
Ivanhoe Electric Secures 100% Ownership of Mineral Rights at Its Santa Cruz Copper Project With Final Option Payment

Ivanhoe Electric Secures 100% Ownership of Mineral Rights at Its Santa Cruz Copper Project With Final Option Payment

Accesswire ·  08/13 21:00

PHOENIX, AZ / ACCESSWIRE / August 13, 2024 / Ivanhoe Electric Inc. ("Ivanhoe Electric", the "Company" or "IE") (NYSE American:IE)(TSX:IE) Executive Chairman Robert Friedland and President and Chief Executive Officer Taylor Melvin are pleased to announce that the Company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Mesa Cobre Holding Corporation ("Mesa Cobre"), completed the final US$10 million payment to exercise its option to acquire 100% ownership of the mineral rights at the Santa Cruz Copper Project in Arizona. Following this transaction, Ivanhoe Electric now owns 100% of the mineral and surface rights for the Santa Cruz Copper Project.

Ivanhoe Electric Inc.(「Ivanhoe Electric」、「公司」或「IE」)(NYSE American:IE)(TSX:IE)的執行主席Robert Friedland和總裁兼首席執行官Taylor Melvin很高興地宣佈,公司通過全資子公司Mesa Cobre Holding Corporation(「Mesa Cobre」)完成了最後的一筆1000萬美元的支付,行使了其在亞利桑那州Santa Cruz Copper Project的100%礦產權的購買選擇權。在完成這筆交易之後,Ivanhoe Electric現在擁有Santa Cruz Copper Project的100%礦產和地表權。

Taylor Melvin, Ivanhoe Electric's President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: "Completing our option agreement and securing 100% ownership of the mineral rights at our Santa Cruz Copper Project in Arizona is an important milestone for our Company. We have now completed the consolidation of surface and mineral rights ownership at one of the largest and highest grade undeveloped copper resources in the United States that is located entirely on private land."

Ivanhoe Electric的總裁兼首席執行官Taylor Melvin評論說:「完成我們的購買選擇權協議並獲得在我們位於亞利桑那州Santa Cruz Copper Project的礦產權的100%所有權是我們公司的重要里程碑。在我們尋求發現否則無法被傳統勘探技術檢測到的重要金屬新礦牀時,我們現在已經完成了全球最大、品位最高的未開發銅資源之一的礦產和地表權所有權的整合,而且這些資源完全位於私人土地上。」

Figure 1. Plan view map of land and mineral rights acquired at the Santa Cruz Copper Project, Arizona.

圖1. Santa Cruz Copper Project,亞利桑那州掌握的土地和礦權平面圖。

Qualified Persons


Disclosures of a scientific or technical nature included in this news release, including the sampling, analytical and technical data underlying the information, have been reviewed, verified, and approved by Glen Kuntz, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Person as defined by Regulation S-K, Subpart 1300 promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and by Canadian National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Kuntz is an employee of Ivanhoe Electric Inc.

本新聞稿中包含的科學或技術性披露,包括基礎信息所採集的採樣、分析和技術數據,已由Glen Kuntz P.Geo審核、核實並批准。Glen Kuntz P.Geo按照美國證券交易委員會制定的Regulation S-k,Subpart 1300和加拿大43-101號國家儀器定義的「合格人士」的標準進行,是Ivanhoe Electric Inc.的僱員。

About Ivanhoe Electric

關於Ivanhoe Electric

We are a U.S. company that combines advanced mineral exploration technologies with electric metals exploration projects predominantly located in the United States. We use our accurate and powerful Typhoon geophysical surveying system, together with advanced data analytics provided by our subsidiary, Computational Geosciences Inc., to accelerate and de-risk the mineral exploration process as we seek to discover new deposits of critical metals that may otherwise be undetectable by traditional exploration technologies. We believe the United States is significantly underexplored and has the potential to yield major new discoveries of critical metals. Our mineral exploration efforts focus on copper as well as other metals including nickel, vanadium, cobalt, platinum group elements, gold and silver. Through the advancement of our portfolio of electric metals exploration projects, headlined by the Santa Cruz Copper Project in Arizona and the Tintic Copper-Gold Project in Utah, as well as other exploration projects in the United States, we intend to support United States supply chain independence by finding and delivering the critical metals necessary for the electrification of the economy. We also operate a 50/50 joint venture with Saudi Arabian Mining Company Ma'aden to explore for minerals on ~48,500 km2 of underexplored Arabian Shield in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

