
BioVie Announces Alignment With FDA on Clinical Trial to Assess Bezisterim in Parkinson's Disease

BioVie Announces Alignment With FDA on Clinical Trial to Assess Bezisterim in Parkinson's Disease

GlobeNewswire ·  08/08 18:00

SUNRISE-PD to evaluate the effect of bezisterim (NE3107) on motor and non-motor symptoms in ~60 patients with Parkinson's disease who are naïve to carbidopa/levodopa

SUNRISE-PD旨在評估Bezisterim(NE3107)對 parkinson 病患者(60人)在carbidopa/levodopa無效時的運動和非運動症狀的影響。

Company engaged in trial start-up activities and plans to initiate patient screening Q4 2024


CARSON CITY, Nev., Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioVie Inc., (NASDAQ: BIVI) ("BioVie" or the "Company") a clinical-stage company developing innovative drug therapies for the treatment of neurological and neurodegenerative disorders and advanced liver disease, today announced that it has achieved alignment with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on its upcoming SUNRISE-PD trial in Parkinson's disease ("PD"). As a result, the Company is conducting trial start-up activities with a view to initiate patient screening in Q4 2024.

2024年8月8日,內華達州卡森城(全球新聞通訊社)——BioVie公司(NASDAQ: BIVI)(「BioVie」或「公司」),一家專注於開發創新藥物療法用於治療神經系統和神經退行性疾病以及晚期肝臟疾病和的臨床階段公司,今日宣佈已與美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)就其即將開展的日出-PD試驗達成了一致。因此,公司正在進行試驗啓動活動。計劃在2024年第4季度開始進行患者篩選。

The Company submitted the SUNRISE-PD clinical trial protocol to the FDA for comments, and the agency provided a single, actionable comment recommending the inclusion of the Part II score from the Movement Disorder Society's Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale ("MDS-UPDRS") as a primary endpoint for potential future registrational filings. As this metric is already included as a secondary endpoint within the current trial design, BioVie believes it can proceed with the SUNRISE-PD trial as planned without protocol amendments.


"The SUNRISE-PD trial focuses on the second of two objectives we have in developing bezisterim for Parkinson's disease, which is to improve upon the motor experiences in patients' daily living," said Cuong Do, BioVie's President and CEO. "Our Phase 2a trial demonstrated that bezisterim in conjunction with levodopa may dramatically improved motor control for patients with moderate to severe symptoms of Parkinson's disease. The Phase 2 SUNRISE-PD trial is designed to explore bezisterim's impact on symptoms of Parkinson's disease in patients who need medication for the first time. This Phase 2 study intends to address the newly diagnosed patient population, which in conjunction with our earlier trial, could establish bezisterim's applicability for the total Parkinson's patient population and provide a foundation for a disease progression study, which is the ultimate objective of the PD program. We are currently engaged in trial start up preparations, and hope to initiate patient screening in Q4 of 2024."

盈博生物公司董事長兼首席執行官Cuong Do表示:「SUNRISE-PD試驗專注於我們開發Bezisterim治療帕金森病的兩個目標中的第二個目標,即改善患者日常生活中的運動體驗。我們的2a期試驗證明,Bezisterim與levodopa結合使用可以顯着改善中度到嚴重帕金森病症狀的運動控制。第二階段SUNRISE-PD試驗旨在探究Bezisterim對首次需要藥物治療的帕金森病患者症狀的影響。這個2期研究旨在解決新診斷的患者人群問題,與我們之前的試驗一起可以爲全面的帕金森病患者人群建立起Bezisterim的適用性,併爲疾病進展研究奠定基礎,這是PD計劃的最終目標。我們目前正在試驗啓動準備工作中,並希望在2024年第4季度開始患者篩選。」

About the SUNRISE-PD Trial in Early Parkinson's Disease
SUNRISE-PD is a Phase 2, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with a hybrid decentralized design that will last 20 weeks from the initial screening phase to the safety follow up. During the 12-week double-blind phase, around 60 patients will be randomized 1:1 to receive either 20 mg of bezisterim (NE3107), or placebo twice-daily.

在試驗期間,患者可以在家中或臨床場所參加試驗。居家參與者將由研究護士拜訪,由神經科醫生遠程通過視頻輔助完成研究評估,並監督進行修改的運動障礙學會統一帕金森病評估量表(modified MDS-UPDRS)第三部分檢查,該檢查將被記錄以供集中評分委員會評估和評分。如果試驗結果爲陽性,則參與者可以有資格進入更長期的開放標籤安全性研究。

As part of the trial, patients may participate either completely from their home or at a clinical site. At-home participants will be visited by study nurses who will complete study assessments with the assistance of a neurologist who will attend the visit remotely by video and supervise administration of a modified MDS-UPDRS Part III examination, which will be recorded for review and scoring by a central rating committee. If the trial's results are positive, participants may be eligible to enter a longer-term, open-label safety study.

Bezisterim(NE3107)是一種口服、BBb滲透性的胰島素增敏劑,也是抗炎劑,不具有免疫抑制作用,藥物間作用風險低。Bezisterim有可能緩解長期COVID引起的症狀,包括疲勞和認知功能障礙. 持續循環的病毒棘蛋白被認爲可以觸發TLR-4驅動NF-κB的激活和炎症因子(IL-6、TNF、IFNg)的表達。研究顯示Bezisterim可調製NF-κB的激活,從而調節炎症反應。

About Bezisterim
Bezisterim (NE3107) is an orally bioavailable, BBB-permeable, insulin-sensitizer that is also anti-inflammatory. In addition, it is not immunosuppressive and has a low risk of drug-to-drug interaction. Bezisterim has the potential to reduce symptoms of long COVID, including fatigue and cognitive dysfunction. Persistently circulating viral spike proteins are believed to trigger TLR-4 driven activation of NF-κB and the subsequent expression of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF, IFNg). Bezisterim has been shown to modulate the activation of NF-κB and thus modulate inflammation.


