
Hepsiburada Announces Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for Financial Year 2023

Hepsiburada Announces Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for Financial Year 2023

GlobeNewswire ·  08/09 21:00

ISTANBUL, Aug. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- D-MARKET Electronic Services & Trading (d/b/a "Hepsiburada") (NASDAQ: HEPS) (the "Company"), a leading Turkish e-commerce platform, will hold its Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of Shareholders (the "General Assembly") with respect to the financial year 2023, on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 11:00 Istanbul time at the Company's headquarters at Kuştepe Mahallesi, Mecidiyeköy Yolu Caddesi, No:12 Trump Towers, Tower No:2 Şişli, İstanbul.

2024年8月9日,伊斯坦布爾(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——D-Market Electronic Services&Trading(簡稱「Hepsiburada」)(納斯達克:HEPS),土耳其領先的電子商務平台,將於2024年9月12日星期四上午11:00在伊斯坦布爾Kuştepe Mahallesi Mecidiyeköy Yolu Caddesi,No:12 Trump Towers,Tower No:2 Sisli舉行2023年財政年度的普通股東大會(「股東大會」)。

Holders of the Company's American Depositary Shares (the "ADSs") who wish to exercise their voting rights for the underlying shares must act through the depositary of the Company's ADS program, The Bank of New York Mellon.


The agenda of the Annual General Assembly consists of the following items in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code (the "TCC") and the Regulation on Principles and Procedures for General Assembly Meetings of Joint Stock Companies and the Representatives of the Ministry Attending Such Meetings (the "Regulation") governing the agenda of ordinary general assembly meetings:


  1. Opening of the General Assembly and election of the General Assembly Chairmanship,
  2. Authorization of the General Assembly Chairmanship to sign the minutes of the General Assembly,
  3. Reading and discussion of the annual report prepared by the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board of Directors") for the financial year 2023 and reading of the independent auditor's report, as stipulated in the Regulation,
  4. Reading, discussion, and approval of the financial statements for the financial year 2023 accounting period, as specified in the Regulation,
  5. Release of the members of the Board of Directors from all of their respective business, transactions and activities, if any, for the financial year 2023, as specified in the Regulation,
  6. Decision on the Company's profit for the 2023 accounting period, the use of the profit, the proportions of the profit and earnings shares to be distributed, if any, as specified in the Regulation,
  7. Decision on the salary, honorarium, bonus, and premium to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors in their capacity as such and, as applicable, in their capacity as members of committees of the Board of Directors for the year 2024 under Article 394 of the TCC and the Regulation,
  8. Approval of the appointment of Mr. Ahmet Toksoy, who was appointed by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 363 of the TCC as a member of the Board of Directors to replace Mr. Mehmet Murat Emirdağ, as specified in the TCC and the Regulation,
  9. Approval of the appointment of Mr. Mehmet Erol Çamur, who was appointed by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 363 of the TCC as a member of the Board of Directors to replace Mr. Halil Cem Karakaş, as specified in the TCC and the Regulation,
  10. Appointment of the members of the Board of Directors and determination of their terms of office,
  11. Appointment of the independent auditor for the 2024 accounting period, as specified in the Regulation,
  12. Authorization of the members of the Board of Directors for the commercial activities and transactions referred to in Articles 395 and 396 of the TCC,
  13. Informing the General Assembly about the Class B share purchase from TurkCommerce B.V. carried out pursuant to the decision of the Company's Board of Directors dated 28/09/2023 and numbered 2023/28, which was held on 18/10/2023 and submitting this transaction for the approval of the General Assembly,
  14. Submitting the renewal of the directors' and officers' insurance policy to the approval of the General Assembly,
  15. Determination of the upper limit for the aid and donations to be made until the next ordinary General Assembly of the Company as 2 per thousands of the total net assets of the Company and approval of the authorization of the Board of Directors within this context,
  16. Closing of the meeting.
  1. 股東大會開幕及選舉股東大會主席,
  2. 授權股東大會主席簽署股東大會紀要,
  3. 閱讀和討論公司董事會準備的2023年財務報告及獨立核數師報告,並按規定閱讀,
  4. 根據規定閱讀,討論並批准2023年會計期間的財務報表,
  5. 根據規定,釋放董事會成員在2023財年中參與的所有業務、交易和活動,
  6. 決定2023會計期間公司的利潤使用,分配利潤和收益股份的比例,如規定,
  7. 根據土耳其商業法第394條和該法規,決定向董事會成員以及董事會委員會成員支付的工資、酬金、獎金和保險費等,2024年度。
  8. 批准公司董事會按照土耳其商業法第363條和該法規,任命阿赫梅特Toksoy先生爲董事會成員,以代替Mehmet Murat Emirdağ先生。
  9. 批准公司董事會按照土耳其商業法第363條和該法規,任命Mehmet Erol Çamur先生爲董事會成員,以代替Halil Cem Karakaş先生。
  10. 任命董事會成員並確定其任職期限。
  11. 根據規定,任命獨立核數師爲2024會計期間的核數師。
  12. 授權公司董事會進行土耳其商業法第395條和第396條規定的商業活動和交易。
  13. 通知股東大會,關於根據公司董事會於2023年9月28日公佈的決定(編號2023/28),從TurkCommerce b.V.購買b股的事宜,並將此交易提交給股東大會審批。
  14. 提交董事和高管保險政策的續訂,並將此事項提交給股東大會批准。
  15. 決定公司下一次普通股東大會之前所提供的援助和捐款上限爲公司總淨資產的千分之二,同時批准董事會在此範圍內授權。
  16. 會議結束。