我們是一家美國公司,將先進的礦產勘查技術與主要位於美國的電礦物勘查項目相結合。我們使用精確而強大的颱風地球物理勘探系統,再加上我們的子公司Computational Geosciences Inc.提供的先進數據分析,加速和降低了礦產勘查過程的風險,以尋找傳統勘探技術無法檢測到的重要金屬新礦牀。我們認爲美國具有巨大的探索潛力,並有可能發現重要的新金屬礦牀。我們的礦產勘查工作重點是銅以及其他金屬,包括鎳、釩、鈷、鉑族元素、金和銀。通過我們的電礦物勘查項目組合的進展,以亞利桑那州的Santa Cruz Copper Project和猶他州的Tintic Copper-Gold Project爲重點,並在美國展開其他勘探項目,我們意圖通過發現並提供電氣化經濟所必需的重要金屬來支持美國的供應鏈獨立性。我們還與沙特阿拉伯礦業公司Ma'aden建立了一個50/50的合資企業,以勘探位於沙特阿拉伯王國下探索麪積爲48500 km²的阿拉伯盾地區的礦產。

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Ivanhoe Electric's Executive Chairman Robert Friedland: @robert_ivanhoe

Ivanhoe Electric的執行主席羅伯特·弗裏德蘭德(Robert Friedland):@robert_ivanhoe

Ivanhoe Electric: @ivanhoeelectric

Ivanhoe Electric:@ivanhoeelectric

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Ivanhoe Electric的投資者關係網站位於,應視爲Ivanhoe Electric的公認的分銷渠道,用於美國證券交易委員會的FD法規的目的。

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable US and Canadian securities laws. Such statements and information involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Ivanhoe Electric, its projects, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information. Such statements can be identified by the use of words such as "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "expect", "believe", "plan", "anticipate", "estimate", "scheduled", "forecast", "predict" and other similar terminology, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. These statements reflect Ivanhoe Electric's current expectations regarding future events, performance and results and speak only as of the date of this news release.

本新聞稿中的某些聲明構成適用的美國和加拿大證券法律下的「前瞻性聲明」或「前瞻性信息」。這些聲明和信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,可能導致Ivanhoe Electric、其項目或行業的實際結果、績效或成就與任何未來結果、績效或成就在本前瞻性聲明或信息中明示或暗示的結果、績效或成就差異顯著。這些聲明可以通過使用諸如「可能」、「將」、「可能」、「將」、「打算」、「預計」、「相信」、「計劃」、「預判」和其他類似的術語來識別,或者表明某些行動、事件或結果「可能」、「可能」、「將」、「可能」或「將」被採取、發生或實現。這些聲明反映了Ivanhoe Electric關於未來事件、表現和結果的當前期望,並且僅於本新聞稿的日期,僅僅是指控日期的前瞻性描述。

Forward-looking statements are based on management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management. Such statements are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements due to various factors, including changes in the prices of copper or other metals Ivanhoe Electric is exploring for; the results of exploration and drilling activities and/or the failure of exploration programs or studies to deliver anticipated results or results that would justify and support continued exploration, studies, development or operations; the final assessment of exploration results and information that is preliminary; the significant risk and hazards associated with any future mining operations, extensive regulation by the US government as well as local governments; changes in laws, rules or regulations, or their enforcement by applicable authorities; the failure of parties to contracts with Ivanhoe Electric to perform as agreed; and the impact of political, economic and other uncertainties associated with operating in foreign countries, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the global economy. These factors should not be construed as exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with the other cautionary statements and risk factors described in Ivanhoe Electric's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

前瞻性聲明基於管理層的信念和假設,以及管理層目前可用的信息。這些聲明存在重大風險和不確定性,實際結果可能與前瞻性聲明中表達或暗示的結果有很大不同,原因包括Ivanhoe Electric正在開發的銅或其他金屬的價格變化;勘探和鑽探活動的結果和/或勘探計劃或研究未能提供預期的結果或結果未能支持進一步的勘探,研究、開發或運營;勘探結果和所謂基礎信息尚屬初步評估;未來採礦業務存在重大風險和危害,受美國政府及當地政府的廣泛監管;法律、規則或法規的變化,或者它們被適當當局實施的方式;與Ivanhoe Electric簽訂的合同方未能履行協議;在國外經營所涉及的政治、經濟和其他不確定性以及COVID-19疫情和全球經濟的影響。這些因素不應被視爲詳盡,應與Ivanhoe Electric的年度報告上Form 10-K中描述的其他警示性聲明和風險因素一併閱讀。

No assurance can be given that such future results will be achieved. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release. Ivanhoe Electric cautions you not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Subject to applicable securities laws, Ivanhoe Electric does not assume any obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this news release, and Ivanhoe Electric expressly disclaims any requirement to do so.

本新聞稿中包含的科學或技術性披露,包括基礎信息所採集的採樣、分析和技術數據,已由Glen Kuntz P.Geo審核、核實並批准。Glen Kuntz P.Geo按照美國證券交易委員會制定的Regulation S-k,Subpart 1300和加拿大43-101號國家儀器定義的「合格人士」的標準進行,是Ivanhoe Electric Inc.的僱員。

SOURCE: Ivanhoe Electric Inc.

出處:Ivanhoe Electric Inc.

