
Earnings Call Summary | Aeva Technologies(AEVA.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Aeva Technologies(AEVA.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結| Aeva Technologies(AEVA.US)2024財年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/08 18:25  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Aeva Technologies, Inc. (AEVA) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Aeva Technologies, Inc.(AEVA)Q2 2024業績會議要點:

Financial Performance:


  • In Q2, Aeva Technologies reported a revenue of $2 million, primarily driven by sensor shipments to multiple customers and NRE from Daimler Trucks.

  • Non-GAAP operating loss was $32 million, reflecting continued investment in technology development.

  • At the quarter's end, total liquidity stood at $285.2 million with $160.2 million in cash and equivalents.

  • Q2期間,Aeva Technologies報告了200萬美元的營業收入,主要來自向多個客戶提供的傳感器出貨和來自戴姆勒卡車的NRE。

  • 非GAAP運營虧損爲3200萬美元,反映了持續的技術開發投資。

  • 季末總流動性爲28520萬美元,現金及現金等價物爲16020萬美元。

Business Progress:


  • Continued collaboration with Daimler Truck, progressing towards the start of production in 2026.

  • Expanded partnerships and new customer engagements in automotive with top global passenger vehicle OEMs.

  • Entered into security and automated train market sectors, securing new applications for Aeva's 4D LiDAR.

  • Advanced towards the first industrial launch with Nikon, validating the LiDAR-on-Chip technology for metrology applications.

  • 繼續與戴姆勒卡車合作,爭取在2026年開始生產。

  • 與全球頂級乘用車OEMs擴展合作伙伴關係和新客戶參與汽車業務。

  • 進入安全和自動化火車市場領域,爲Aeva的4D LiDAR獲得新的應用。

  • 向第一次與尼康推出的工業應用邁進,驗證了LiDAR-on-Chip技術在計量應用中的技術性。



  • Expanding use of Aeva's 4D LiDAR beyond automotive to security applications and nationality defense, reflecting diversified market adoption.

  • New collaborations for vehicle integration with top automotive OEMs, showcasing FMCW technology's advantages for high-speed automation.

  • Entry into industrial metrology with Nikon promises new growth in non-automotive applications.

  • 將Aeva的4D LiDAR的應用擴展到安防和國防,反映了多元化的市場採用。

  • 與頂級汽車OEMs合作,展示FMCW技術在高速自動化方面的優勢。

  • 進入與尼康的工業計量領域,承諾在非汽車應用中實現新的增長。



  • Faced challenges in validating the production line ahead of the Q4 industrial launch, though managed to be slightly ahead of schedule.

  • Relies on securing additional production wins to sustain growth and resource allocation.

  • 面臨在Q4工業發佈之前驗證生產線的挑戰,儘管成功超前進度。

  • 依靠獲得額外生產訂單以維持增長和資源配置。

More details: Aeva Technologies IR

更多細節:Aeva Technologies IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


