
Ribbon's 2023 Sustainability Report Details Progress on ESG Goals

Ribbon's 2023 Sustainability Report Details Progress on ESG Goals

PR Newswire ·  08/12 20:00

Meets key environmental milestone ahead of schedule


PLANO, Texas, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ribbon Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: RBBN), a global provider of real time communications technology and IP optical networking solutions to many of the world's largest service providers, enterprises, and critical infrastructure operators to modernize and protect their networks, today released its 2023 sustainability report. The report highlights Ribbon's continued efforts in achieving its sustainability initiatives, and its success in delivering enhanced access, connectivity, and network security to customers in more than 140 countries.

美國中部時區時間2024年8月12日,德克薩斯州普萊諾 / PRNewswire / -- Ribbon Communications公司 (納斯達克:ribbon communications)是一家全球性提供實時通信技術和IP光網絡解決方案的供應商,向全球最大的服務提供商、企業和關鍵基礎設施運營商提供現代化保護網絡的連接性和網絡安全,今天發佈了2023年的可持續性報告。報告重點介紹了Ribbon在實現可持續性目標方面的持續努力以及在向覆蓋140多個國家的客戶提供增強的訪問、連接和網絡安全方面取得的成功。

"Customers are increasingly taking ESG objectives, which include social, compliance and environmental factors, into consideration when making purchasing decisions," said Patrick Macken, CLO and EVP, Ribbon. "I'm proud of the work the team has done to make improvements in several areas, many of which also positively impact our operational expenses."

「客戶在做購買決策時越來越多地考慮到包括社會、合規和環境因素在內的esg目標,」Ribbon公司的首席法務官兼執行副總裁Patrick Macken說。「我爲團隊所做的改進工作感到自豪,其中許多改進也對我們的運營費用產生了積極的影響。」

Ribbon was able to achieve its emissions reduction target seven years early, facilitated by a deliberate 26% cut in electricity consumption over six years and boosting its renewable electricity consumption to 10% of total electricity use.


As always, the company reported on the latest status of its 'Three by 30' targets:


  • Reduce direct carbon emissions by 30% by 2030 (Scope 1+2 CO2e, from a base year of 2018)
    • 33% reduction in Scope 1+2 CO2e emissions compared to 2018.
  • Increase women in management to 30% of all management roles to be held by women by 2025
    • 17% of management roles were held by women in 2023.
  • Achieve 30% of our Tier 1 suppliers audited with zero major non-conformances against Ribbon's Supplier Audit Protocol by 2025.
    • 21% of our Tier 1 suppliers were audited against our Supplier Code of Conduct in 2023 by independent external auditors.
  • 到2030年將直接碳排放量(2018年作爲基礎年份的範圍1+2 CO2e)減少30%
    • 與2018年相比,範圍1+2 CO2e排放量減少了33%。
  • 到2025年,所有管理角色中女性管理角色應占30%。
    • 2023年時,17%的管理角色由女性擔任。
  • 到2025年,對於Ribbon的供應商開展審核,使零大不符合Ribbon的供應商審核方案的一級供應商的比例達到30%。
    • 2023年,我們觀察到21%的一級供應商通過獨立外部審計機構審核了我們的供應商行爲準則。

"We are making good progress towards our 'Three by 30' targets although more progress is needed against our diversity goals. Last year, 26% of our new hires were women, including Chief Marketing Officer Joni Roberts, and we promoted a number of women into management or into higher positions within management," Mr. Macken added. "We continue to work on accelerating our velocity in hiring more women and elevating them into leadership positions."

「我們在實現「三年戰略」目標方面取得了良好的進展,儘管在實現多樣性目標方面還需要更多的進展。去年,我們聘用的新員工中有26%是女性,其中包括首席營銷官Joni Roberts,我們將一些女性提拔爲管理幹部或在管理層擔任更高職務,」 Macken先生補充道,「我們繼續努力加快僱傭更多女性並將她們提拔到領導職位。」

About Ribbon
Ribbon Communications (Nasdaq: RBBN) delivers communications software, IP and optical networking solutions to service providers, enterprises and critical infrastructure sectors globally. We engage deeply with our customers, helping them modernize their networks for improved competitive positioning and business outcomes in today's smart, always-on and data-hungry world. Our innovative, end-to-end solutions portfolio delivers unparalleled scale, performance, and agility, including core to edge software-centric solutions, cloud-native offers, leading-edge security and analytics tools, along with IP and optical networking solutions for 5G. We maintain a keen focus on our commitments to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters, offering an annual Sustainability Report to our stakeholders. To learn more about Ribbon, please visit

Ribbon Communications(納斯達克:RBBN)向全球服務提供商、企業和關鍵基礎設施部門提供通訊軟件、IP和光網絡解決方案。我們與客戶密切合作,幫助他們現代化網絡,以在今天智能、始終連接、數據飢渴的世界中獲得更好的競爭地位和業務成果。我們的創新、端到端的解決方案組合提供了無與倫比的規模、性能和靈活性,包括從核心到邊緣的面向軟件的解決方案、雲原生服務、領先的安全和分析工具,以及爲5G提供的IP和光網絡解決方案。我們保持關注對環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)事態的承諾,向利益相關者提供年度可持續性報告。如欲了解有關Ribbon的更多信息,請訪問。

Important Information Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
The information in this release contains forward-looking statements regarding future events that involve risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this release, including those regarding the expected benefits from use of Ribbon Communication's products, are forward-looking statements. The actual results of Ribbon Communications may differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements. For further information regarding risks and uncertainties associated with Ribbon Communications' business, please refer to the "Risk Factors" section of Ribbon Communications' most recent annual or quarterly report filed with the SEC. Any forward-looking statements represent Ribbon Communications' views only as of the date on which such statement is made and should not be relied upon as representing Ribbon Communications' views as of any subsequent date. While Ribbon Communications may elect to update forward-looking statements at some point, Ribbon Communications specifically disclaims any obligation to do so.

本發佈中的信息包含涉及風險和不確定性的未來事件的前瞻性聲明。本發佈中除了關於Ribbon Communication的產品預期收益之外的所有陳述都是前瞻性陳述。Ribbon Communications的實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述所預示的結果不同。有關Ribbon Communications業務相關的風險和不確定性的信息,請參閱Ribbon Communications最近提交給美國證券交易委員會的年度或季度報告的"風險因素"部分。任何前瞻性陳述僅代表Ribbon Communications發表該聲明之日的意見,並不應被視爲Ribbon Communications在任何隨後的日期表示的意見。雖然Ribbon Communications可能在某些情況下選擇更新前瞻性聲明,但Ribbon Communications明確聲明無義務這樣做。

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+1 (978) 614-8050
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+1 (978) 614-8050
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Media Contact
Catherine Berthier
+1 (646) 741-1974
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Catherine Berthier
+1 (646) 741-1974
[email protected]

SOURCE Ribbon Communications Inc.

來源:Ribbon Communications Inc.

