
Numinus Wellness Comments on FDA Decision on New Drug Application for MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD

Numinus Wellness Comments on FDA Decision on New Drug Application for MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD

Numinus Wellness發表評論,就MDMA輔助治療創傷後應激障礙的新藥申請,對FDA的決定表達看法。
PR Newswire ·  08/12 19:00

VANCOUVER, BC, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Numinus Wellness Inc. ("Numinus" or the "Company") (TSX: NUMI) (OTCQX: NUMIF), a leader in mental health care specializing in innovative and evidence-based treatments, comments on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's ("FDA") decision to not approve Lykos Therapeutics' new drug application for MDMA (midomafetamine capsules) used in combination with psychological intervention for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder ("PTSD"). According to a news release issued by Lykos Therapeutics, the FDA has requested that an additional Phase 3 study be conducted to study the safety and efficacy of MDMA further.

Numinus Wellness Inc.(「Numinus」或「公司」)(TSX: NUMI)(OTCQX: NUMIF)是精神醫療保健領域的領導者,專注於創新和基於證據的治療方法。對於美國食品和藥物管理局(「FDA」)決定不批准Lykos Therapeutics公司配合心理干預治療創傷後應激障礙(PTSD)個體使用MDMA(midomafetamine capsules)的新藥申請,Numinus發表評論。根據Lykos Therapeutics發佈的新聞稿,FDA要求進行一個額外的第3階段研究來進一步研究MDMA的安全性和功效。

"While this is a blow to all the incredibly positive and encouraging work that has been done to advance safe access to psychedelic therapy, which MAPS and Lykos have led the charge for, we remain unwavering and committed to doing all we can to make these important therapies available for all those suffering who need it most," said Payton Nyquvest, Numinus Founder and CEO. "We're confident that further study will continue to show the efficacy of MDMA, and with many psychedelic compounds at the late stages of research, the pipeline of treatments to address severe conditions remains strong."

「儘管這對致力於推動安全訪問精神治療的非常積極和鼓舞人心的所有工作都是一個打擊,我們仍然堅定不移地致力於爲所有那些最需要的患者提供這些重要治療,」 Numinus創始人兼首席執行官Payton Nyquvest說到,「我們相信更深入的研究將繼續展示出MDMA的功效,而隨着許多致幻化合物進入晚期研究階段,緩解嚴重疾病的治療措施的渠道仍然很強大。」

"For Numinus, we will continue to execute on our previously announced plan to achieve profitability with our existing operations, which were and continue not to be dependent on the commercialization of new therapies," Mr. Nyquvest added.


Spravato (esketamine) and ketamine continue to be available to practitioners to treat mental health conditions, and Numinus Wellness clinics have delivered over 43,600 such treatments to patients. The clinics have built an optimized business model with best-in-class patient care, including a call center and expertise in reimbursed billing. The company is working to leverage its leadership into an offering available to mental health professionals across the U.S. Through Cedar Clinical Research, Numinus has conducted clinical research involving four psychedelic medicines administered through different modalities involving over 50 subjects over the past 2.5 years. At the same time, its comprehensive practitioner training program prepares the Numinus team and trainees to treat patients across multiple medications and modalities, including ketamine and MDMA.

Spravato (esketamine)和氯胺酮繼續可用於治療精神健康狀況,Numinus Wellness診所已經爲患者提供了超過43,600次此類治療。這些診所已經建立了一個最佳的營業模式,包括一個呼叫中心和專業知識以及報銷計費的能力。該公司正在努力將其領導地位轉化爲面向全美精神衛生專業人士的提供。通過Cedar Clinical Research,Numinus已經開展了臨床研究,涉及使用不同方式管理四種致幻藥物的超過50名受試者的研究工作。與此同時,它的全面從業者培訓計劃準備了Numinus團隊以及學員,以治療包括氯胺酮和MDMA在內的多種藥物和方式的患者。

"The FDA decision demonstrates the high level of scrutiny that psychedelic compounds receive and the continuing requirement for comprehensive, rigorous research as some of these investigational products move through late-stage clinical trials," said Dr. Paul Theilking, Numinus Chief Science and Medical Officer. "We're proud of our clinical trials work with major psychedelic drug developers and will continue to be a committed research partner as more compounds are advanced."

「FDA的決定表明了這些致幻化合物受到高度審查並且需要全面嚴格的研究,因爲其中一些調查產品正在通過後期的臨床試驗階段,」Numinus首席科學和醫學官Paul Theilking博士說到,「我們爲我們與致幻藥物主要研究開發商的臨床試驗工作感到自豪,並將繼續成爲她們的忠誠研究合作伙伴,以推動更多化合物的推進。」

Letter of intent with MedBright AI
Numinus also announces that it has terminated the letter of intent previously announced on June 20, 2024, to acquire MedBright AI Investments Inc.

MedBright AI的意向書
Numinus還宣佈已終止先前於2024年6月20日宣佈的收購MedBright AI Investments Inc.的意向書。

About Numinus

Numinus Wellness Inc.(TSX:NUMI)通過開發和提供創新的心理健康治療方法和安全的、基於證據的輔助致幻療法,幫助人們得以恢復健康。Numinus處於治療、而非精神健康症狀管理的前沿。在Numinus,我們致力於領導心理治療方式的轉型,重視患者的癒合,而非僅僅壓制症狀。我們正在引領心理健康療法的融入主流臨床實踐,爲建立一個更健康的社會奠定基礎。

Numinus Wellness Inc. (TSX: NUMI) helps people to heal and be well through the development and delivery of innovative mental health care and access to safe, evidence-based psychedelic-assisted therapies. The Numinus model – including psychedelic research and clinic care – is at the forefront of a transformation aimed at healing rather than managing symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma, pain and substance use. At Numinus, we are leading the integration of psychedelic-assisted therapies into mainstream clinical practice and building the foundation for a healthier society.

Numinus Wellness Inc.(TSX:NUMI)通過開發和提供創新的精神醫療保健和安全的基於證據的致幻輔助療法,幫助人們康復和保持健康。Numinus的模式 – 包括致幻藥物研究和診所看護 – 處於一個旨在治癒而不是管理抑鬱,焦慮,創傷,疼痛和藥物成癮症狀的轉型取代管理的前沿。在Numinus,我們正在領導將致幻輔助療法融入主流臨床實踐中,併爲構建更健康的社會奠定基礎。

Learn more at and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

了解更多請訪問 和我們一起LinkedIn, FacebookInstagram.

Forward-looking statements


Statements and other information contained in this press release about anticipated future events constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", and "intend" and statements that an event "may", "will", "should", "could" or "might" occur or other similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements, including the results of further research into MDMA, if any, the FDA and other regulators' decisions in respect of MDMA and other psychedelic medications, restrictions that may be placed on the use of psychedelic compounds by regulatory authorities; safety and efficacy of psychedelic-assisted therapy; acceptance, uptake and commercialization of psychedelic-assisted therapy, if any; dependence on obtaining regulatory approvals, and other risks that are set forth in our annual information form dated November 29, 2023, and available on SEDAR at . Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and opinions of management at the date the statements are made. Numinus does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements even if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by applicable laws. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


SOURCE Numinus Wellness Inc.


