
New Film "Inia Ikiampri" (Our Jungle) to Make World Premiere at the 34th International First Peoples' Festival Présence Autochtone, Montreal, Canada

New Film "Inia Ikiampri" (Our Jungle) to Make World Premiere at the 34th International First Peoples' Festival Présence Autochtone, Montreal, Canada

新電影《Inia Ikiampri》(我們的叢林)將在第34屆國際原住民節-Présence Autochtone,加拿大蒙特利爾進行世界首映。
PR Newswire ·  08/09 03:09

A thriving Indigenous community in the Ecuadorian Amazon clings to tradition and connections to land while preparing for an uncertain future.


SEATTLE, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- We are thrilled to announce that "Inia Ikiampri" (Our Jungle) is an official selection for the 34th International First Peoples' Festival Présence Autochtone, which is taking place August 6 to 15, 2024, in Montreal, Canada. The film will be screened on August 10 at 2 pm.

2024年8月8日,美國亞馬遜公司於PRNewswire上發佈消息:我們很高興宣佈,《Inia Ikiampri》(我們的叢林)成爲第34屆國際第一民族節Présence Autochtone官方入圍影片。本屆電影節將於2024年8月6日至15日在加拿大蒙特利爾舉行,該影片將於8月10日下午2點播放。

"Inia Ikiampri" trailer: The film follows members of the Kapawi community in Achuar Territory in the Ecuadorian Amazon Basin.
《Inia Ikiampri》預告片:該電影跟隨厄瓜多爾亞馬遜盆地阿楚阿爾領土Kapawi社區的成員。

Directed by Martín Kingman in close collaboration with community members, "Inia Ikiampri" portrays the Achuar people's daily lives. It follows members of the Kapawi community in Achuar Territory in the Ecuadorian Amazon Basin, exploring themes of land, language, and culture at the intersection of tradition and modernity.

由Martín Kingman導演,與社區成員進行密切合作的《Inia Ikiampri》描繪了阿楚阿爾人民的日常生活。該電影跟隨厄瓜多爾亞馬遜盆地阿楚阿爾領土Kapawi社區的成員,探索傳統和現代性的交匯處,涉及土地、語言和文化等主題。

"We worked closely with the Kapawi community so that the audience discovers and connects with the beauty, hope, and strength of the Achuar culture and territory in the Ecuadorian Amazon," said Kingman.


This short documentary demonstrates the profound relationship the Achuar people have with their culture, the jungle, the river, and their way of life. The film also explores the paradox of their immense cultural potential and contribution to forest conservation, in contrast to current challenges imposed on them, like deforestation, mineral extraction, and cultural changes.


"Inia Ikiampri" is a story of resistance, perseverance, and the intrinsic reciprocity the Achuar share with their vital rainforest and river territory.

《Inia Ikiampri》是一個關於阿楚阿爾民族抵抗、堅韌和自身與寶貴熱帶雨林和河流領土之間內在互惠關係的故事。

The production is part of a series of films created by the Wayfinders Circle – a global network of Indigenous peoples from around the world who work to strengthen self-determination in managing their lands and territories and maintain cultural and spiritual continuity through intergenerational transmission.

該製作是Wayfinders Circle系列電影的一部分——Wayfinders Circle是一個由來自世界各地的土著民族組成的全球網絡,他們致力於強化自我決定、管理他們的土地和領土,並通過代際傳遞來維護文化和精神連續性。

It is a co-production between the Wayfinders Circle conveners (Nia Tero, Pawanka Fund, the World Union of Indigenous Spiritual Practitioners) and the Achuar Nation of Ecuador.

這是Wayfinders Circle召集者(Nia Tero、Pawanka Fund、世界原住民精神實踐者聯盟)和厄瓜多爾阿楚阿爾民族的共同製作。

You can attend the world premiere in person on August 10 at 2 pm. Tickets can be purchased online.


Learn more about the film.



來源:Nia Tero

