
Earnings Call Summary | Vaxart(VXRT.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Vaxart(VXRT.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | vaxart(VXRt.US) Q2 2024 業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/09 11:27  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Vaxart, Inc. (VXRT) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Vaxart reported Q2 2024 revenue of $6.4 million, a significant increase from $1.4 million in Q2 2023.

  • The revenue increase in Q2 2024 was primarily due to the recognition of revenue from the BARDA contract awarded in January 2024.

  • Vaxart報告2024年第二季度營業收入爲640萬美元,相較於2023年第二季度的140萬美元有了顯著增長。

  • 2024年第二季度收入的增長主要歸因於從2024年1月獲得的BARDA合同收入確認。

Business Progress:


  • Vaxart has received a BARDA contract valued at up to $453 million for its COVID-19 program, promoting further development of its novel oral vaccine.

  • Significant progress in the norovirus program with promising clinical trial results and ongoing discussions with the FDA.

  • Looking forward, Vaxart is preparing to initiate a Phase 2b COVID-19 clinical trial in the second half of 2024, with enrollment of about 10,000 adults planned.

  • 疫苗公司Vaxart爲其COVID-19項目獲得了一份BARDA合同,價值高達4.53億美元,促進其新型口服疫苗的進一步發展。

  • 與美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)的持續討論中,通過在諾如病毒項目中的重大臨床試驗進展和持續獲得FDA批准,取得了重大進展。

  • 展望未來,Vaxart正準備在2024年下半年啓動20億美元的COVID-19臨床試驗,計劃招募約10,000名成年人蔘與其中。



  • Vaxart's development and potential commercialization of oral vaccines for COVID-19 and norovirus represent significant market opportunities, given the high incidence and impact of these diseases, especially in vulnerable populations.

  • Vaxart在COVID-19和諾如病毒項目中的疫苗開發和潛在商業化代表了重大市場機遇,考慮到這些疾病的高發生率和影響,特別是在脆弱群體中。



  • Vaxart's clinical advancements, particularly in its COVID-19 and norovirus programs, depend on continued FDA approval and alignment, which could affect the timing and success of trials and eventual vaccine approval.

  • Vaxart在COVID-19和諾如病毒項目的臨床進展,尤其依賴於FDA持續批准和一致性,這可能影響試驗的時間和成功以及最終疫苗的批准。

More details: Vaxart IR

更多詳情:Vaxart Investor Relations

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


