
Earnings Call Summary | Cytek Biosciences(CTKB.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Cytek Biosciences(CTKB.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | Cytek Biosciences(CTKb.US)Q2 2024業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/11 18:08  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Cytek Biosciences, Inc. (CTKB) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Cytek Biosciences, Inc.(CTKB)2024年第二季度業績會通話摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Cytek reported a Q2 revenue of $46.6 million, marking a 4% increase over Q1 and a 6% year-over-year decline.

  • Service revenue grew 30% from Q2 2023, driven by an expanding installed base.

  • Adjusted gross profit margin stood at 58% for the quarter, down from 60% year-over-year but up from 55% in Q1.

  • Full-year revenue guidance was narrowed to $203 million to $210 million, representing a growth of 5% to 9% year-over-year.

  • Cytek報告Q2營業收入4660萬美元,較Q1增長4%,同比下降6%。

  • 服務收入比2023年第二季度增長30%,這是由於不斷擴大的已安裝基礎。

  • 調整後的毛利潤率季度爲58%,同比下降了60%,但比Q1的55%上升了。

  • 全年營業收入指導範圍縮小至2.03億美元至2.1億美元,同比增長5%至9%。

Business Progress:


  • This quarter, Cytek expanded its installed base, selling 147 instruments and reaching a total of 2,656 units.

  • Launched the enhanced small particle detection module (ESP) to improve the capabilities of the Aurora and Northern Light instruments.

  • Achieved China NMPA approval for one laser and two laser 6-color TBNK reagent cocktails for clinical use.

  • Service gross margins increased by 8 percentage points year-over-year due to improved productivity.

  • 本季度,Cytek擴大了其已安裝基礎,銷售了147台儀器,總計達到2,656台。

  • 推出增強型小顆粒檢測模塊(ESP)以提高Aurora和Northern Light儀器的功能。

  • 獲得中國NMPA批准用於臨床的一種激光器和兩種激光器6色TBNk試劑組合。

  • 服務毛利率同比增長8個百分點,這是由於提高生產率。



  • The large installed base of conventional flow cytometers presents a significant replacement opportunity with advanced Cytek instruments.

  • Increased adoption and utilization of Cytek instruments supported by bioinformatics enhancements, such as those in the Cytek Cloud platform and the new spectral panel design tool.

  • 傳統流式細胞儀的大量已安裝基礎爲採用先進的Cytek儀器提供了很大的替換機會。

  • 採用和利用Cytek儀器的增加得到支持,由生物信息學增強,例如在Cytek Cloud平台和新的光譜面板設計工具中的增強。



  • Continued weakness in the U.S. instrument market, particularly within the academic and government sectors, coupled with elongated sales cycles.

  • Uncertainties in market conditions that could potentially impact the expected recovery and spending patterns in North America.

  • 美國儀器市場持續疲軟,特別是學術和政府部門,加上銷售週期的延長。

  • 市場條件的不確定性可能會影響北美的預期復甦和支出模式。

More details: Cytek Biosciences IR

更多詳細信息:Cytek Biosciences IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