Explanatory notes on the agenda items along with the copies of certain materials related to the Annual General Assembly will be made available on the Company's investor relations website as of August 9, 2024.

關於議程項目的說明註釋以及與年度股東大會相關的某些材料的副本將在公司的投資者關係網站上提供。 截至2024年8月9日。

About Hepsiburada


Hepsiburada is a leading e-commerce technology platform in Türkiye, connecting over 64 million members with over 248 million stock keeping units across over 30 product categories. Hepsiburada provides goods and services through its hybrid model combining first-party direct sales (1P model) and a third-party marketplace (3P model) with approximately 102 thousand merchants.


With its vision of leading the digitalization of commerce, Hepsiburada acts as a reliable, innovative and purpose-led companion in consumers' daily lives. Hepsiburada's e-commerce platform provides a broad ecosystem of capabilities for merchants and consumers including: last-mile delivery and fulfilment services, advertising services, on-demand grocery delivery services, and payment solutions offered through Hepsipay, Hepsiburada's payment companion and BNPL solutions provider. HepsiGlobal offers a selection from international merchants through its inbound arm while outbound operations aim to enable merchants in Türkiye to make cross-border sales.

以領導商業數字化爲願景,Hepsiburada作爲消費者日常生活中值得信賴、創新和以目的爲導向的伴侶。 Hepsiburada的電子商務平台爲商家和消費者提供廣泛的能力生態系統,包括:末端交付和履行服務、廣告服務、即時雜貨配送服務以及通過Hepsipay、Hepsiburada的付款伴侶和BNPL解決方案提供的支付解決方案。HepsiGlobal通過其內部機構提供國際商家的選擇,而對外業務旨在讓土耳其的商家能夠進行跨境銷售。

Since its founding in 2000, Hepsiburada has been purpose-led, leveraging its digital capabilities to develop the role of women in the Turkish economy. Hepsiburada started the 'Technology Empowerment for Women Entrepreneurs' programme in 2017, which has supported approximately 53 thousand female entrepreneurs throughout Türkiye to reach millions of customers with their products.

自2000年成立以來,Hepsiburada一直是以目的領導的,利用其數字能力來發展土耳其經濟中婦女的作用。 Hepsiburada於2017年啓動了「女性企業家技術賦能計劃」,該計劃支持了約53,000名土耳其女性企業家,使她們的產品可以出售給數百萬客戶。

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