Bezisterim is being investigated for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). BioVie has conducted and reported efficacy data on its Phase 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter study to evaluate bezisterim in patients who have mild-to-moderate AD (NCT04669028). Results of a Phase 2 investigator-initiated trial (NCT05227820) showing bezisterim-treated patients experienced improved cognition and biomarker levels were presented at the Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) annual conference in December 2022. An estimated six million Americans suffer from AD. A Phase 2 study of bezisterim in PD (NCT05083260) has been completed, and data presented at the AD/PD 2023 International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases and related neurological disorders in Gothenburg, Sweden in March 2023 showed significant improvements in "morning on" symptoms and clinically meaningful improvement in motor control in patients treated with a combination of bezisterim and levodopa vs. patients treated with levodopa alone, and no drug-related adverse events.


About BioVie Inc.
BioVie Inc. (NASDAQ: BIVI) is a clinical-stage company developing innovative drug therapies for the treatment of neurological and neurodegenerative disorders and advanced liver disease. In neurodegenerative disease, the Company's drug candidate bezisterim inhibits inflammatory activation of ERK and NFkB (e.g., TNF signaling) that leads to neuroinflammation and insulin resistance, but not their homeostatic functions (e.g., insulin signaling and neuron growth and survival). Both are drivers of AD and PD. In liver disease, the Company's Orphan drug candidate BIV201 (continuous infusion terlipressin), with U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") Fast Track status, is being evaluated and discussed with guidance received from the FDA regarding the design of Phase 3 clinical testing of BIV201 for the treatment of ascites due to chronic liver cirrhosis. The active agent is approved in the U.S. and in about 40 countries for related complications of advanced liver cirrhosis. For more information, visit .

BioVie公司(NASDAQ: BIVI)是一家專注於開發創新藥物療法用於治療神經系統和神經退行性疾病以及晚期肝臟疾病的臨床階段公司。在神經退行性疾病中,該公司的藥物候選Bezisterim抑制ERk和NFkb(例如TNF信號)的炎性激活,從而導致神經炎症和胰島素抵抗,但不影響它們的穩態功能(例如胰島素信號傳導和神經元的生長和存活)。這兩個因素都是阿爾茨海默病和帕金森病的驅動因素。在肝臟疾病方面,美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)快速通道的孤兒藥物候選BIV201(持續靜脈注射曲壓利)正在進行評估,並根據FDA的指導意見,討論了BIV201治療由慢性肝硬化引起的腹水的3期臨床試驗設計。該活性劑在美國和大約40個國家已被批准用於晚期肝硬化相關併發症的治療。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, which may be identified by words such as "expect," "look forward to," "anticipate" "intend," "plan," "believe," "seek," "estimate," "will," "project" or words of similar meaning. Although BioVie Inc. believes such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be attained. Actual results may vary materially from those expressed or implied by the statements herein due to the Company's ability to successfully raise sufficient capital on reasonable terms or at all, available cash on hand and contractual and statutory limitations that could impair our ability to pay future dividends, our ability to complete our pre-clinical or clinical studies and to obtain approval for our product candidates, our ability to successfully defend potential future litigation, changes in local or national economic conditions as well as various additional risks, many of which are now unknown and generally out of the Company's control, and which are detailed from time to time in reports filed by the Company with the SEC, including quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, reports on Form 8-K and annual reports on Form 10-K. BioVie Inc. does not undertake any duty to update any statements contained herein (including any forward-looking statements), except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性聲明,可能會被諸如「預計」,「期待」,「預測」,「打算」,「計劃」,「相信」,「謀求」,「估計」,「將」,「項目」或類似含義的詞所確定。雖然BioVie Inc.認爲這些前瞻性聲明基於合理的假設,但不能保證其預期將實現。由於公司成功以合理條件或根本無法成功籌集足夠資本,手頭現金毫無保留地併合同和法定限制可能會損害我們支付未來股息的能力,能否完成我們的臨床前或臨床研究以及獲得我們的產品候選人的批准,我們能否成功辯護未來潛在訴訟,以及本地或全國經濟情況的變化以及各種其他風險,其中許多現在尚不知曉且通常不受公司所控制,並且通常會在時間內報告由公司向SEC提交的報告中定期披露,包括Form 10-Q季度報告,Form 8-K報告和Form 10-K年度報告。BioVie Inc.不承擔任何更新此處所包含的任何聲明(包括任何前瞻性聲明)的責任,除非法律另有規定。

For Investor Relations Inquiries:


Bruce Mackle
Managing Director
LifeSci Advisors, LLC

Brian Siegel,IRC,MBA-高級管理董事,Hayden IR,電話:(346)396-8696,
LifeSci Advisors, LLC

For Media Inquires
Melyssa Weible
Managing Partner, Elixir Health Public Relations
Ph: +1 201-723-5705

媒體查詢請聯繫:Melyssa Weible,Elixir Health Public Relations負責人
電話:+1 201-723-5705
電話:+1 201-723-5705

