scientific community with the most comprehensive surveys of the sky ever captured."


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BAE Systems (LON:BA) has successfully shipped the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's Wide Field Instrument (WFI) to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, signaling the completion of integration and testing of the state-of-the-art instrument.
BAE Systems(LON:BA)已經成功完成了Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope的廣域視場儀器(WFI)的集成和測試,將其運送到美國宇航局戈達德航天飛行中心,標誌着這種先進儀器的完成。

The WFI is the primary scientific instrument for the Roman Space Telescope, NASA's next flagship astrophysics mission. The instrument is an advanced visible-to-near-infrared imager with additional spectral capabilities that will capture highly detailed images over wide swaths of the sky, offering a field of view at least 100 times greater than its predecessor, the Hubble Space Telescope, with a similar resolution. This instrument will dramatically improve the speed and scale of astronomical surveys, unlocking new insights into the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, discovering distant galaxies and exoplanets, and studying how the structure of the universe has formed over billions of years.

WFI是Roman Space Telescope的主要科學儀器,也是美國宇航局的下一個旗艦天體物理學任務。 這種儀器是一種先進的可見光到近紅外成像儀,具有額外的光譜能力,將捕捉到廣闊天空的高精度圖像,面積至少比其前身——哈勃空間望遠鏡大100倍,並具有類似的分辨率。 這種儀器將極大地提高天文調查的速度和規模,揭示暗物質和暗能量的奧秘,發現遙遠的星系和外行星,研究宇宙結構是如何形成的,跨越數十億年的時間。

BAE Systems designed and built the instrument's opto-mechanical assembly, which includes the optical bench, element wheel, thermal control system, alignment compensation mechanism, and associated subsystem control electronics. NASA Goddard build the instrument's focal plane system, relative calibration system, diffraction elements for the element wheel, and the instrument command and data handling electronics. BAE Systems also led the integration of the WFI's components, along with environmental testing to ensure it can withstand the stresses of a launch and the conditions it will face in space.

BAE Systems設計並建造了該儀器的光機械裝配,其中包括光學臺架、元件輪、熱控制系統、對準補償機構和相關的子系統控制電子。 NASA Goddard建造了儀器的焦平面系統、相對校準系統、元件輪的衍射元素以及儀器的命令和數據處理電子。 BAE Systems還領導了WFI組件的集成以及環境測試,以確保其能夠承受發射的壓力和在太空中面臨的條件。

"The Wide Field Instrument is one of the most sophisticated instruments ever constructed, and once it's on orbit it will provide the scientific community with the most comprehensive surveys of the sky we've ever captured," said Bonnie Patterson, senior director of civil space programs for BAE Systems Space & Mission Systems. "Our team is proud to support such an ambitious mission, and we look forward to seeing what amazing discoveries this instrument will help to make throughout the universe."

「廣域視場儀器是有史以來最複雜的儀器之一,一旦進入軌道,它將爲科學界提供我們曾經捕捉到的最全面的天空調查。」BAE System Space & Mission Systems 的民用空間項目高級董事 Bonnie Patterson表示,「我們的團隊爲支持這樣一項雄心勃勃的任務感到驕傲,並期待看到這種儀器在整個宇宙中能夠幫助我們做出令人驚歎的發現。」

With the instrument delivered, the Goddard team will lead the effort to integrate the WFI into the instrument carrier and mate it to the spacecraft bus later this year. The Roman Space Telescope is scheduled to launch by May 2027.

隨着儀器的交付,戈達德團隊將在今年晚些時候領導將WFI集成到儀器載體中並將其與航天器總線相連接的工作。 羅曼望遠鏡計劃於2027年5月發射。

The work on the Roman Space Telescope continues the BAE Systems Space & Mission Systems' legacy of contributing to all of NASA's flagship astrophysics missions, including the James Webb Space Telescope and the Great Observatories: the Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer Space Telescope, Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory. BAE Systems was also recently selected to conduct a research effort for NASA's planned Habitable Worlds Observatory, called the Ultra-stable Large Telescope Research and Analysis Program – Critical Technologies (ULTRA-CT).

羅曼太空望遠鏡的工作延續了BAE Systems Space & Mission Systems爲所有美國宇航局旗艦天體物理學任務做出貢獻的傳統,包括詹姆斯·韋伯太空望遠鏡以及重大觀測項目:哈勃太空望遠鏡、斯皮策太空望遠鏡、錢德拉X射線天文台和康普頓伽瑪射線天文台。 BAE Systems最近還被選中爲美國國家航空航天局的可居住星球觀測臺計劃進行研究工作,稱爲Ultra-穩定大型望遠鏡研究和分析計劃-關鍵技術(ULTRA-CT)。

For more information, please contact:


Sawyer D'Argonne, BAE Systems
Mobile: 303-250-6031
[email protected]


Sawyer D'Argonne,BAE系統
[email protected]


SOURCE BAE Systems, Inc.

來源:BAE Systems,Inc

