
Earnings Call Summary | BG Staffing(BGSF.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | BG Staffing(BGSF.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | bg staffing( 2024年Q2業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/09 05:02  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the BGSF, Inc. (BGSF) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • BGSF reported Q2 2024 revenues of $68 million, with $26 million from Property Management and $42 million from the Professional segment.

  • Gross profit for Q2 was $23.6 million with a margin of 34.7%, compared to 36.6% in the previous year.

  • Adjusted EBITDA for Q2 2024 was $2.6 million, or 3.8% of revenue, compared to $7.5 million or 9.3% of revenue in Q2 2023.

  • Adjusted diluted earnings per share remained flat sequentially at $0.07.

  • BGSF報告2024年Q2營業收入爲$68 million,其中物業管理業務爲$26 million,專業板塊爲$42 million。

  • 2024年Q2毛利潤爲$23.6 million,毛利率爲34.7%,去年同期爲36.6%。

  • 2024年Q2調整後的EBITDA爲$2.6 million,佔營業收入的3.8%,而2023年Q2爲$7.5 million,佔營業收入的9.3%。

  • 2024年Q2調整後的每股稀釋收益爲$0.07,與前一季度持平。

Business Progress:


  • BGSF has been recognized as the 49th largest IT staffing firm and the 97th largest staffing firm in the U.S., showing improvement in industry rankings.

  • They won a significant IT transformation project for an international client, expected to start contributing financially in Q3 2024.

  • BGSF被認爲是美國最大的49家IT招聘公司和第97大招聘公司,行業排名有所提高。

  • 他們贏得了一份重大的國際客戶IT轉型項目,預計從2024年Q3開始爲公司貢獻收入。



  • With the expected lowering of interest rates by the Fed, there is potential growth for BGSF in the property management sector through backlog on repairs and capital improvements.

  • The strategic shift to operating more consultatively in IT services is aligned with the long-term market demand, promising sustained benefits.

  • 隨着聯儲局降低利率的預期,BGSF在修繕和資本改善積壓時有可能在物業管理板塊實現增長。

  • 以更具諮詢性的方式運營IT服務的戰略轉變符合長期市場需求,有望獲得持續的好處。



  • Challenging economic conditions due to higher interest rates and inflation as well as recession fears continue to impact customer spending and challenge the industry.

  • Deferrals in maintenance and capital expenditure decisions could potentially delay revenue realization for BGSF.

  • 高利率和通脹以及經濟衰退的擔憂等挑戰性經濟環境持續影響客戶支出並挑戰這個行業。

  • 維護和資本支出決策的拖延可能會延遲BGSF實現收入。

More details: BG Staffing IR

更多詳情:BG Staffing IR

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