
Earnings Call Summary | XPEL Inc(XPEL.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | XPEL Inc(XPEL.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | xpel inc(XPEL.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/10 13:37  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the XPEL, Inc. (XPEL) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • XPEL reported Q2 2024 revenue of $109.9 million, a 7.5% increase.

  • U.S. business grew just under 10% to $64.9 million.

  • Gross margin performance for the quarter was strong at 43.5%.

  • SG&A expenses grew by 20.5% to $28.7 million.

  • Net income declined 4.5% to $15 million with an EPS of $0.54.

  • XPEL報告2024年Q2營業收入爲1,099萬美元,增長7.5%。

  • 美國業務增長了近10%,達到了6490萬美元。

  • 本季度毛利率表現良好,爲43.5%。

  • 銷售及行政費用增長了20.5%,至2870萬美元。

  • 淨利潤下降4.5%至1500萬美元,每股收益爲0.54美元。

Business Progress:


  • Launched a new product line in China targeting the mid-tier market.

  • Announced the upcoming launch of windshield protection films in late Q3 to early Q4.

  • Closed two acquisitions, including Protective Film Solutions and a distributor in India.

  • Introducing a new OEM and partner referral program utilizing the independent installer network.

  • Reported record revenue months in June and July, expecting higher revenues in Q3, especially in China.

  • 推出了面向中國中端市場的新產品線。

  • 宣佈即將在Q3底至Q4初推出擋風玻璃保護膜。

  • 完成了兩項收購,包括保護膜解決方案和印度一家分銷商。

  • 推出新的OEm和合作夥伴推薦計劃,利用獨立安裝工網絡。

  • 報告6月和7月有創紀錄的營業收入月份,預計Q3營業收入,特別是在中國,將更高。



  • Launched a product line in China and planning further expansion in low labor cost markets like Southeast Asia and India.

  • Planning to decentralize European-based OEM operations into other countries through international subsidiaries.

  • 在中國推出產品線,並計劃在低勞動力成本市場,如東南亞和印度進一步擴張。

  • 計劃通過國際子公司將歐洲OEm業務分散到其他國家。



  • Mentioned macroeconomic uncertainty as a factor affecting forecasting and performance reliability.

  • China business saw a significant decline of 45.7% in revenue, emphasizing ongoing market choppiness.

  • 提到宏觀經濟不確定性是影響預測和表現可靠性的因素。

  • 中國業務收入大幅下降了45.7%,強調市場持續動盪。

More details: XPEL Inc IR

更多詳情:XPEL Inc IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


