
Cypark Deputy CEO Resigns

Cypark Deputy CEO Resigns

Business Today ·  08/09 17:53

Cypark Resources Berhad has informed that Depiuty Chief Executive Officer Puan Lindayan Tajudin tendered her resignation effective 9 August to pursue other interests.

Cypark Resources Berhad已通知副首席執行官Puan Lindayan Tajudin於8月9日生效辭職,以追求其他興趣。

Puan Lindayani Binti Tajudin, Malaysian, aged 51, was appointed as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Cypark on 17 July 2023. She is an ACCA Fellow and a member of MIA, holding an Accounting & Finance Bachelor's (Hons) from London School of Economics.

Puan Lindayani Binti Tajudin,馬來西亞人,51歲,於2023年7月17日被任命爲Cypark的副首席執行官。她是ACCA Fellow和MIA成員,擁有倫敦政治經濟學院學會會計與金融學士學位。

With a diverse career spanning energy, airport, and real estate sectors locally and internationally, she excels in merger and acquisition (M&A) exercises, finance, treasury, negotiations, energy networking, tax planning, business development, investor relations, and risk management.


Having spent a decade at TNB, she successfully negotiated PPAs and performed financial analyses for new IPP projects. In bringing the energy industry forward, Puan Lindayani was a member of the Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) working group which delivered insights to TNB and the Government. At Malakoff for 13 years, she led business plans, M&A, fundraising, and orchestrated multi-billion-dollar transactions, including a USD 2 billion IPO. At MAHB, she was the Head of Overseas Ventures and Executive Director at Malaysian Airport International Ltd to drive growth from international opportunities.

在TNb度過了十年後,她成功地爲新的IPP項目進行了PPA談判和財務分析。在推動能源產業發展方面,Puan Lindayani是電力供應行業(ESI)工作組的成員,該工作組爲TNb和政府提供了見解。在Malakoff工作了13年後,她領導了商業計劃、併購、籌款,並組織了數十億美元的交易,包括20億美元的IPO。在Cypark之前,她是SP Setia Berhad的首席策略官。在這個職位上,她負責集團戰略、業務拓展、可持續發展/ESG、投資者關係、IT、轉型和戰略傳播與品牌建設。

Before Cypark, she was Chief Strategy Officer at SP Setia Berhad. In that role, she has responsibilities over Group Strategy, Business Development, Sustainability/ESG, Investor Relations, IT, Transformation, and Strategic Communications & Branding.

在進入Cypark之前,她擔任SP Setia Berhad的首席策略官。在這個職位上,她負責集團戰略、業務拓展、可持續發展/ESG、投資者關係、IT、轉型和戰略傳播與品牌建設。

