
Earnings Call Summary | FTC Solar(FTCI.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | FTC Solar(FTCI.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | FTC Solar(FTCI.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/11 05:50  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the FTC Solar, Inc. (FTCI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是FTC Solar公司2024年Q2業績會交流摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Q2 revenue was $11.4 million, a decrease of 9.2% from the previous quarter and a significant drop of 64.7% year-over-year.

  • GAAP gross loss was $2.3 million or 20.5% of revenue, compared to a gross loss of $2.1 million or 16.7% of revenue in the prior quarter. Non-GAAP gross loss bettered the midpoint guidance at $1.9 million or 16.8% of revenue.

  • GAAP net loss widened to $12.2 million or $0.10 per share from $8.8 million or $0.07 per share in the previous quarter. Adjusted EBITDA loss was $10.5 million.

  • Q2營業收入爲1140萬美元,比上一季度下降9.2%,年同比顯著下降64.7%。

  • GAAP毛虧損爲230萬美元,佔營業收入的20.5%,相比上一季度的210萬美元的毛虧損,營收佔比爲16.7%。非GAAP毛虧損優於中點指引,爲190萬美元,佔營業收入的16.8%。

  • GAAP淨虧損從上一季度的880萬美元或每股0.07美元擴大至1220萬美元或每股0.10美元。調整後的EBITDA虧損爲1050萬美元。

Business Progress:


  • Announced the appointment of new CEO Yann Brandt.

  • Hired industry veterans Alberto Echeverria and Tamara Mullings to boost international and North American sales efforts, respectively.

  • FTC Solar maintains a strong technology portfolio with robust customer relationships and a comprehensive range of products geared towards both 1P and 2P markets.

  • Planned revenue recovery to begin in Q4 with bookings of over $500 million laying the foundation.

  • 宣佈任命新任CEO Yann Brandt。

  • 聘請行業資深人士Alberto Echeverria和Tamara Mullings分別加強國際和北美銷售力度。

  • FTC Solar維持強有力的技術組合,擁有強大的客戶關係和廣泛的產品範圍,旨在滿足1P和2P市場的需求。

  • 計劃於Q4開始實現收入恢復,預計獲得超過50000萬美元的訂單。



  • Continual strategic investments in expanding global sales capabilities show promise in capturing growth potential in international markets.

  • The extensive $500 million backlog indicates substantial future revenue possibilities pending customer execution.

  • 持續戰略性投資擴大全球銷售能力,有望在國際市場抓住增長潛力。

  • 廣泛的50000萬美元訂單積壓表明,等待客戶執行的巨大未來收益可能性。



  • Previously anticipated second-half growth for 2024 has been adjusted downwards due to customer project delays relating to interconnection and financing issues, pushing expected stronger financial performance to 2025.

  • 由於客戶項目延誤和接口和融資問題,2024年下半年的預期增長有所下調,預計更強的財務表現將推遲至2025年。

More details: FTC Solar IR

更多細節:FTC Solar股東關係網頁

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


