
Earnings Call Summary | Greenlight Capital Re(GLRE.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Greenlight Capital Re(GLRE.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | 綠光資本再保公司(GLRE.US) 2024年Q2業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/11 15:12  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. (GLRE) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Greenlight Capital Re reported gross written premiums of $169 million, up 9.1% compared to Q2 2023.

  • The company delivered net income of $8 million, showing a growth in fully diluted book value per share of 1.5% for the quarter, or 6% on an annualized basis.

  • Reported a combined ratio of 99.8%, affected by high catastrophe losses primarily from U.S. convective storms.

  • Net premiums earned increased to $158.4 million, an 13.2% increase from the same period last year.

  • Greenlight Capital Re報告錄得16900萬美元的毛簽單保費,較2023年第二季度增長了9.1%。

  • 該公司實現了800萬美元的淨利潤,本季度攤薄後每股賬面價值以1.5%的增長率增長,年化增長率爲6%。

  • 由於美國風暴災害造成的巨額損失,綠光資本再保公司報告的綜合賠付比率爲99.8%。

  • 淨已賺保費從去年同期的13960萬美元上升了13.2%。

Business Progress:


  • The company's specialty book net premiums increased substantially, mainly in marine and energy classes.

  • Greenlight Re celebrated its 20th anniversary, reflecting on the company's growth and resilience.

  • Strategic decision to increase the allocation to the Solace Glass fund from 60% to 70% of adjusted book value to optimize returns.

  • 該公司的專業線淨保費大幅增長,主要集中在航運和能源領域。

  • 綠光再保20週年慶典上回顧了公司的成長曆程和韌性。

  • 戰略決定將Solace Glass基金的配置比例從調整後賬麪價值的60%增加到70%,以優化回報。



  • The renewal season aligned with expectations, with disciplined reinsurers and attractive pricing opportunities noted in property and specialty insurance classes.

  • Key growth efforts are directed towards the innovations book, focusing on developing niche markets and new economy-driven growth channels.

  • 換季符合預期,財務再保商紀律嚴明,在財產保險和專業保險領域發現了有吸引力的定價機會。

  • 關鍵增長方向是創新保險,專注於開發利基市場和新經濟驅動的增長渠道。



  • The company saw an impact from higher-than-normal catastrophe losses due to the U.S. convective storm, contributing significantly to the increased combined ratio.

  • The casualty segment exhibited challenges with higher loss ratios and rising acquisition costs impacting profitability.

  • 該公司受到美國風暴的高於正常的災害損失的影響,導致綜合賠付比率顯著增加。

  • 傷殘保險領域的損失率上升和採購成本上升對盈利造成了影響。

More details: Greenlight Capital Re IR

更多詳情請查看Greenlight Capital Re投資者關係( IR )頁面。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


